Parent Peek for the Week
February 10, 2025
The Rocky Mountain Mission
Our school ensures high levels of learning for all students, establishes a safe environment, encourages positivity and growth, and empowers students to be life-long learners.
Important Upcoming Dates for the Week
Monday, February 10: INTERVENTION MONDAY
- 2:00 pm - Ski Club
- 4:00 pm - Boys Basketball vs Sandcreek @ Home
Tuesday, February 11:
- Lunchtime - Valentine Candy Gram Sales
Wednesday, February 12:
- Lunchtime - Valentine Candy Gram Sales
- 4:00 pm - Boys Basketball @ Mt. View
Thursday, February 13:
- Lunchtime - Valentine Candy Gram Sales
Friday, February 14:
- Valentine Candy Gram Deliveries
Building Student Confidence and Responsibility (Advisory)
Here is this week’s topic from “In Focus”:
New Items to Be Aware Of
- Team Rankings: Last week's rankings are in: Scorpion Wasps dethroned Carpenter Bees! Teams are starting to separate further apart as the year goes on, so if you are not in the lead, keep a special eye out for students who are doing what we expect and reward them this week! Special congratulations to Alonso B. (Hornets), Israel I. (Warrior Wasps), Mason B. (Scorpion Wasps), and Liam R. (Carpenter Bees) for being our high point earners last week! If you see them, make sure to congratulate them. Parker R. continues in the lead this week!
Old Items to Be Aware Of
- District Math Placement Assessments: The 8th grade will complete them during the last week of April (the week of the 28th) and the 6th grade will complete theirs by May 9th.
- Intervention vs. Full Day at Trimester: Monday, March 10th, the first Monday of the third trimester, will still be a partial day but all students will be required to be in attendance.
- Swag: Some have asked about a place where school swag can be purchased. Here is a link to the general store we have set up through Fuel’d Apparel.
- Advertising: Do you know business owners in the community? Rocky Mountain Middle School will offer advertising space along the fence line (Iona Road) in front of Stinger Stadium (the field immediately behind Rocky Mountain). If this is something of interest to a business owner you may know, please reach out to our bookkeeper or administrative staff.
Calendar Events After this Week
If you have calendar events that you are not seeing on this list, please let us know. They will be added right away! Here is a direct link to the district’s yearly calendar.
- Feb. 17 - No School! - President's Day
- Feb. 17 - Feb 21 - HOPE WEEK
- Feb. 19 - Boys Basketball @ Black Canyon
- Feb. 20 - Boys Basketball @ Farnsworth
- Feb. 24 - BHS/RMMS Combined Choir Concert
- Feb. 25 - Band Concert
- Feb. 26 - Orchestra Concert
- Feb. 28 - End of 2nd Trimester
- Mar. 3 - No School! Teacher Work Day
- Mar. 3 - Regional National History Day
- Mar. 24 - Mar. 28 - No School! Spring Break!
- Apr. 7 - Parent Teacher Conference
- Apr. 21 - 6th Grade Visit and Open House
- May 8 - Elementary Band Concert
- May 20 - Orchestra Concert
- May 21 - Choir Concert
- May 22 - Band Concert
- May 26 - No School! Memorial Day
- May 29 - End of 3rd Trimester
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