Community Corner
Roseburg School District news — Oct. 10, 2024
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Students show progress, capable of even more
Every year, the Oregon Department of Education shares details about how students performed the previous year in the Statewide Assessment System tests. This year, our district saw improved scores in many areas that also outpaced state averages.
Key district results from the 2024 Oregon Statewide Assessment System include:
Our students posted a 45.2% proficiency rate in English Language Arts, surpassing the state average of 42.5%.
Our students achieved a 33.4% proficiency rate in Science, compared to the state average of 29.3%.
Our students posted a 29.2% proficiency rate, just short of the state average of 31%.
Our district’s goal is to far exceed state averages, and we are committed to providing the support students need to make that happen. At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge that our students are able to compete with others across our state. Our students are amazing, passionate and capable. They buck the false stereotypes some people have of rural communities, proving that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.
With the support of our staff, families and community, I am confident that our students will continue to see increased proficiency in English, math and science.
At the district level, we continue efforts to improve our teaching strategies, provide more training and resources for our staff, and adopt new instructional materials. In addition, we are adding career pathways, and other opportunities and experiences for students that help them see the connections between their lessons and their futures.
Our families and community members also play an important role in increasing student achievement. The connections parents and guardians make with our schools and the support we receive from local organizations all go toward creating a stronger learning environment for our students.
Of course, yearly tests are just one of the ways we measure student success. Our teachers are cheering on and evaluating students every day and making adjustments to meet the needs of each individual child. While focusing on academic success, our staff also strive to teach students lessons in hard work, perseverance, kindness, responsibility and other traits that will serve them throughout their lives. These efforts are all intended to guide students on their paths toward graduation, higher education and careers.
As our students continue to work hard, we will work just as hard to meet their needs and watch them rise far above average. Our students are remarkable, and with the continued support of staff, families and community, I have no doubt they will continue to surpass expectations and excel. Together, we will help them reach their highest potential.
Jared Cordon
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Want to access E-Flyers?
We’ve switched from using Peachjar to distribute e-flyers to using Community Groups in ParentSquare. E-flyers are available to view through two ParentSquare groups: E-flyers for Elementary Schools and E-flyers for Middle and High Schools.
To join the E-flyers for Elementary Schools group and view flyers, click here.
To join the E-flyers for Middle and High Schools group and view flyers, click here.
From Home, click Groups in the left sidebar in the Participate section.
Look for Public groups with the people icon.
Click Join Group next the group that interests you. Users can also click Leave Group.
To learn more about ParentSquare and how to register, visit our ParentSquare webpage.
Exploring the United Kingdom through music
Mr. Hurowitz’s music class at Hucrest Elementary School is exploring an exciting new unit all about the United Kingdom! Students are learning about the geography, culture and musical traditions of the UK, beginning with hands-on activities like drawing maps and identifying regions such as Scotland and England.
Throughout the unit, students will explore iconic UK traditions, discuss instruments like the bagpipes, and sing songs that represent the rich history of the region. It’s a fun and engaging way to combine geography and music!
Students create anti-bullying PSAs
Joseph Lane Middle School’s sixth- and seventh-graders in Ms. Maniscalco and Mr. Haga's classes have been busy in their Wellness unit, learning about the different types of bullying.
To put their knowledge into action, students worked together in teams to create their own Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about bullying. Each group chose their roles, developed a scene guide, and got creative with filming and editing their videos.
Commemoration performance for 9/11 anniversary
Special shoutout to the Roseburg High School Band Ensemble members who helped us commemorate the anniversary of 9/11 with a performance of our National Anthem at the Sept. 11 School Board meeting.
A tribute to our veterans
On Sept. 13, our community came together to honor four local veterans at the home football game at Roseburg High School. Head football coach Matt Watson, along with counselor Alesha Hunt and teacher Brynn Pitts, helped organize the special event. The evening had a patriotic theme, with students proudly dressed in red, white and blue.
The local National Guard Color Guard kicked off the event with a tribute to the colors. At halftime, the four honored veterans were recognized and awarded custom plaques made by RHS students in the Career and Technical Education department. Leadership students also contributed by creating “Thank You for Your Service” posters and helping with the awards. It was a memorable night celebrating those who have served our country!
Our Elementary School STEAM Team shares the latest updates on science, technology, engineering, arts and math education around the district.
Exploring patterns with the STEAM Team
The STEAM Team was excited to introduce the cross-cutting concept of patterns. When we understand the concept of patterns, we can use it to predict what happens next and to infer the bigger picture.
