CMES Meerkat Message
January 26, 2025
Cecil Manor Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Catrina Long (cjlong@ccps.org)
Assistant Principal: Alison Benner (cabenner@ccps.org)
Dean of Students: Lindsey Steltz (lrsteltz@ccps.org)
Website: https://cmes.ccps.org/
Location: 971 Elk Mills Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 996 - 5090
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecilmanorelementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/793483676/cecil-manor-elementary/
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From Administration
Hello Cecil Manor Families!
We want to be able to provide access to instruction during inclement weather days in an effort to minimize the need to extend our school year. Please complete the virtual instruction survey below, one for each child, so we can determine the support needed for your child/ren to participate from home.
Virtual Instruction Survey (Spanish)
CMES Color Wars
CMES is having color wars as a part of our PBIS celebration during the week of January 27th. We are asking students to wear their hallway color on Thursday, January 30th. Grade level colors are below:
PreK 3, PreK 4, Kindergarten, 1st Grade: BLUE
Grades 2 and 3: GREEN
Grades 4 and 5: RED
Dates to Remember
January 28: Rescheduled Donuts with Grownups
January 31: Early Dismissal 1:30 PM (No Preschool)
Valentine's Day Exchange
Many questions have been emailed concerning exchanges on Valentine's Day. The school has permitted for students to bring cards and treats that will be exchanged at the end of the day with students. All items must be store bought and individually wrapped. Items should be provided for every member of the classroom so that no one is left out. If you have questions about the number of students in your child's class, please email the teacher.
Kids Heart Challenge
We are back again this year. Register and complete Finn's Mission before our Kickoff Assembly this week.
PTO Corner
Judy Center
The Cecil County Judy Center Partnership promotes school readiness and success through collaborative community partnerships to offer a full range of services for children birth to age 5 and their families. We are lucky to have the Judy Center working with Cecil Manor.