CB West High School
West Times Newsletter December 13, 2024
West United Leadership Conference
On Wednesday, 12/11, a group of students from West United attended the ADL Youth Leadership Conference in Philadelphia. The day opened with Dr. Jill Walsh a sociologist who studies the spread of misinformation and disinformation on social media. This was followed by breakout sessions.
During the day, students discussed ways to make schools more inclusive by valuing all people and working to reduce bias and prejudice. There was dialogue on how to create an environment where all people feel respected no matter their background. Workshops and discussions placed a strong emphasis on recognizing and challenging unconscious biases, being an ally, and promoting practices that celebrate diversity. One key takeaway was to be upstanders—people who stand up for what is right and shut down what is wrong—instead of passive onlookers. The workshops really focused on how students can take meaningful actions within our communities for fairness, respect, and inclusivity to ensure that we make everywhere a safe place for others.
West's 1st Annual Student/Staff Craft Fair
Our 1st annual student/staff craft fair was a huge success! For two days during Lunch and Learn, students and staff had the opportunity to listen to festive music and complete some holiday shopping from our crafty and talented vendors.
Click HERE to see more photos from the event!
GEARS Day Information
Student Services would like to make you aware of University of Pennsylvania's annual GEARS Day on Monday, January 20th, 2025. It is a day-long, no-cost camp intended to educate high school students about engineering professions. The event is held on Penn’s campus. Attendees will participate in hands-on workshops focusing on various engineering disciplines including bioengineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science. They will also get a chance to hear from and speak with engineering professors and college students.
The deadline for applications is December 18th 11:59PM. Application link: https://forms.gle/cf6U3uCMvBxjYCGu8
School Store Winter Sale
The school store is holding a Winter Sale from December 9th - December 20th. Receive 10% on your entire order! There are new Hoodies and crew necks that just arrived! We have Blankets, Beanie hats with and without pom pom, T-shirts, PJ pants, Sweatpants and more. The store is open each day during Lunch and Learn.
If you would like to buy something for you student and keep it a surprise, email Mr. Fanelli at lfanelli@cbsd.org to arrange pickup and payment.
The store takes cash, Apple Pay, Google pay, and all major credit cards.
West Side Stories - November Edition
Our podcast for November is ready! Click on the photo to take a listen to this month's exciting edition!
Consider Tax-Deductible Contribution to the CBSD Education Foundation
As we approach the end of the year, the Central Bucks School District Education Foundation invites you to consider making a tax-deductible investment in education. Right now, teachers from schools across the district are submitting grants for programs that directly enhance the learning experiences of your children. Your generous donation will help make this a reality. Every contribution, big or small, helps CBSD educators invest in innovative classroom projects and resources. You can choose to make a gift in honor of a special teacher or student, and we will share that acknowledgement with them. To donate, visit https://cbeducationfoundation.org and email Jackie@cbeducationfoundation.org with any questions.
Registration Open for 2025-26 School Year
Families of students who will be eligible for kindergarten in CBSD in 2025-26 are now able to register online. Families of students in any grade who will be new to CBSD in the 2025-26 school year are also able to register. Learn more about registration here and start a new registration application here.
Parents of College Bound Seniors
Feast Holiday Meal Distribution
Do you know a person or a family that could use a free meal? If so, please submit the form below to request a meal(s). Meals are provided for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and occasionally some non-holidays. All meals must be picked up at Saint Robert Bellarmine’s hall, 856 Euclid Ave in Warrington on the designated day.
FEAST Christmas Meal Distribution
Monday, December 23, 2024 (Time TBD)
Please find the link to request a meal at:
How the CB Education Foundation Supports Students
The Central Bucks Education Foundation is a local non-profit whose mission is to enrich the experience of CB students and teachers by funding innovative educational opportunities, grants, and scholarships. As a non-profit, CBEF relies on donations from community members. With generous donations, big and small, CBEF strives to make a difference in every student's education. To learn more about the foundation and how you can support its efforts, visit CBEF's website.
