PHS Monthly Update

PHS Monthly Principal Update February 2025
Mission Statement
Plymouth Joint School District Pillars of Excellence
Academic Excellence for the 21st Century
Extracurricular Activities
Community Engagement
Financial Responsibility
Hello PHS Families,
It is wild to think that we have already successfully completed 1/2 of the school year. As the calendar turns to February, the excitement of the winter sports post-season starts to ramp-up, next comes the buzz around the musical, followed by Spring Break. Please continue to stay engaged with your students educational journey here at PHS. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of us at PHS!
Report cards are now available only via Skyward. Paper copies are no longer mailed.
Please follow these instructions to access your student(s) “Semester 1 2024-25” Report Card:
- Go to Plymouth School District website: www.plymouth.k12.wi.us
- Click on “Students & Families” link located in the top toolbar.
- Choose “Skyward Family Access” from the dropdown box.
- Log-in using your user name & password.
- If you have forgotten your password and your email address is already in Skyward, you can request a password reset by clicking “Forgot Login/ Password?”. If your email address is not already in Skyward, you will need to call the high school office at 920-893-6911 for assistance.
- After you are logged in, if you have more than one student enrolled, you must choose the student whose account you wish to view. That option is located in the top left corner of the screen.
- Click on “Portfolio”, located in the list of options on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the report you wish to view; in this case, you would choose “Semester 1 2024-25”.
What other resources does Skyward offer non-native English speakers?
We’re glad you asked! Skyward Insider shared these additional resources bulleted below that you may find helpful for translating into Spanish and any other language:
- Herramientas de Recursos: The Spanish version of the Family Access Toolkit. It features video tutorials for parents and students.
- How to Translate Skyward Into Any Language: This article explains how to use a browser translator to translate Skyward into any language.
- Cómo Traducir Skyward a Cualquier Idioma: This is the Spanish version of the article above, discussing how to translate Skyward with a browser translator.
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is administered electronically, but you can find the questions on the CDC Website. https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/sspw/pdf/2025_YRBS_WIH_Questionnaire.pdf
Students will be taking the YRBS on February 11th, during an extended Panther Time.
If you do not want your child to participate in this survey, please print out this form, sign, date, and return to Mrs. Cadman in the PHS Counseling office by Friday, February 7th.
- Friday, February 14th – NO SCHOOL ~ Professional Development Day
- PHS Office Hours – 6:00 am-2:45 pm – Please call 920-893-6911, before coming to door 1G, to ensure we are in the office to let you in.
- Friday, February 28th - NO SCHOOL
- PHS Office Hours – 7:00 am-2:45 pm – Please call 920-893-6911, before coming to door 1G, to ensure we are in the office to let you in.
Please mark your calendars for Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 27th from 3:00-7:00pm. Once again this semester, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held both in-person and virtually. Please stay tuned for a Skyward email with instructions in the upcoming weeks.
- You can order one in the high school office or online by March 15th.
- Delivery will take place at the end of May.
- Senior families can still order a graduation/recognition ad. Jostens has extended the deadline to February 8, 2025. Our yearbook staff can also build the ad for you.
- The senior slideshow will be Thursday, May 22, 2025, in the auditorium at 10:20-11:05 am. Family is welcome. This is a change from the past years so that all seniors can watch. Our staff will send more information about baby photos later in February.
Questions? Reach out to our staff: quitquioc@gc.plymouth.k12.wi.us
Providing learning opportunities for ALL students at PHS is a priority of ours. One of the ways we do this is by offering options for non-traditional courses to meet the potential needs of a student's academic and career plans. As we are in the midst of scheduling and planning out course selections for students next school year, we are reminding students and families about some of these non-traditional course options and any deadlines that correlate.
- Start College Now/Early College Credit Program - These programs allow Wisconsin public and private high school students to take one or two courses at an institution of higher education for high school and/or college credit. Students must meet with your PHS Counselor. As a part of the Academic and Career Planning (ACP) process, you will converse with your school counselor to review the ECCP or SCN and discuss your course request(s) (alignment with ACP, future goals, etc.).
• The requested course cannot be comparable to another course at PHS.
• It is up to the students and family to explore the courses available at the local institutions
• A student cannot participate in the ECCP and the SCN Program at the same time.
The deadline for applications for Fall 2025 is Tuesday, March 1st to the PHS counseling office.
