FPS e-Newsletter for February 13, 2025

Board Column - Superintendent Search Update
The Fargo Board of Education is currently conducting a search for the Fargo Public Schools next superintendent. This is currently the most important task before the Board, and it is committed to finding an exceptional leader for Fargo Public Schools. Nineteen applications were received for the position and the Board is now launching into the next steps with a plan to have the new superintendent selected on February 28.
Read more about the Superintendent Search in this Board Column by Fargo Board of Education President Katie Christensen Mineer.
Feature Column - How Evidence-Based Reporting Improves Conversations in PLCs
In Fargo Public Schools, teachers work together in Professional Learning Communities to improve teaching and help students succeed. PLCs use teamwork and problem-solving to focus on analyzing student work and making a plan to reteach using student data. Evidence-based reporting plays a big role in making these meetings more effective by helping teachers make smart decisions based on common formative assessment data.
Read more about how EBR helps guide teachers' decisions in this Feature Column by New Teacher Mentor Program Coordinator Joy-El Johnsen and watch the video below.
Congratulations to Davies High School Social Studies Teacher Bart Manson on being named the Fargo Public Schools 2025 Teacher of the Year! The announcement was made by Superintendent Dr. Rupak Gandhi at a surprise assembly. His work was celebrated by Davies students and staff along with his family. Read more about him in this special edition of the District newsletter.
Academic All State
Congratulations to all Fargo Public Schools students selected to the North Dakota Academic All-State Team! The Academic All-State Team is selected by the North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals (NDASSP). A total of 210 high school seniors were nominated for the honor in Class AA, Class A, and Class B. Students were selected based on grade point averages, ACT or SAT scores, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and leadership. Click here to view the full North Dakota Academic All-State Team.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Team members will receive an honor medallion. The medallions will be presented to the students at a ceremony at their school. WDAY and Forum Communications will air a digital presentation honoring all the Class AA medalists on Friday, March 14, between the boys basketball state semifinal games.
FPS Students Sign NLI's
Congratulations to all Fargo Public Schools students who signed National Letters of Intent this January and February to compete in athletics in college!
FPS signees included Virtual Academy's Kaden Stenerson; Davies High School's Malachi Werremeyer; South High School's Xander Moody, Keaton Docken, Wren James, and Emma Osborn; and North High School's Jack Miller, Ahna Haugo, and Harper Schultz.
Kaden Stenerson
Aquinas - hockey, lacrosse
Malachi Werremeyer
Jamestown - football
Keaton Docken
Northern State - football
Xander Moody
Valley City State - football
Jack Miller
Valley City State - football
Ahna Haugo
Bethel - soccer
Wren James
NDSU - Track & Field
Harper Schultz
Dickinson State - football
Emma Osborn
Hiram College - Basketball
Employee Spotlight - Kasie Carlson
The Fargo Public Schools Human Capital Department wants to shine a spotlight on its valuable employees who have a tremendous positive impact on the District's students, staff, and families. The District's employees are crucial to achieving our goal of educating and empowering all students to succeed. HC has selected FPS staff members who are deserving of greater recognition and will highlight them each week. Meet Jefferson Elementary School Physical Education Teacher Kasie Carlson in this week's Employee Spotlight.
Early Release Day Tomorrow
Fargo Public Schools will release students two hours early from school tomorrow, February 14. Contact your school for more information regarding early release days and how they will affect your child's schedule.
No School Next Monday, February 17
There will be NO SCHOOL next Monday February 17 due to the Presidents Day holiday. Classes will resume as regularly scheduled next Tuesday, February 18.
AP Assessment Registration and Payment Deadline Tomorrow
Students who are taking Advanced Placement courses that are taken only during semester 2 (January 21-June 5) and want to take an AP exam for these courses must register and pay for their assessment(s) by tomorrow, Friday, February 14. Students need only take two steps to order a test: obtain the AP course code from their instructor and join the AP Classroom, and go to Total Registration and pay for the exam.
For Total Registration links, look for your school’s tab on the left side of the FPS AP website. More information about exam day is also available in the February 2025 AP Newsletter.
CBE Musical - The Little Mermaid Jr.
Carl Ben Eielson Middle School presents its musical Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr. this week February 13-15 at South High School. Thursday and Friday performances are at 7 p.m. with the Saturday performance at 2 p.m. Admission is free.
Adapted from Disney’s Broadway production and the motion picture, based on one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most beloved stories, Disney’s The Little Mermaid JR. is an enchanting look at the sacrifices we all make for love and acceptance.
Ben Franklin Musical - Cinderella Youth Edition
Ben Franklin Middle School presents its musical Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella: Youth Edition on February 20-22 at Ben Franklin Middle School. Thursday and Friday performances are at 7 p.m. with the Saturday performance at 2 p.m. Admission is free.
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella follows the kind-hearted Cinderella, who, with the help of her Fairy Godmother, transforms from a servant into a beautiful princess. Amidst the magic, Cinderella captures the heart of the charming Prince Topher. However, her stepsisters and stepmother conspire against her, leading to a dramatic showdown at the royal ball. Cinderella is a magical reminder that dreams can come true, and goodness prevails even in the face of adversity.
