Aberdeen Schools
Keeping you informed about our schools -- August 23, 2024
Meet Principals Tosha Love and Daniel Olson
Students and families at Stevens and Robert Gray elementary schools will be greeted by their new principals when school starts next week.
Tosha Love, who is starting her 11th year with the district, has stepped into the role of principal at Stevens and Daniel Olson is joining us from a district in Alaska.
“I am excited to be at Stevens this year,” Mrs. Love said. “And I am looking forward to getting to know our students and families.”
Mrs. Love has taught primarily kindergarten and first grade at A.J. West, McDermoth and, for the past six years, at Robert Gray. She grew up in logging and fishing communities in Mason County and Alaska. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Western Governors University and holds a master’s degree from North Central University. Her youngest son graduated from Aberdeen High School in 2023.
Mr. Olson comes to Aberdeen via Ketchikan, Alaska, where he had been an assistant principal since 2018. Before becoming an elementary administrator he was a high school social studies teacher. He also has served in the Wisconsin Army National Guard. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and holds a master’s degree from Saint Mary’s University in Minnesota. He has a daughter who will be a senior this year at AHS.
"My family and I are thrilled to be a part of the Aberdeen School District and I am excited to begin my journey as the principal of Robert Gray Elementary School,” he said.
First day of school is Wednesday, Aug. 28
School start times:
- Aberdeen High School -- 8:05 a.m.
- Harbor Learning Center -- 8:10 a.m.
- Miller Junior High School -- 8 a.m.
- A.J. West Elementary -- 9 a.m.
- Central Park Elementary -- 9:30 a.m.
- McDermoth Elementary -- 9:10 a.m.
- Robert Gray Elementary -- 9:10 a.m.
- Stevens Elementary -- 9:25 a.m.
- Hopkins Preschool -- 9 a.m. and Noon
The Core Budget Issues
The Aberdeen School District became one of the many districts across the state forced to cut staff and programs for 2024-2025. The budget was approved at the August 6 meeting of the School Board. Budget information, including an easy-to-read PowerPoint outlining the plan, is available on the ASD5 website.
Frequently Asked Question:
The McCleary Decision ordered full funding for basic education, so why are schools having budget problems?
The McCleary Decision was handed down in 2012, but it wasn't until 2017 that the state developed a new funding model. You can click on the photo above to start learning more about why so many school districts in our state are once again struggling financially.
Information on how the state's investment in education is not keeping up with costly mandates and higher costs can also be found at waschoolfund.org.
The School Board spent time this summer developing legislative priorities with plans to finalize a legislative agenda this fall. In October, the Board will be partnering with our collective bargaining units and inviting interested citizens to join them in sharing local needs with our state representatives.
At its August 20 meeting, the Board expressed appreciation to those who have already indicated they want to help advocate for Aberdeen.
Summary of the August 20 meeting
Agenda for August 20 (pdf)
President Jennifer Durney convened the regular meeting of the Aberdeen School District Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 20, 2024, in the Community Room at Aberdeen High School. In attendance were Jessica Jurasin, Annica Mizin and Jeremy Wright, along with Superintendents Lynn Green and Traci Sandstrom, and four patrons and staff. Director Suzy Ritter was excused.
The meeting began with the flag salute.
Consent Agenda
The Board approved the Consent Agenda, which included:
- The minutes from the regular meeting on August 6;
- July payroll vouchers totaling $2,127,105.84;
- General Fund vouchers totaling $1,214,194.10, ASB Fund vouchers totaling $19,059.45, a Transportation Vehicle Fund voucher in the amount of $194,669.55, and Capital Projects Fund vouchers totaling $85,727.16, and
- A report from Athletics Director John Crabb detailing gifts to the Football program at AHS from the Bobcat Booster Club and the Druzianich Family Foundation.
Comments from the Board
Director Jessica Jurasin provided an update on the formation of the Board’s legislative advocacy agenda. She will be attending the WSSDA General Assembly in September and the Board will conduct a workstudy prior to the Oct. 1 meeting to review and discuss local priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Following that meeting, Director Jurasin said that the Legislative Advocacy Committee comprised of union, student and community volunteers will meet on Oct. 29.
6th Grade Basketball
Following a discussion on funding sources and grant opportunities, the Board approved the addition of 6th Grade basketball to the sport offering at Miller Junior High School.
Basic Education Report
Superintendent Traci Sandstrom presented the annual Minimum Basic Education Report which is filed with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Portrait of a Graduate
Superintendents Sandstrom and Green discussed the final meeting of the Portrait of a Graduate Committee where graphics in support of the mission, vision, values and goals was unveiled. The committee identified five Portrait competencies that are crucial to student success – adaptability, responsibility, confidence, critical thinking and communication. The superintendents reported that communication and critical thinking will be focus areas in 2024-2025.
