Paw Print Press 2.0
May 1, 2024
Student Safety
Remember that the speed limit in both our drop of lane and our parking lot is 5 MPH. Please do not park on the crosswalk as the students have to walk in the road to get to the building. Thank you all for keeping our students safe!
Parent Pick-Up Protocol
Running Wolves' Farewells
We are excited and a bit sad to say farewell to a few of our teachers and staff this year. Mrs. Ross our 1/2 teacher will be transferring to another school, Ms.Sweeney is off to teach abroad in China, Mrs. Warren our primary resource teacher is transferring to another school, and we have several teachers moving to middle school: Mr. Smith, Mrs. Kaltenborn, Mr. Meaders, Ms. Thomson, Ms. C McNeil, & Ms. R. McNeil have all taken the leap to work with 6th-8th grade students.
These professionals have touched so many lives throughout the years and they leave behind a legacy of a love of learning and high expectations for student growth. We wish you all well in your next steps. Always remember, you're Rogers Park Running Wolves at heart!!
Rogers Parks Students Shine @ Alaska Stste Science & Engineering Fair
We'd like to recognize the following students for their exemplary efforts and achievement of 1st place ribbons in the AK State Science & Engineering Fair:
3rd Grader- Arohi Madeira: Best Attractant to Catch Fungus Gnats-A Cost Analysis
4th Grader- Gus Sotelo: Exploring Bird Wing Designs
4th Grader- Walden Murphy: Space Microbes vs. Earth Microbes
4th Grader- Catherine Warren: Space Microbes vs. Earth Microbes
4th Grader- Matt Brown: Is Your Mom Right About Video Games?
3rd Grader- Marshall Hurt: The Egg Theory
4th Grader- Durin Buchanan: Generative AI and Language Learning
Register Now for Next Year
May 3rd is School Lunch Hero Day!
Our cafeteria couldn't feed our students without Ms. Vanessa! THANK YOU!
This special day is dedicated to recognizing the important work of all school nutrition professionals! These unsung heroes work tirelessly throughout the year and are dedicated to providing nutritious and delicious meals to students every day.
ASD Super Sweepers!
Rogers Park has joined the Anchorage Chamber ASD Super Sweeper event!
PTA has registered our school to participate in the event. Our school event will take place Friday, May 3rd right after school. More details to come as the date approaches.
Bicycle Permission Form
Students are beginning to ride their bikes to school. All students who ride to school on a bike need to have a bike permission form on file in the front office. Please click the link below to access the permission form. Please send these forms home with interested students. They are to be turned in to Kayla or Suzanne in the front office.
Bike to School Day – Wednesday, May 8
Anchorage School District students will be riding their bikes to celebrate Bike to School Day on Wednesday, May 8th. Rogers Park Elementary will be participating in this event that promotes healthy habits, safety and a cleaner environment.
Students must wear a helmet to participate and should wear bright clothing.
Students who ride bikes, scooters, or skateboards to school on May 8 will be entered into a district-wide drawing for a new bike – courtesy of The Trek Bike Shop and The Bicycle Shop.
Staff and parents are welcome to join us for the ride to school on Bike to School Day. Participants should plan to arrive at Rogers Park starting at 8:35.
West Eagles Soccer Camp - May 8th & 9th
Field Day - May 16th
PTA Update
Thanks to those who joined us for our Multicultural Potluck last Friday! We had a small gathering during a busy time of year, but really enjoyed visiting with familiar and new faces and tasting some amazing family dishes. The next several weeks will be quite full for many of our families. Here is what PTA has planned:
Friday, May 3rd: Super Sweepers Community Clean Up at 3:30pm. Please join us at the picnic tables facing Zarvis right after dismissal and we'll supply the gloves and bags for cleaning up our school grounds.
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6th-10th. We are still soliciting donations and volunteers! We are especially in need of $50 gift cards (please drop off in the main office with our wonderful administrative staff) for the drawing. We would also love to provide coffee on an additional day of the week (we have Friday covered) if anyone is willing to purchase and deliver to our amazing staff.
Our next PTA meeting is scheduled for: Thursday, May 9th, 2023, at 6:00 PM. This meeting will be held in person at the Library and via Zoom. The Zoom link and agenda will be sent to PTA members the week of the meeting. We will be voting on board members and planning out the calendar for the next school year.
PTA needs you!
Many of our Board Members’ children are finishing 6th grade this year, creating several openings in our Board. We would love for you to join us as we continue to support RP making it a great place to play and learn. Consider joining the PTA Board next year!
Positions that will be open next year: Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, and Membership (Vanessa Santos nominated)
If the Board is not your thing, we also have a number of events that need new leads for the upcoming school year (such as Read Across America week, Movie & Skate Nights, Multicultural Potluck, and more).
Contact us at rogers.park.pta@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Rogers Park PTA
Rogers Park Elementary- Where awesome meets education!
Donate to the school: https://squareup.com/store/RogersParkPTA
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RogersParkPta/?fref=ts
Check out our website: https://rogersparkpta-346888.square.site/rogers-park-pta
Camp Fire Registration for 24-25 NOW OPEN!
Anchorage Bike Rodeo
Trailside Triathalon - May 11th
Girls on the Run 5K Celebration - May 11th
Rogers Park PTA Sponsored Summer Camp
Around the World Kids Day Camp
Upcoming Events
(SEL Focus- Friendship)
May 2 *3:30pm - 5:00pm* Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
May 3 *3:30pm-6:00pm* Rogers Park Super Sweepers Event
*1:45pm - 3:15pm* Talent Show Daytime Performance
*6:30pm - 8:00pm* Talent Show Evening Performance
May 5 School Lunch Hero Day
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10 School Nurse Appreciation Day
May 9 All Day ROPEs at FCC - HG6th
May 9 *6:00pm - 7:30pm* PTA Meeting (Library/Zoom)
May 17 *6:30pm-8:00pm* Swing Dance for grades 4-6
May 22 *Report cards go home* *Last Day for Students*
*End 4th Quarter*
May 23 Teachers’ Last Day
Rogers Park Elementary
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/rogerspark
Location: 1400 East Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-4800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RogersParkPta/