Summer School Registration Now Open
Registration for Fargo Public Schools' Summer School 2025 is now open. FPS Summer School offers opportunities for students from elementary through high school to participate in programs focused on academics, athletics, arts, and more. View Fargo Public Schools' Summer School 2025 offerings and register for summer school.
Trollwood Summer Registration
Light up your summer! Spark your creativity, radiate confidence, and focus the spotlight on you at Trollwood Performing Arts School this summer with performing arts classes and performance opportunities for students currently in Grades K-12. Trollwood summer registration is now open.
Trollwood offers a full array of classes, performing opportunities, and technical theater experiences for every skill level, from elementary to middle school to high school. Learn more about Trollwood's summer programming in this special edition of SchoolTalk.
100th Day of School
Seeing the number of school days held during the school year reach into the triple digits is cause for celebration. Thursday, February 6 was the 100th day of school for the 2024-25 school year and several of Fargo Public Schools’ elementary schools observed the milestone with events, activities, and theme days related to the number 100. Check out video (above) and photos (below) from 100th Day celebrations around the District!
Today is Giving Hearts Day
Today is Giving Hearts Day, a 24-hour online giving event. The day is a large fundraising event that benefits North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota non-profits. Each organization finds a sponsor to generously match donations. Trollwood Performing Arts School and the Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation are both taking part. Tax deductible donations can be made now.
Donate to Trollwood Performing Arts School.
Donate to the Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation.
Donations to the FPS Development Foundation are matched by the Fargo Public Schools Federal Credit Union and the Dr. Calvin K. Fercho Family Foundation. Donations to Trollwood are matched by Bell Bank.
School Board Schedule & Links
The Board of Education of the City of Fargo meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, beginning at 5:30 p.m. To find Board meeting agendas and schedules, a broadcast link, an archive of past meetings, and more, visit the Board of Education webpages on the FPS website.
Read the Board Briefs from the February 11 regular meeting of the School Board.
Hot Chocolate
As the temperatures outside get colder and colder this February, the students in Vanessa McNutt's second grade class at Eagles Elementary School are looking for a way to stay warm and cozy. The class sipped on hot chocolate and imagined they were in a warm coffee shop as they worked quietly last Thursday. (Photo courtesy Vanessa McNutt)
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Centennial Elementary School kicked off its "One School, One Book" event last week with an all-school assembly. The school received a grant to purchase a copy of "Mr. Popper's Penguins" for each of the school's 645 students. The students are tasked with reading a chapter a night. At the assembly, Mrs. Haaby read the first chapter to get students excited, and the principals dressed up as penguins. (Photo courtesy Chris Hayden)
Ribbon Cutting
The Davies High School library hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in honor of its new desktop computer update. Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney presided over the celebration alongside Davies Tech Support Specialist Brodigan Mortan. Students use these computers for printing, access to special applications, and many other needs. (Photo courtesy Jennifer Kolesar)
Scheels Visit
Scribble Art Cartoons
Peer Tutors
South High School has started a peer tutoring service in its Career Center. Tutoring is available for many core classes period 1-8, Monday through Thursday. Students are encouraged to seek tutoring during their open periods. More than 25 students have volunteered to be peer tutors. (Photo courtesy Brenda Koppy)
Site Visit
Dakota High School and Self-Directed Academy hosted a site visit of the North Dakota Network for Personalized Learning. Twenty educators from other schools spent the morning observing and interacting with Dakota and SDA staff and students. FPS Director of Standards-Based Instruction Dr. Liann Hanson hosted a session that covered FPS’s approach to the personalizing of learning across the District. The guests also visited Jefferson Elementary School and North high school. (Photo courtesy David Burkman)
Family Date Night
Explorer Academy transformed into the Moonlit Wolf Bistro for a family date night. Students practiced their community and social skills as they invited their families to enjoy a dinner served by the Explorer Academy staff. (Photo courtesy Stacie Erickson)
We Care Bears
Lewis & Clark Elementary School launched its We Care Bears stuffed animal drive this week in celebration of Kindness Week and Valentine's Day. Students are collecting donations of stuffed animals this week to give to Essentia Hospital/Emergency Room and the YWCA Homeless Shelter. (Photo courtesy Stacy Anderson)
Counselor Appreciation
The Virtual Academy staff celebrated VA counselor Vanessa Boehm during Counselor Appreciation Week last week. Staff members pitched in to gift Boehm a Bundt cake and an orchid to show their appreciation for her tireless work helping students succeed. (Photo courtesy Laura Qualey)
National History Day
Tenth grade students at South High School displayed their National History Day projects last week. The students worked in groups to create projects relating to the theme of "Rights and Responsibilities in History." Qualifying groups will compete in the National History Day Eastern Region competition on March 5 at NDSU.
MSUM Jazz Band
Discovery Middle School hosted the Minnesota State University Moorheard Jazz Band on February 7. Sixth and seventh grade students in band and choir witnessed a performance by the jazz band, which was directed by Dr. Tom Strait. Styles of music performed were latin, funk, swing, contemporary and more. (Photo courtesy Matthew Salzer)
Fargo Public Schools - SchoolTalk
Email: comments@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us
Location: 700 7th Street South, Fargo, ND
Phone: 701.446.1000