Harrington Happenings
September 8
Happy Sunday Harrington Families
I hope everyone has had a nice weekend! Certainly feels like Fall today, but the Summer heat will be returning this week! This week. students will be participating in their benchmark assessments. These assessments are important at the start of the year, as they will shape were the students are academically. The data from these assessments help determine the need for additional supports for our students at the start of the year. Reading and Math groupings are established based on this assessment data. As always we strive to support our students with any supports they may need, to make their school year a successful one.
As always, thank you for your continued support of our Harrington community. Please reach out to me or Karen with any questions or concerns as always.
Once again, remember to…"Stay Respectful, Stay Responsible, Stay Ready... Embrace the challenges, learn from mistakes, and have fun"
Be safe! Stay well!
Rob & Karen
Important Food Service Information
Dear Parents and Families --
To better estimate the demand for lunches on half days, CPS Nutrition utilizes online lunch ordering for HALF DAYS ONLY.
For the upcoming half day Wednesday 9/18/24 orders must be received by Friday 9/13/24.
2024-2025 CPS Upcoming Half Day/Early Release dates
● 9/18/24
● 10/24/24
● 11/20/24 (Elem & MS Only)
● 11/27/24
● 12/12/24
● 1/14/25
● 2/6/25
● 3/12/25
● 4/1/25
If you would like your child to have lunch on future half days, the online ordering is open for you to go ahead and select those dates.
Directions to set up your account and order:
- URL Link: family.onlineordering.linq.com
- Sign up now: Email, create password.
- School District: Chelmsford Public Schools
- Student ID: This can be found on x2- Child’s student ID number
- Last Name: (You can also search and add siblings/family members at this time). Once this is completed, the student's name should appear on the page.
How to order meals
- School Menu-select online lunch ordering (all schools)
- Scroll to week of half day/early release date (top right of page)
- Find date, select meal option
- Add item to cart/Select Add to order
- Click on shopping cart icon at top right of page
- Click Check out
- Select pick up location: Elementary pick-up location classroom. Middle/high school pick up location cafeteria.
- Place order
Arrival & Dismissal Information and Reminders
Please do not escort your student(s) to any school doors. Staff will be on hand to ensure students enter the building safely.
Arrival -
Buses are the only vehicles allowed at the front of the building during arrival and dismissal. If you are dropping off your child, please proceed around the building using two lanes of traffic. Proceed through until a staff member has you stop. Students will be dropped off in waves with a staff member indicating when to drop off your student(s).
Waves will be from crosswalk to crosswalk on the POD side of the building. Students will then enter through the side door across from the PODs. DO NOT drop off your student(s) until an adult gives you the okay. As with the pick-up process, safety is paramount being that we have the largest drop off/pick up population for all the elementary schools. Again, you must wait for a staff member to let you know that it is okay to drop off your student(s).
Please do not escort your student to any of the school doors at any point during arrival. There is a lot of student and bus traffic occurring during these times in the day and we want to keep everyone safe.
Please do not park in the main parking lot. Parking is available on Richardson Rd. for drop off and pick up.
The front doors will not open until 8:47, please do not drop off your child any earlier than 8:47 as there is no supervision. All bus students will enter through the front doors of the school. Grade four students will use the crosswalk across the driveway separating the PODs and main building and then make their way to the side door across from the PODS where they will proceed to their classrooms. If a student is tardy for school, they will always enter through the front door and check in through the office.
Tardy 4th Grade students MUST report to the Main Office before heading to the PODs, at no time should a student head immediately to the PODs without the knowledge of the Main Office.
End of Day Dismissal - In the continued efforts to ensure an efficient and safe school environment for all students please read carefully and familiarize yourself with Harrington’s pick-up system. We employ a number system for pick-up.
Current students that will be continuing to be pick-up students will use the numbers assigned to them last year. New parents/guardians/students to Harrington will be picked up on a CONSISTENT basis and will be assigned and issued numbers. All numbers MUST be VISIBLE in order to pick up a child. For parents/guardians, the number on the car tag will correspond to the number given to their child(ren.) Students will be issued a corresponding numbered tag that will be placed on the students’ backpacks. This tag must be displayed at all times and students must carry their backpacks daily.
The car pick up line is the driveway around the building. Drivers will use two lanes of traffic as they drive in. (Once you are in a lane please do not change lanes as this causes confusion with our number system and slows down the process) Students will be dismissed based on number identification from the side door across from the PODS.. The driveway in the front of the school is for buses only at all times.
If, for some reason, a driver does not have a car tag, he or she will need to park the car in the parking lot, come to the school office to sign out their child, and wait in the office to pick up the child, a child WILL NOT be dismissed to an adult that does not have a number.
Parents may also elect to walk up and pick up their child as “Supervised Walkers,” will need to pick up their student via the sidewalk near the Gazebo located near the PODS. (please refrain from bringing pets if you are picking up walkers). Students will be held inside the school and delivered to parents/guardians who present the school-issued number. AGAIN, DO NOT ESCORT YOUR STUDENT TO THE MAIN SCHOOL DOORS.
If you carpool, it will be the parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to arrange collection of the numbers for the students they are picking up. For safety reasons, school-issued car tags must be presented for the multiple families each driver is picking up.
Cell phone usage is prohibited while driving on school grounds! The safety of our kids and staff is our main priority. Please drive on our campus with your full attention - going slowly and watching for pedestrians which often include very young kids!
- Smoking of any kind is prohibited on school grounds, please respect that important piece of information.
