Wolverine Wire
Fall 2024
There is nothing like this wet weather and the dark mornings to remind us what real fall is like in the Pacific Northwest! Hopefully, you have survived the gale-force winds and torrential rain in the last couple weeks - and thanks to our superfans who have been on the sidelines cheering our teams on. It's a labor of love!
We had an incredible Homecoming Week, culminating in the float-building, parade, pep rally, football game, and dance all on Friday 10/11. This small town goes all out for our community, and we are so grateful! Thanks for all the ways you supported us, from supervision to donations of food and supplies, to your enthusiasm in the streets, and more.
Also during Hoco week, we held the Futures Fair. This year we had representatives from over 30 post high-school institutions presenting. From in-state options like WSU, UW, CWU and WWU to apprenticeship programs, to community colleges, to the armed services, and even a rep from University College Dublin (Ireland), your students had the chance to see themselves in the successful future they deserve.
Speaking of limitless futures, one of the ways we remove barriers for our students is to offer the PSAT during the school day for our 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-grade students. That happened on Wednesday 10/23. By participating in the PSAT, not only do students get practice for the testing they'll need to undertake for graduation and college admissions, but they also get the chance to opt into communication from institutes of higher learning, and to learn things about themselves as learners (the school uses that data also!).
In the learning domain, we are elated to share that Friday Harbor High School continues to be ranked as one of the best high schools by US News & World Report. We are ranked 30th in the state, and in the top 10% of high schools nationwide for the rigorous academic experience your students have here and the options they access after high school. Learn more about that ranking system here.
We are also excited to share that our students' state test scores continue to improve. We all know that our students are so much more than a test score, but we do use the data we get to help us understand how our students are doing in mastering the learning standards they're expected to demonstrate proficiency in to be able to be prepared for life after high school. See the chart at the beginning of this section that shows our school's scores over the last several years. We're especially excited that we are outscoring the state averages by about 20% on all tests: English/Language Arts, Math, and Science.
These scores are the basis for our School Improvement Plan, which is presented to the School Board on Wednesday 10/30. The numbers game is that we want to continue to improve in our achievement scores in all three academic areas. The meat is that we will be working on strategies to enhance the learning environment for our students who struggle the most, because we know strategies that support students with reading challenges or just learning English or struggles with attention are strategies that make learning better for all students. We will work on that as a staff through our Wednesday Collaborative Time and other professional development opportunities to share data and strategies to build our efficacy throughout the school, including strategies for tiered interventions, in the classroom and out.
In the social-emotional domain, we want to build our students' connection to each other and to adults at school. Through intentional work on these relationships with research-based classroom and school strategies, we will build community and connection.
Schools are vibrant, complex, challenging spaces regardless of their size. It is a privilege to work with your kids every day, and even when it gets hard, we will still be here with and for your family.
Please never hesitate to reach out if you need support or have any questions.
With highest regard, your principal,
Veterans Day Observation
Please consider this an open invitation to any of our students' family members who have served in the military to join us for our Vets Day Observation on Wednesday, 11/6, from 8:55am-9:35. Please RSVP if you would like to attend and be seated with other local vets to andreahillman@sjisd.org or call the office at 360-370-7110.
Classroom Learning Updates and Celebrations
This fall, our STEM and life sciences teacher Sam Garson spent 20 days on a research vessel through the NOAA Teacher at Sea program. Garson played an active role in their bottom trawl efforts to document species off the eastern seaboard. He had the chance to zoom back with our FHHS classrooms and kept a blog, which you can find here.
In other science news, Mr. Dwyer recently applied for and received a grant to do a field project to support preservation of the Island Marble Butterflies in cooperation with the National Park Service. AP Environmental Science (APES) and Biology students will have the chance to spend the day making a big impact in terms of protecting endangered species, and will do it right here! This trip will take place on Thursday 11/7.
Ms. Varvaro has had a busy fall exposing students in her Career Prep class to the world of work and job preparedness. Students in her classes have been to or been visited by: New Hannah Farm, the Town of Friday Harbor Water Works, the local office of the US Customs & Border Patrol, the WSF and Friday Harbor Port Staff, and the UNOLS (University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System).
Meanwhile, Ms. Turnbow is now teaching Community Projects, and as she is getting her juniors ready to take on their projects, which are a graduation requirement, she has had multiple guests from local nonprofits and agencies, like SJISD Band Families and Friends, Friends of the San Juan Island Library, Wolf Hollow, San Juan Preservation Trust, KWIAHT, FOLKS, and more.
Thanks to these teachers for bringing our community to life through school.
Athletics Corner
We have several teams competing in district finals this week and next. XC is competing at Ft. Steilacoom on Wednesday 10/30, boys soccer will have a playoff game in the next week or so, and our last home football game of the year is Thursday, 10/31. Come join us! Purple & Gold are having a special tailgate (chili and mac-n-cheese) and, if we win, we will compete again with Coupeville on Monday for the league championship, which may launch the FB team into the playoffs as well.