Welcome Back
Superintendents Green and Sandstrom reported that the Welcome Back assembly for all staff is scheduled for 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 26, in the Auditorium at AHS. The work to date on the Portrait of a Graduate will be shared.
Tribal Consultation
Superintendents Green and Sandstrom shared their appreciation that the Board was able to attend the required tribal consultation training on short notice.
Fiscal Status Report
Superintendent Lynn Green presented the Fiscal Status Report for July. With 91.67 percent of the fiscal year elapsed, the District has received 92.49 percent of anticipated revenue and is at 92.55 percent of budgeted expenditures.
New Business
Graduation Requirements
Superintendent Green presented an update to the procedures in Policy 2410 governing graduation requirements to include Open Doors as an authorized program eligible for credit toward a diploma.
Policy 6530 Insurance
An update to Policy 6530 regarding insurance for employees was presented for first reading.
Skills Center Agreement
Renewal of the Interdistrict Agreement with the Tumwater School District and New Market Skills Center for the operation of the Twin Harbors Skills Center branch campus in Aberdeen was approved.
YMCA Agreements
The facility use agreement with the YMCA of Grays Harbor for swim lessons and therapy in 2024-2025 and an agreement for use of the pool by the swim team and for elementary swim lessons were approved.
WSU Student Teaching
An agreement with Washington State University for the placement of student teachers in 2024-2025 was approved.
Outside Provider Agreements
The Board approved the following agreements with outside providers for services and staffing in 2024-2025 as amended to remove the outdated requirement that staff be vaccinated against COVID:
- Community Integrated Health Services
- Catholic Community Services
- Grays Harbor Beyond Survival
- Behavioral Health Resources
- Willapa Behavioral Health
Fuel Bid
The Board awarded the contract to provide fuel in 2024-2025 to PetroCard, the current provider and lone bidder.
Paper Bid
The Board awarded the contract to provide paper in 2024-2025 to Aberdeen Office Equipment, the current vendor and lowest bidder among the seven proposals that were received.
Surplus Equipment
The Board approved as surplus a list of materials and equipment that are no longer needed for an educational purpose.
Personnel Report
Following an executive session, the Board approved the Personnel Report.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting is September 3
The next regular meeting of the School Board is scheduled for the new meeting time of 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, in the Community Room at Aberdeen High School.
Those who attend regular meetings are welcome to sign up at the meeting to provide public comment on agenda items. Written public comment for the record can also be submitted up to noon the day of the meeting by writing to schoolboard@asd5.org. Comments or concerns not on the agenda can be brought to the attention of the district by contacting the Superintendent's Office or by contacting individual board members.
register your kindergartner using your existing Skyward Family Access account.
If this is your first student, register using the New Student path provided here.
Si este es su primer estudiante, regístrese utilizando la ruta para nuevos estudiantes que se proporciona aquí.
Events & Activities
District Contacts
- Superintendent Lynn Green, lgreen@asd5.org
Superintendent Traci Sandstrom, tsandstrom@asd5.org
- Business Office, Elyssa Louderback, elouderback@asd5.org
- Human Resources, Christi Clinkingbear, cclinkingbeard@asd5.org
- Special Education, Rick Bates, rbates@asd5.org
- Career & Technical Education, Lynn Green, lgreen@asd5.org
- Teaching, Learning & Technology, Traci Sandstrom, tsandstrom@asd5.org
- Food Services, Jaime Matisons, jmatisons@asd5.org
School Office Hours
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2130 / Principal Nani Villarreal
Central Park Elementary School
- Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2170 / Principal Ruth Erwin-Svoboda
McDermoth Elementary School
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- (360) 538-2120 / Principal Mindi Hammill
Robert Gray Elementary School
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- (360) 538-2140 / Interim Principal Janet Hubbard
Stevens Elementary School
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2150 / Principal Jamie Stotler
Harbor Learning Center
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- (360) 538-2180 / Principal Lisa Griebel
Hopkins Preschool
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- (360) 538-2190 / Principal Darby Carroll
Miller Junior High School
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- (360) 538-2100 / Principal John Meers
Aberdeen High School
- Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- (360) 538-2040 General / Principal Aaron Roiko
- (360) 538-2060 Attendance Line
The Aberdeen School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Christi Sayres, Title IX Coordinator and Civil rights Compliance Coordinator, 216 North G St., Aberdeen, WA 98520; (360) 538-2222; csayres@asd5.org; Dr. Richard Bates, Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 216 North G St., Aberdeen, WA 98520; (360) 538-2017; rbates@asd5.org.