East Elementary

October Newsletter
Important Dates
✔️ October 8- Picture Day
✔️ October 11-18- Book Fair
✔️October 15- Grandparents Day- Kindergarten and First
✔️October 16- Grandparents Day- Second Third and Fourth
✔️October 18- PTA Fall Fest
✔️October 21- No School/Teacher Work Day
✔️October 22 & 24- Parent-Teacher conferences
✔️November 1- No School
✔️November 18- PTA meeting
✔️December 2- Second Grade Musical
✔️ December 11- 4th Grade Musical
Top Tigers
Every month we will celebrate excellent student behavior and character traits. We had several Top Tigers for August! Way to go!
Surprise Attendance Day!
Our first Surprise Attendance Day was September 30! Students who were at school on Monday had an opportunity to launch a water balloon at one of our principals! Make sure your student is at school as much as possible. Who knows when the next Surprise Attendance Day will be!
Homecoming Week!!!
Just a friendly reminder that Fall Homecoming week is underway! Join us in a district-wide spirit week while we celebrate!
- Wednesday, 10/2: Color Day- Blue
- Thursday, 10/3: Disney Day
- Friday, 10/4: Red Friday (wear red or any Ozark gear!)
Can't wait to see your spirit! Go Tigers!
PTA Updates
East Fall Fest – Please join us on October 18 from 6-8:00P in the East Elementary parking lot for the Fall Fest. Free to East Families! Wear your costumes for the trunk or treat. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be handed out to students from each grade for Best Costumes. Parents can be apart of the car decorating contest. Prizes for best decoration from Sonic, Walmart, and the Mudhouse. Hart of the Ozarks Ice Cream and The Chop Shop food truck available for purchase! Booths sponsored by Ozark Jr. High Cheer, Ozark Chamber, Ozark Police, Ozark Fire & Christian Co. Library!
Candy Contest – We need candy for the Fall Fest! Send a bag of candy with your child by October 14. The grade with the most donations will get a PJ day and donuts.
Sign up to decorate your vehicle for the trunk or treat! Message Ozark Elementary PTA to sign up! Fall Fest is Oct. 18 from 6-8P.
Picture day is almost here!! We need 6 volunteers to help us out for the day. We will need a few people in the gym to help with crowd control and runners to go and grab classes from the pods when it is their turn to head to the gym for their pictures.
Be on the lookout for a sign up to help provide food on October 24th during Parent/Teacher conferences. The PTA will post more information about what is needed on the Facebook page.
Portrait of a Graduate Word of the Month
Each month we focus on one word. This month our word is Collaboration! Mrs. Hardcastle's fourth grade class started the month on the right foot!
Red Friday
Every Friday the entire community shows Ozark Pride by wearing red. We encourage everyone to show their Ozark Tiger pride by wearing red!
Picture Day- October 8th
Please make plans to be at school on October 8th!!! Pictures start first thing in the morning. Avoid wearing green because Jostens uses a green screen to take pictures. Be sure to bring those beautiful smiles!
Grandfriends Day!!!
The Book Fair is Coming!!!
This year we are going to try something new. We will be having a Literati Book Fair this month. The fair will run October 11-18. You can go ahead and sign your student up for a gift card to do their book fair shopping! No worries about losing their money this way! You can use the link below to buy gift cards, create wish lists, or even shop at our school store!
The Zones of Regulation
As a district, the elementary schools are utilizing The Zones of Regulation® curriculum (or “The Zones” for short). Here is a summary of what the curriculum consists of:
The Zones of Regulation curriculum focuses on self-regulation and is designed to help students achieve the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation.
The lessons and learning activities are designed to help the students recognize when they are in the different zones as well as learn how to use strategies to change or stay in the Zone they are in.
It is important to note that everyone experiences all of the Zones– the Red and Yellow Zones are not “bad” zones. All of the zones are expected at one time or another. The Zones of Regulation is intended to be neutral and not communicate judgment.The chart below gives an overview of the 4 Zones.
Blue Zone = running low, Green Zone = good to go, Yellow Zone = need to slow, Red Zone = out of control
Staff Shout Outs
Has a teacher or staff member gone out of their way to help you and bring you joy? This is one way to acknowledge that good deed. Everyone is encouraged to complete our Staff Shoutouts for any district empoyee.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Have You Filled Out a Meal App?
Qualifying for free or reduced meals extends beyond just meal benefits to include reduced costs for before and after school care, free snack milk, free ACT tests, free college applications, waivers for recreational sports teams, and more financial support for the district.
Click here to apply online today!
Calendar & Website Info
You should have received this in the mail, but just in case, our District calendar for the 2024-25 school year can be found online here.
- Here is a printable version
- Here is a link to our East Elementary Calendar
- Visit the East Elementary website to find more East specific information - elementary.ozarktigers.org/east
Behavior Expectations
Ozark School District is committed to creating a positive and productive learning environment for all students and faculty. We strive to promote safety, respect and responsibility.
Please review these Behavior Expectations with your child.