MBIT Information
MBIT Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year are OPEN! There are a few things to be aware of:
Application window November 1, 2024- January 31, 2025, to align with your program planning processes more closely.
ALL applications received during this window will receive equal consideration.
We want students to take their time, discuss with their parents, meet with the counselors, and take every opportunity (presentations, tours shadowing) to make an educated and informed decision.
Our goal is the right student in the right program for the right reason.
CB Education Foundation Accepting Applications for Scholarship Up to $50,000/Year
The Central Bucks Education Foundation is proud to offer a needs-based "Holicong Road Scholarship" of up to $50,000 annually to a current senior at CB South, CB East, or CB West who is graduating in June 2025 and plans to attend a 4-year college or university in summer or fall 2025. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student with demonstrated financial need who has a strong academic history and is actively involved in school activities or within the community. Applications are being accepted now through Jan. 15, 2025. Learn more and apply.
CBW Antler Yearbooks are selling at a reduced price before January, so be sure to order your yearbook online at www.jostens.com .For the past five years, we have had an increase in the demand for yearbooks! Don't forget to reserve your child an Antler yearbook for this school year - books can be reserved until April 30th. After that, they will only be sold on a first come, first serve basis.
Join the CBSD Team: Various Open Positions Available
CBSD welcomes qualified candidates to apply for a range of full-time career opportunities with benefits. From head and assistant coaches to a middle school Special Education teacher to a high school Biology teacher to a secondary school counselor to staff nurses to education assistants (and more!), there may be a perfect place for you to make a positive impact in CB. View available positions and apply now!
Laptop Breakage Information
Laptop Breakage
We have seen a rise in the amount of screen breaks for student laptops. Our policy covers for 2 broken screens per device. If your child’s laptop screen breaks 3 times, we will be required to send you an invoice for the repair and labor. The current cost for this is $150. Please remind your child to care for their laptops. Some simple steps to assist are:
- Use two hands when holding or moving the device.
- Use clean hands while using the laptop or iPad.
- Use only the provided digital pen or finger on the screen.
- Use only the power adapter that came with the device.
- Use a microfiber cloth to clean the screen.
- Keep device stored in the provided case. This includes traveling through the hallways, on buses, or anytime the device is not being utilized.
- Make sure nothing is on the keyboard, close the lid, and remove all cables if any are plugged into the laptop. Place laptop in your bag carefully.
- Be careful when placing your case on the floor. Keep the device off the floor so screens do not get stepped on by others.
Parents of Student Drivers
Our goal each day is make sure that all students, faculty, buses, and drivers exit our school campus safely. To ensure that safety, we are requesting that you please reinforce safe driving habits with your student driver. There have been several vehicle accidents that may have been prevented through safer driving practices.
- Drivers should maintain a speed of 15 MPH or less while driving on MacFarlane and in the school zone area.
- Drivers are to stop for pedestrians entering the crossing areas.
- Drivers are not to change lanes on MacFarlane
- Drivers should not be using electronic devices while driving.
- Drivers/Students should not be yelling from one vehicle to the next or getting out of one vehicle to get in another.
- Please try to limit the number of passengers in the car with your student. This will assist in being more attentive while driving.
Thank you for your assistance !
From the Attendance Office
* ANYTIME you come or go from CB West during the school day you MUST check in with attendance.
- ANYTIME you leave school for early dismissal we MUST hear from a PARENT or GUARDIAN via phone or the portal.
- PARENTS or GUARDIANS can put early dismissals, late arrivals, absences, and vacation time in the portal.
- Absences and tardies can be excused for valid reasons with a note, a phone call, or through the portal by PARENTS or GUARDIANS ONLY.
- PARENTS or GUARDIANS have three days to excuse absences or tardies. (Exceptions may be made)
- Students are NOT PERMITTED to leave for lunch during Lunch & Learn.