We learned about the patterns that the stars make and that they are called constellations. We hope you are using your constellation field guide to find the constellations in the night sky. If you are interested in exploring the night sky with an app on your phone, Apple users can download Night Sky and Android users can download Star Walk 2.
We also learned about the patterns found in symmetry. We explored symmetry in nature, architecture and math. Students were able to work through a variety of stations and explore symmetry through exploration.
The next cross-cutting concept that STEAM will introduce will be Stability and Change.
Weather station installed at Jo Lane
Students can now explore weather patterns with their new weather station. The station features hand-crafted cardinal directions from the school’s woodshop, a windsock to track wind, a thermometer that shows the current temperature along with the high and low over the past 24 hours, and a rain gauge, donated from Umpqua Valley Farm to School.
Hands-on training for future firefighters
Students in our new Fire Science program at Roseburg High School had the unique opportunity to participate in hands-on training right on campus. The session demonstrated fire behavior and key firefighting tactics.
Using a wooden training prop designed to replicate a residential structure, junior and senior students practiced essential skills that are critical in firefighting. This training helps students gain practical experience as they prepare for careers in fire service. On hand to lead the exercise were Roseburg Fire Department Administrative Battalion Chief Chris Galligan, Umpqua Community College Fire Science Program Coordinator Josh Ray, and RHS/UCC Fire Science Instructor Waylon Faulkner.
A big thank you to everyone involved for providing such an engaging and educational experience for our students. The Fire Science program at RHS is one of four partner programs developed between UCC and Roseburg Public Schools.
County Commissioners honor veterans
Superintendent Jared Cordon and Roseburg High School Principal David Vickery, a Navy veteran, were honored to attend the Rededication Ceremony of the Douglas County Veterans War Memorial.
Thank you to the Douglas County Commissioners, Douglas County Veterans Forum and the Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee for creating such a meaningful opportunity to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country.
Roseburg FFA supports agricultural literacy
Roseburg FFA proudly participated in the 2nd Annual Douglas County Farm Bureau's Ag Explorer Day recently. Fourth-graders and private school students from across the county explored a variety of agricultural industries through hands-on workshops. Topics included goat production, wool byproducts, veterinary medicine, beekeeping, and more.
Our Roseburg FFA members helped guide students to each station and joined in the fun. What a fantastic way to promote agricultural literacy and support our local Farm Bureau.
Roseburg School Board Meeting
Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024, 06:00 PM
Roseburg School District 4, Northwest Valley View Drive, Roseburg, OR, USA
Make A Difference Day
Join Make A Difference Day for a free community event designated as a national day of service. To sign up as a volunteer or for more information, visit https://makeadifferenceday.org/. You can also listen to an interview with KQEN and learn more here, MORNING CONVERSATION 9.24.24. – KQEN News Radio
Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, 09:00 AM
Roseburg, OR, USA
Wreaths Across America
Families are invited to join the legacy this holiday season for National Wreaths Across America Day. Join our community for this historic event that will honor all 7,000 local fallen heroes laid to rest at the Roseburg National Cemetery during a wreath laying ceremony. Attendees take part in the ceremony by placing a wreath on each headstones, saying their names aloud, and thanking them for their service and sacrifice.
Register as a volunteer and learn more about Wreaths Across America and its mission to remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom by visiting the Douglas County event website.
More details to come. In the meantime, you can Follow Wreaths Across America – Douglas County on Facebook and Save the Date!
Saturday, Dec 14, 2024, 12:00 PM
Roseburg, OR, USA
Highlights of news and actions at School Board meetings and work sessions. Learn more on our Board Meetings web page.
Classified and licensed openings
We post new positions regularly! Apply online through Frontline Education.
- Student Services Coordinator, District Office.
- Middle School Track Coach, Joseph Lane Middle School.
- Varsity Softball Assistant Coach, Roseburg High School.
- Middle School Boys Basketball Coach, Joseph Lane Middle School.
- Middle School Boys Basketball Coach, Fremont Middle School.
- Temporary Third-Grade Teacher, Winchester Elementary.
- Food Service Assistant (3 hours), Roseburg High School.
- Food Service Assistant (4 hours), Roseburg High School.
- Food Service Assistant (3.5 hours), Roseburg High School.
- GED Teacher, Roseburg High School.
- Language Arts Teacher, Roseburg High School.
- Seventh/Eighth-Grade Math Teacher, Joseph Lane Middle School.
- Security Officer, Roseburg High School.
For more information, call Human Resources at (541) 440-4008 or visit our HR page.
About us
Website: https://www.roseburg.k12.or.us
Location: 1419 Northwest Valley View Drive, Roseburg, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 440-4014
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoseburgPublicSchools