Crest View Paw Prints
November 14th, 2024
Nov. 20, 6:00-7:30 pm - FET Meeting
Nov. 25-29 - No School
Dec. 5, 5:30-7:00 pm - ROCV Community Meeting
Crest View News
Click here to watch this week’s episode of CVTV.
Vaccine Clinic - Nov. 16, 11:00 am-2:45 pm
Alicia Sanchez Elementary, 655 Sir Galahad Dr., Lafayette, CO
Vaccines at low to no cost for children ages 4-18 who have Medicaid, are uninsured or underinsured, and Alaskan or Native American Indian.
• Unable to see adults over 19 years of age and children with Kaiser, CHP+, and private insurance.
• Parent or legal guardian must be present. Bring vaccine records to update files.
• Flu, COVID-19, DtaP/Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Hepatitis A and B, HPV (human papillomavirus), Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, Varicella (chicken pox) and Polio.
Last call for Plastic Film!
Our community has done an AMAZING job helping us collect plastic film to recycle! Check out our collection in the front hallway! Ridwell will come to pick it all up next week - no donations after Tuesday, 11/19! Remember that if a total of 10 members join through our webpage by December 15, the school earns free plastic film pickups all spring! We have just 4 more new Ridwell members to go! Use this link to sign up: https://get.ridwell.com/cve
Dressing for the Weather
Colorado is very unpredictable this time of year. We go outside for recess every day unless the weather prohibits it - under 20F degrees, raining or snowing heavily, etc. Please be sure you send your students to school dressed for the weather each day and that all items are clearly labeled with their name.
Lost & Found
The Lost & Found is getting full! Please stop by or remind your students to claim their items. Unclaimed items will be donated over Thanksgiving Break.
Giving Snowman
The giving season is here! Our Crest View tradition of the Giving Snowman will start next week. Please consider sponsoring a family if you are able. Look for information in next week's Paw Prints, your child's Friday update from their teacher, and at the school.
Thanks for sharing the joy of giving to our wonderful community at this time of year!
School Aged Care
Enjoy our November After School Newsletter!
Update from our Specials Teachers
Family Resource Schools
Family Resource Schools is sending out registrations with students this Friday for our WINTER 2025 session, which will run from January 27th to March 18th, Monday and Tuesday from 2:50 pm-4:30 pm. See this document attached to read more about the classes offered this upcoming session. There are registrations available in the office if needed and must be turned in by MONDAY 11/18, please reach out to Alejandra Robles (RoblesCortesI@bouldercolorado.gov) if you have any questions!
ROCV (Reach Out Crest View) News
Downtown Boulder | Saturday, December 7th, 2024 | 6 pm
After an outstanding float in 2023, Crest View plans to participate again this year! An annual winter tradition in Boulder, the parade is a fun way to represent our school in the community while bringing OUR community together.
Volunteers have already begun planning, but the magic happens 12/7 from 11a-2p in the Crest View parking lot. Mark your calendars! Students and family members are welcome to walk in the parade and/or help with planning and building the float. Students, teachers, and staff have created decorations and graciously donated time and resources to this CV tradition since 2019. This year's theme is once again "Candy Cane Village"! Gear up in your best red and white decorations, outfits, costumes or better yet wear your Crest View school gear.
More info to follow regarding specific volunteer opportunities. Questions can be sent to Chris Angelovic: parade@rocv.org
Support Crest View with your Thanksgiving Food Shopping!
-Use a reloadable ROCV Safeway card for 5% of your purchase to go to ROCV. Need one? Send your student’s name and teacher to shoppingrewards@rocv.org and we’ll send a card home with them.
-Shop at King Soopers? Link your loyalty rewards card with ROCV. Works with all Kroger family stores. Instructions here: https://rocv.org/shopping/king-soopers/
Food Pantry Accepting Halloween Candy Donations
Did your expert trick-or-treaters collect mounds of candy this Halloween? Well, the Food Pantry is accepting candy donations and will re-purpose them in our weekly food bag program. Please label your candy bag "Pantry" and drop off at the front desk or contact us at foodpantry@rocv.org.
Square 1 Art
Square 1 Art takes your child's artwork and turns it into timeless keepsakes - magnets, ornaments, necklaces, coffee cups, and more. These make perfect and unique gifts for family, friends, and the artist! Each student should have received a personalized catalog in Friday folders last week.
Order online by Dec 2nd to receive your keepsakes by the holiday. A portion of each purchase supports Crest View!
Financial assistance is available! Email us at square1art@rocv.org to request a free keepsake for your student All requests are confidential with no questions asked.
ROCV HOLIDAY COMMUNITY MEETING! | December 5th | 5:30p-7p
Join us for our holiday community meeting in the Maker Space. We are serving refreshments and doing a holiday craft while we chat. There will be babysitting, pizza and crafts for the kids.