Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, January 24, 2025
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
I want to thank all families for their patience and cooperation this week as we navigated inclement weather, colder than normal temperatures and many delays. Everyone involved in the school district recognizes the hardship these schedule changes places on our families and we appreciate your flexibility in the name of safety for our students and staff. The children did remarkably well considering all the schedule changes we had this week! I know we are all looking forward to getting back to some (hopefully) consistency next week!
Have a fabulous weekend! Two big football games this weekend that I know many in our area will be tuning in to! Good luck to our local teams and your favorite team! I am looking forward to the "balmy" 30-degree weather predicted this weekend!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
Dr. Miller's Video Message 8
January Students Of The Month
Roundtown recognized its January Students of the Month at a recent school board meeting. Congratulations to our latest students, Saria and Brady!
January Energy Bus Drivers
Roundtown honored its January Energy Bus Drivers at its latest all-school community meeting. Congratulations to our classroom energy bus drivers for showing school spirit and pride every day!
This past week....
The theme of the week was FRIGID! I know the delays and inside recess was tough for many of the kids as we navigated some of the coldest temperatures we have had in quite some time.
Coming next week…
Our second graders will participate in a Safe Touches Program on Thursday or Friday.
Our next Family Night is set for Friday, January 31. Come one, come all to Family Game Night from 6-7PM. Bring along a favorite board and/or card game and enjoy playing as a family or with another family. Hot cocoa and cookies will be available.
Kindergarten Pre-Registration week is set to open Monday, February 3. Families who have a child who will be 5 on or before August 31, may register for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 School Year. Stay tuned for details on our district website on how to pre-register starting Monday, February 3.
The CYSD Diversity Celebration is being held on February 12 from 6:00-8:00 at the HS. This event is a chance to highlight the unique experiences, perspectives, and cultures within our community. The event will feature school and community tables to explore, a selection of international treats to enjoy, and a special presentation beginning at 7:15 PM, where students and staff will have the opportunity to share "their story" through a variety of formats, including performances and spoken word.
This year, the Diversity Celebration Committee is seeking more involvement from students and staff in the K-6 buildings to participate in the celebration by sharing their stories, artwork, and other talents in the celebration of diversity and inclusion. Students and staff can write a story about their specific culture, family traditions, journey to Central, their native language, and learning English as a second language. Participants can read their own stories or choose someone else to read. In addition, students and staff can present their culture-related artwork, songs, and/or dances at the celebration.
Please use the link below to sign up:
Participation Form: (can be sent out for any student, organization, club, or family wishing to participate)
The Central York Communities That Care Spaghetti Dinner scheduled for Saturday, February 8 is officially sold out!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
1/30-1/31 - Second Grade Safe Touches Program
1/31 - Family Game Night 6-7PM
2/3 - Kindergarten Online Registration Opens
2/4 - Grade 3 Field Trip to York County Solid Waste Authority (Fife/Mummert)
2/7 - Friendship Day Party