Feb. 1, 2024
September 6, 2022

May 10, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Canal View Families,
Thank you for showering our teachers, nurses, and all staff members with appreciation and love this week as we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week and Nurse Appreciation Week! It takes a village to teach children, and this week offered a great opportunity to share some gratitude. It's not too late to send your child's teacher(s) a quick note to say thank you as we round out this week. Thank you!
I also want to mention how special this week was as we engaged rising kindergartners in kindergarten screening. The future is looking bright with these little Rangers!
A big Happy Mother's Day to all the Canal View moms! I hope your weekend is filled with rest, fun, and a break from chores and family duties. Enjoy!
Denise Lemcke
Additional Information
Budget Vote on May 21
The 2024-25 school budget vote will take place from 6 a.m.-9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, in our District Office building. Your vote matters, so please be sure to cast your ballot on the budget proposal, propositions, and school board candidates. This infographic outlines the main aspects of this year’s budget vote, and for full details, please visit the budget section of our website at this link, https://www.spencerportschools.org/district/2024-25_budget_section
Student Survey
We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the children in our district. Our parents, staff and community have clearly communicated to us that mental health and student behavior must be a priority in our work. Building our social-emotional learning skills has been an integral part of this effort and we asked students in grades three through twelve to reflect on their own experiences and approaches to learning via an online survey in the fall. We will be giving this survey again during the week of May 28, 2024. The survey shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to complete. The SEL student survey data will be particularly helpful to ensure that the social and emotional learning actions are impactful, and decide whether to continue or change what we are doing. We are reflecting on our strengths and areas for growth based on the aggregate data, and will be using this to inform initiatives we will be putting into place in the future.
We are asking that all of our students in grades three through twelve participate in the surveys, as their responses will provide invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs. The responses to these surveys will be completely confidential, similar to other academic or attendance data.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact our Director of Student Services, Tim O'Connor, at (585) 349-5151 or toconnor@spencerportschools.org.
Security Update - Tap App
The Spencerport Central School District is now utilizing Tap App, a web-based security application designed to immediately notify staff and administrators of an emergency situation. When activated, the app generates an audible alert on district devices and cell phones and instantly contacts our security team, local authorities, and emergency responders. The sound is similar to an "Amber Alert".
We are notifying our families of this added security measure, so that you may share this information with your student in preparation for emergency drills. While this app will enhance our responsiveness, we do not want these drills to be unnecessarily stressful for our students.
Please feel free to contact Denise Lemcke with any questions.
Spencerport Stars
Did you know that you can acknowledge a staff member by submitting a quick and easy online form? These quick shout outs mean a great deal to our hardworking staff members, so consider spreading some gratitude! Click here:
Lunch Menu - Online!
Did you know that our lunch menu can be viewed online? Check out the following link:
We will eventually work toward going paperless, but in the meantime we wanted to let you know that you can access the menu through the Canal View website. It's there whenever you need it. (Letter days are also listed!)
Spiritwear Sale
Check out information below about our spiritwear sale!
Do you have yearbook photos?
We are gathering photos for the yearbook! If you attended an event at Canal View and would like to contribute some photos, please consider sending them to this address: Submit+CVEvents@edophotos.com Thank you!