- Youth Apprenticeship/Co-ops - This program is for students who are interested in a work-based learning experience that correlates with a job or career interest. Youth Apprenticeship applications are located in the student's "Class of 20xx" Google Classroom. We ask that any students interested should fill out the application as soon as possible to have a better chance for site placements. Co-op applications and deadlines can be found here: https://inspirewi.org/youth-co-op/
- Online course offerings - Some students cannot find a course needed from what we offer at PHS or through one of the options above. This is when an online course through Wisconsin Virtual School is looked at. If students are interested in exploring an online course based on their interests, they must meet with their PHS counselor before applying.
If there are questions or interest in ANY of the options described above, please contact your PHS counselor as they will go over expectations and options available.
~ Class of 2028 (Freshman) Counselors:
- Last Names A-F: Mrs. Rickmeier at mrickmeier@plymouth.k12.wi.us or 920-892-5093
- Last Names G-O: Mrs. Theune at ttheune@plymouth.k12.wi.us or 920-892-5091
- Last Names P-Z: Mr. West at ewest@plymouth.k12.wi.us or 920-892-5092
~ Class of 2025 through 2027 (Sophomores through Seniors) Counselors:
- Last Names A-I: Mrs. Rickmeier at mrickmeier@plymouth.k12.wi.us or 920-892-5093
- Last Names J-P: Mrs. Theune at ttheune@plymouth.k12.wi.us or 920-892-5091
- Last Names Q-Z: Mr. West at ewest@plymouth.k12.wi.us or 920-892-5092
This year we are making a shift:
- If a student is eligible for credit recovery (mainly core 9th and 10th grade classes) from first semester, we are going to have teachers work with them during the month of February to make up for their missed learning, to earn the .5 required credit.
- With that in mind, we are going to have 1 two-week session in the summer, instead of the traditional 4 weeks, because the second sessions have not had many students enroll.
- The dates for the High School Credit Recovery Program will be June 9-12 and June 16-19.
- If your child is eligible for credit recovery during the month of February, you will be contacted by their teacher or counselor.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's counselor for more information.
In order to streamline communication from Johnson School Bus to families regarding route interruptions, we've created two Remind App “classes” that you can join:
- Elementary School Routes
- PHS/Riverview MS Routes
Anyone can join one or both classes. Once you join, you will receive notifications or texts any time Johnson School Bus sends a message to that class.
Click here for instructions on how to install the Remind App on your smartphone to get push notifications, as well as instructions on how to sign up for text notifications if you prefer not to use the app.
-3K Open House is 4-5pm Thursday Feb. 6 at Horizon! For those who will be 3 years old on or before Sept. 1. Learn more
-4K Info Night begins at 5:30pm Thursday Feb. 6 at Fairview! For those who will be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1. Learn more
-Family Rock Climb & Pickleball sessions offered Feb. 8 & March 8! For families with children ages 5+. Register
-Community Ed & Rec is showing the Free Film “The Fall Guy” (PG-13) at 6pm Wednesday Feb. 12 in the PHS Auditorium. Trailer & more info
-Child Swim Lessons begin Feb. 22! For ages 6+ who are at least 50” tall. Register
- School starts everyday at 7:35 AM and ends at 2:40 PM.
- Traffic with young, high school drivers sometimes leads to congestion. Please give yourself and your students ample time to make it to PHS on time.
- Here is a map, with blue arrows, showing where parents can pick-up and drop-off students.
- Please pull in all the way around, like the blue arrows on the above map show.
- We have the curb space so please pull ahead and do not leave large gaps in the line.
- We need to get every vehicle off South Highland Avenue, as soon as possible.
All families should keep the following current with us for Skyward Family Access, as that is the primary way the district and schools communicate important information:
- Address: Please update the high school office if you are moving/have moved
- Email address: For most communications from teachers, schools, and district
- Mobile phone number: For urgent text messages (instructions for signing up for text alerts via Skylert)
The district also shares information via:
Upcoming High School Events
Feb. 14 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
Feb. 27 - Parent-teacher Conferences 3pm to 7pm
Feb. 28 - No School for Students
March 11 - ACT (Juniors Only)
March 24 through 28 - Spring Break
April 9 - Pre ACT (Freshman and Sophomores Only)
April 18 - No School - Good Friday
April 21 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
May 23 - No School for Students - Teacher PD day
May 26 - No School - Memorial Day
May 29 - Last day of school for Grade 12
June 1 - Graduation - 2:00 pm (weather permitting) - Plymouth City Park
June 6 - Last day of school for Grades 9-11