Winter sports start 11/18. If your student is considering basketball, cheer, or wrestling, please find athletic packet information here. Students need to get their pink slips during lunches on November 12-15. No student can practice without a pink slip for this season.
All athletic schedules, rosters, and links for spirit wear can be found at www.fhwolverines.com.
Equity and Diversity Recognition - September and October
September 15-October 15 Was Hispanic Heritage Month
(content adapted from The Smithsonian at latino.si.edu)
What Is Hispanic Heritage Month?"Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration of Hispanic and Latino history and culture. While we celebrate Hispanic and Latino communities beyond this month, from September 15 to October 15 we give extra recognition to the many contributions made to the history and culture of the United States, including important advocacy work, vibrant art, popular and traditional foods, and much more.
"Hispanic Heritage Month provides an additional opportunity to explore the incredible impact Latinas and Latinos have had on the United States for generations. The Latino presence in America spans centuries, predating Spain’s colonization of what is now part of the United States, and they have been an integral part of shaping our nation since the Revolutionary War. Through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Treaty of Paris that followed the Mexican-American and Spanish-American wars, the United States gained territories in the Southwest and Puerto Rico. This incorporated the people of this area into the United States and further expanded the presence of Hispanic Americans.
"Today, the Latino population in the United States today is over 60 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This makes up 18.9% of the total population and is the largest racial or ethnic group. Latinos continue to help fuel our economy and enrich our nation as entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, entertainers, scientists, public servants, and much more."
What is the difference between Hispanic and Latino?
"Hispanic and Latino are the two most used terms to describe Americans with Latin American and Caribbean ancestry. You may often see these terms used interchangeably, but different people understand and use these terms differently. The National Museum of the American Latino uses the term “Latino” to describe the diverse residents of the United States with cultural or ancestral ties to Latin America or the Caribbean. For many, the term "Latino" also creates room for acknowledging Black, Indigenous, Asian, and other heritages on equal terms with European ancestry. The term “Hispanic” is used to signal a connection to Spain or the Spanish language."
Please find many more resources here.
October Recognizes Disability History and Awareness
In October, we take time to recognize the valued contributions made by people with disabilities to our work, school, and community. One in five people in the US has a disability. At SJISD, we are committed to creating a community that is accessible, welcoming, and inclusive.
Upcoming Events
11/1 - End of Q1
11/4 - WWU and WCC Tour w/DVR
11/6 - Vets Day Assembly - 8:55am
11/7 - Island Marble Butterfly Field Trip
11/11 - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
11/13 - Lockout Drill - used to safeguard perimeter of building; regular indoor activities
11/15 - Latinx Dance - 7-9:30pm
11/27 - HALF DAY - dismissal 11:20am
11/28 & 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
12/3 - ASVAB Test (opt-in)
12/3 - Fall Sports Awards - 7pm
12/5 - Spanish FAFSA Help Session #1 - 6-7:30pm
12/10 - MS & HS Band Concerts - SJCT
12/12 - Spanish FAFSA Help Session #2 - 6-7:30pm
12/13 - Eco Club Field Trip to Padilla Bay Estuarine Research Center
12/19 - Last Day of School
12/20-1/5 - Winter Break
Community Support
San Juan Public Schools Foundation
We'd like to share our gratitude for the San Juan PSF. They fund curricular needs in all our schools, so other funding can go to supporting the materials and programs our students need and deserve. At FHHS this year so far, the PSF has fully or partially funded:
- award-winning books for the library
- AP Statistics Math Medic platform
- safety goggles for newly remodeled Chemistry Lab
- xylophone
- science kits for Biology program
- high-quality art supplies
Because of their hard work and generosity, our students experience the rigor they deserve with the supports they need to access it. Thank you, SJPSF!
Rock Island Discounts
We wanted to make sure our qualifying families were aware of the offer to get a discount on Rock Island internet services.
Quick Links - FHHS Social Media and Support Organizations
Buy yearbooks online at Jostens, and navigate to Friday Harbor HS
Spirit Wear online at fhwolverines.com, and navigate to SHOP
PTSA: www.facebook.com/FHHSPTA or email at fhhsptsa@gmail.com
Band Families and Friends; also email the group directly at sjisdbff@gmail.com
Class of 2025 Grad Night Committee email: 2025fhhsgradnight@gmail.com
Attendance Counts!
Please call the attendance office at 360-370-7110 or email FHHS-attendance@sjisd.org to excuse your student's absence.
Substitutes Needed!
Paraeducators, teachers, custodians, bus drivers, lunch servers, office support; we need backup from the community in all areas! Take a look at the district website for more information on becoming a substitute for the San Juan Island School District.