Yellow Jacket Nation Notes
December 6, 2024

- Jan. 29: 8th Grade Invasion at AHS
- Feb.4: AHS 8th Grade Parent Night - Parent Questionnaire
- Feb. 12: Count Day
- Feb. 14-17: NO SCHOOL - Midwinter Break
Second Semester Grades Are Live!
Avondale Theatre Company
MIFA Dessert Theatre 2025 - Bocon! and AP Theatre
Learn More
The Avondale Theatre Company will perform their two MIFA festival shows on the evening of February 7th.
The studio show will be AP Theatre by Ed Monk and the main stage performance will be Bocon! by Lisa Loomer. Once performances are concluded, dessert will be served (included with the ticket).
Bocon! is the ATC's one-act Main Stage show for this year's MIFA Festival. It is also this years Voices of Avondale Production. It tells the story of 12 year-old Miguel, who is bocon (a big mouth). He is escaping a repressive military regime in Central America. Along the way, he learns to find his true voice.
AP Theatre is the ATC's one-act Studio show for the MIFA Festival. Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are in school and taking a test? Well, welcome to your Advanced Placement Theatre exam! You must adapt three classic styles of theatre (Buruku, Greek, and Theatre of the Absurd) into short plays. You have 30 minutes and your time begins…..NOW!
VAPE Dog Initiative at Avondale Schools
The Avondale Board of Education has approved a contract with Zebra K9 to bring a certified vape detection K9 team to our middle and high schools from January 27 through May 2025. This initiative aims to deter vaping and maintain a focused, safe learning environment. The K9 team will visit sporadically each month, with dates kept random, and will not visit elementary schools.
For more information on the dangers of vaping, we encourage families to review the resources from Parents Against Vaping. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure a healthy environment for all students.
Upcoming Career Readiness Events
- Jan. 24: AHS Special Education Career Day - Information Technology
High School District Solo Ensemble 2025
The Vocal Music Department at Avondale High School achieved remarkable success on January 17th and 18th during the Michigan School Vocal Music Association (MSVMA) District “16” Solo and Ensemble festival held at Chippewa Valley High School. For the second consecutive time, all our performances qualified for the state solo and ensemble competition. Out of 33 soloists, an impressive 29 received a 1st Division rating, while 4 soloists were awarded a 2nd Division with "Superior Distinction." Additionally, our choir department celebrated the achievement of three events receiving perfect scores, and both of our ensembles earned a 1st Division rating!
Congratulations to the following soloists and ensembles from the choral department who received either a 1st Division or a 2nd Division with "Superior Distinction." They were praised by their judges for their exceptional preparation!
Upcoming Festival Dates:
State Solo and Ensemble will take place on Friday, April 11th, and Saturday, April 12th.
Large Ensembles:
Men of Avondale - 1st Division (30 out of 30)
Katherine Garduno & Margaret Kennedy - 1st Division
Maddison Ayers - 1st Division
Sydney Baliat - 1st Division
Aliyah Barkley - 1st Division
Emi Begaj - 1st Division
Travis Braman - 1st Division
Jessie Brault - 1st Division
Miranda Cardiff - 1st Division
Anaiya Carr - 1st Division
Nicolas Chaparro - 1st Division
Dalaniee Clark - 1st Division
Twyla Evans - 1st Division
Katherine Garduno - 1st Division (30 out of 30)
Mikayla Genwright - 1st Division
Caley Gracey - 1st Division
DeJon Jackson - 1st Division
Raymond Johnson-Mack - 1st Division
Margaret Kennedy - 1st Division
Anna Lewis - 1st Division
Olivia McIntosh - 1st Division (30 out of 30)
Jacqueline Miller - 1st Division
Alissa Nalou - 1st Division
Kaelyn Nardi - 1st Division
Harrison Noell - 1st Division
Leo Noell - 1st Division
Gia Pierce - 1st Division
Arad Sabbaghi - 1st Division
MarKayla Terry - 1st Division
Sofia Villalobos - 1st Division
Isabella Windham - 1st Division
Camryn Bradley - 2nd Division with Superior Distinction
Kendyl Hemingway - 2nd Division with Superior Distinction
Ariana Herrera-Zittritsch - 2nd Division with Superior Distinction
Mattie Leeds - 2nd Division with Superior Distinction
- Class of 2025 Senior Dates
- Class of 2025 Website
- Avondale Senior Parents 2025 on Facebook
- Class of 2025 Parent/Grandparent T-shirts Sales (order deadline is 2/10)
- Graduation Lawn Signs (order deadline is 4/25)
Upcoming Career & College Nights
- Jan. 23: OSTC-NE Information Night
AHS Counselors
Last Name
- A - Go: Jackie Chavez - jacqueline.chavez@avondaleschools.org
- Gp-O: Melinda Reyes - melinda.reyes@avondaleschools.org
- P-Z: Shelby Dallaire - shelby.dallaire@avondaleschools.org
Counseling Secretary: Robin Bovensiep - robin.bovensiep@avondaleschools.org
Student & Parent Resources
- Scholarships: This link is updated every time we receive new scholarships.
- College/Career Rep Visits: You will need to sign up and choose the school, trade program, or military you would like more information on. This form is updated every time a college/career rep signs up to visit our campus.
- Application Overview: Attached is the document to reference for any application process. There is also a CommonApp Guide.
- Parchment:You are responsible for sending your transcripts to colleges and trade schools through PARCHMENT. You need to use your PERSONAL email and LEGAL name to set up an account. When you are applying for colleges/trade schools now please DO NOT put "Hold for Grades". It will not be until April or May that you will request "Hold for Grade" to the school you are going to.
- FAFSA: Application does not open until December 1st 2024. Colleges/Trades will need this for your financial aid package. Attached are some Financial Aid Resources.
Class of 2025 Senior Dates