Hear Us Roar
St. Mark School Newsletter
February 4, 2025
Pep Rally
Let's show our Eagles pride and wear green if you can for our mini pep rally this Friday!!!! 🦅
7th Grade Parents
7th Grade Visitation Sign-up Info.
Here is the link for your families to sign-up: CEC 7th Grade Visitation Sign-Up
Looking Ahead to February
Tuesday 2/4 - Retreat Day at school for 2nd grade students.
Wednesday 2/5 - $1 Dress Down DayThursday 2/6 - 2nd Grade Reconciliation @6:30
Friday 2/7 - First Friday Mass - 8:00 / Wear something green if you can.
Saturday 2/8 - Father/Daughter Dance
Friday 2/14 - Progress Reports
Friday 2/14 - Free Dress Down Day-Wear something red if you can.
Monday 2/17 - No School/Professional Development Day
Looking Ahead to March
`Wednesday 3/5 - Ash Wednesday/ 8:00 Mass
Wednesday 3/5 - $1:00 Dress Down Day
Friday 3/7 - First Friday Mass/8:00
Monday 3/10 - Teacher Retreat Day/No School
Friday 3/14 - 2nd Trimester Ends
Saturday 3/15 - Retreat Day for 7th Grade Confirmation Class 10:30-12:00
Saturday 3/15 -Middle School Dance 7-9
Monday 3/17 - 3rd Trimester Begins/ Free Dress Down Day/ Wear Something Green if you can.
Thursday 3/20 - Confirmation 4:00
Friday 3/21 - Terra Nova Testing/Report cards go home.
Monday 3/24 - Friday 3/28 - Terra Nova Testing
St. Mark School
Email: msanson@stmarkmail.com
Website: www.stmarkbristol.org
Location: 1024 Radcliffe Street, Bristol, PA, USA
Phone: 215-788-7266
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StMarkBristol