Bethel Flame
September 2024

A Message from the Principal
It has been a wonderful start to another exciting year at Bethel Lutheran School. As we have this year well underway, I hope this note finds you all in good health and enjoying your experience of the 2024-2025 school year.
We are thrilled to have our doors open once again to create a nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence, personal growth, and a strong sense of community. As always, we encourage active involvement from parents and guardians in their child's education. We firmly believe that a strong partnership between the school and families greatly contributes to a student's success. Open communication and regular engagement with teachers and school staff are vital to fostering a supportive and thriving learning environment.
Two things that you have an ongoing open invitation to are our Coffees with the Principal and our chapel services. Coffee with the Principal takes place on the first Friday of every month from 8:35-9:15 in the school commons. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and hear firsthand what is happening in the school. Our chapel services take place every Wednesday beginning at 8:35 in our church sanctuary. This is a wonderful time to come together as a school family in worship.
Throughout the year, we will keep you informed about more school events, academic milestones, and important updates through our school website, newsletters, and parent-teacher conferences.
School & Sports Picture Days
Picture days are coming! Photos will be taken soon for our fall sports teams and for all of our Bethel students. With the links below, you can order ahead online using the codes provided.
FALL SPORTS PICTURES on Monday, September 16
Order ahead of time HERE using the code 91289BA to receive free shipping to the school. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after picture day. Check with your coaches for more information.
SCHOOL PICTURES on Wednesday, October 2 and Thursday, October 3
Order ahead of time HERE using the code 87413QF to receive free shipping to the school. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after picture day.
*Wednesday, October 2 - Wednesday preschool students, all K-12 students
*Thursday, October 3 - Thursday preschool students, students absent on 10/2
*Wednesday, November 20 - school photo retakes
Bethel Pumpkin Parade Float
The PTL still needs your help to build our Morton Pumpkin Festival Parade Float! Building this float brings so much joy as we get to put our creative minds together to showcase how unique we can be and show our love for our school and our faith. Our floats in the past have gotten first place and we can do it again this year with your help. HERE is our link with our remaining building days and times to get our float ready. Please feel free to stay later than the time slots allow if able. The parade will take place the morning of September 14-stay tuned for our line up information and time. We would love our families/children to ride or walk with us in the parade. Thank you so much! We can't wait to build with you!
The Snack Shack is Open!
The Snack Shack is open every school morning from 8:15 to 8:25 in the commons, with snack prices ranging from $.25 to $1.00. Seventh graders will be selling snacks each morning to raise money for overnight field trips in 7th and 8th grades. Students are welcome to purchase a snack to help us raise funds for our trips! THANK YOU!
Welcome Preschoolers!
You may have seen some brand new faces in our halls this week as our preschoolers officially joined us for the 2024-2025 school year! We are so happy they're here. During this first month, they will be focusing on preschool basics, along with nature and the fall season. The preschool September Bible verse is Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time." All are welcome at our preschool Chapel services, at 9:15 AM in the sanctuary on Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10. Please join us wearing the color of the week each Monday this month:
September 9 - red
September 16 - orange
September 23 - yellow
September 30 - green
High School Happenings
Be sure to visit the link for our Bethel High School monthly calendar. It will be updated regularly with all of our high school activities, and the link will be included in our "Quick Links" newsletter section all year long.
Bethel Teacher Amazon Wish Lists
A huge THANK YOU for the Amazon list items that you've sent to the school for our students, teachers and classrooms! If you haven't had a chance, please consider blessing your child's teacher (or a few of them!) by making a purchase from their Amazon wish list. Please check back often, as lists will continue to be added and updated. Your generosity is so appreciated!
Required Documents for Your Student - DUE SOON
Upcoming Events & Calendar Dates
Mondays Joyful Noise Choir in the music room (6th grade through high school) - 3:00 to 3:30 PM
Thursdays Praise Kids Choir in the music room (2nd through 5th grades) - 3:00 to 3:30 PM
Saturday, September 7 Cheer open gym - 2:00 to 3:30 PM *note time change!
Monday, September 9 Preschool Lunch Bunch & enrichment classes begin
Monday, September 9 PTL meeting in the high school room - 6:00 PM
Monday, September 9 & Tuesday, September 10 Preschool chapel services in the sanctuary (all are welcome to join us!) - 9:15 AM
Friday, September 13 1st quarter mid-term
Monday, September 16 Fall sports pictures
Wednesday, September 18 Mid-terms go home
Wednesday, October 2 School pictures (Wednesday preschool students, all K-12 students)
Thursday, October 3 School pictures (Thursday preschool students, students absent on 10/2)
Friday, October 4 Coffee with the Principal in the school commons - 8:45 AM
September Chapel Offerings and Memory Verses
Week of September 9 - Review week - 1, 2 & 3
Week of September 16 (preschool theme verse) - Ecclesiastes 3:11: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also given people a sense of who He is. But they can't completely understand what God has done from beginning to end.
Week of September 23 - Romans 3:23: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Week of September 30 - James 1:5: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.