The playground at the end of the day WILL NOT be available due to vehicle traffic. Once all traffic has moved, you are more than welcome to use the playground.
Following these guidelines and keeping a patient and positive demeanor means we are all doing our part to keep our students safe and our routines as efficient as possible. If done right by all drivers, we can move all 500 students from our school to their way home in 20 minutes or less. However, expect the process to take a bit longer during the first few weeks of school while new students and families become familiar with this process.
If you are planning on picking up your student(s) on a consistent basis for this coming year, or If you were assigned a number last year and still plan to consistently pick up your student(s) and lost your number tags you will need to contact Michelle Page or Kim Saart at 978-251-5166 by August 26.
Ride Changes: Your child will be dismissed via his/her normal routine UNLESS we receive written documentation from both students’ parent(s)/guardian(s). We understand that at times, it may be necessary for you to make changes to your child’s dismissal during the school day. For your child’s safety, parent(s)/guardian(s) must contact the school office at 978-251-5166 prior to 3:00p.m. This advance notice is necessary due to the high volume of families we serve.
Curriculum Night Information
Grades 3-4: 5 – 6:15 pm
Grades K-2: 7 – 8:15 pm
Please drop off medication during the week of August 26th between the hours of 12-1. For your child’s safety during their first day of school; please DO NOT miss this window of time.
Medication needed during the 2024-2025 school year must be supplied with a doctors’ order, parental consent, and two small pictures of your child. All medication must be delivered to the health office by a responsible adult. Medication forms can be found on the District CPS website: Click on District, then Health Services. On the left-hand side is a bullet that says, “Health Forms” and then click on relevant forms for your child’s medication(s).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Nurse Ana: 978-251-5166 ext. 6113
Let's Stay Connected!
Monday Math Nights at Harrington
Hello Harrington families, welcome back to school! Our board has been working hard this summer to bring students and staff some exciting new events and to bring back some old favorites for the school year. We have lots of information and upcoming events, so please read carefully and save the dates! Please remember to Like Us and Follow Us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with all of our fundraising efforts and events!
We know September is jam packed with great things and this is A LOT of information! Don’t worry - all of these wonderful events can be found on the monthly calendar sent home in your child’s packet and we will always have a calendar of events pinned for reference on our Facebook page so you don’t miss out!
HPTO Monthly Meeting Wednesday, September 11
Please join us for our first HPTO meeting on Wednesday, September 11 from 6:30-7:30 in the library. The meeting will also have a zoom option, which will be sent through ConnectEd the morning of the scheduled meeting. Be sure to check your email! We will be talking about our upcoming Pride Wear sales and back to school night at Roller Kingdom! All are welcome!
Help Us Win $1,000! Vote Every Day starting September 16*
HPTO was nominated for the Milltown Plumbing Helping Hands program for the month of September. What can you do? Vote for us every day!
Cast your vote here: https://milltownplumbing.com/about-us/helping-hands/
Don’t forget to share with your family and friends so they can vote daily, too!
*Earlier printed material referenced voting for the entire month, but due to a last minute change with Milltown, the voting window now runs September 16th through the 30th.
Dine to Donate Wednesday, September 18
HPTO is holding a fundraiser with Papa Gino’s at 29 Chelmsford Street, Chelmsford, MA. The fundraiser is on Wednesday, September 18 from 11 am to 8 pm, which also happens to be a half day! Come down to Papa Gino’s after your half day lets out or grab some dinner and support your HPTO!
Make your order count! Either mention HPTO when you place your order in store or use code 19 online, and HPTO will earn 20% of all qualifying sales. Thanks for your support and please share this post to spread the word!
Curriculum Night Thursday, September 19
Come find us in the cafeteria and say hello! Want to learn more about the HPTO? Have questions? Ask us!
Calling ALL Fourth Grade Parents! Be on the lookout in your child’s classroom for the Fourth Grade Parent Committee sign-up QR Code!
What is the Fourth Grade Parent Committee? It’s YOU! The fourth grade end-of-year celebration consists of a yearbook, class photos, class t-shirts, class gift, and of course the big party! The committee relies on parent volunteers to make this all happen.
Can’t make it to curriculum night, but still want to sign up? No sweat. We will post the sign up to our Facebook page and send via ConnectEd for anyone who missed it.
Pride Wear Sales starts Friday, September 20
Pride Wear sales begin Friday, September 20. Be on the lookout for a flier with more information as the date approaches! 10% of every order will support your HPTO. Happy shopping!
Back 2 School Skate Night Sunday, September 22
Our Back 2 School Skate Night at Roller Kingdom is Sunday, September 22 from 6 pm to 8 pm!
A flier with pre-registration information will be sent home the week of September 3. Pre-purchases will run through Wednesday, September 18. Pre-purchase tickets are $10/per skater.
We can’t wait to roll into the new school year with you!
Zoom links will be sent through ConnectEd the morning of the scheduled meeting
Wednesday, October 9 from 6:30-7:30 (HYBRID)
Wednesday, November 6 from 6:30-7:30 (HYBRID)
Wednesday, December 4 from 6:30-7:30 (HYBRID)
Thank you for your support,
Harrington PTO
Contact Us: HarringtonPTO@gmail.com
Like Us: HPTO Facebook
Find Us: Harrington PTO Website
C. D. Harrington Elementary School
Email: asselinr@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://harrington.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 120 Richardson Road, North Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5166
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harringtonelementarychelmsford/