Friday Message
August 13, 2021 Volume 2 Edition 4
Friday Message from Dr. Glaze
As our first full week of school draws to a close, I want to commend our teachers and staff for doing a great job of welcoming our students back to school and leaning into the new school year with a thoughtful and intentional mindset in supporting our students academically, socially, and emotionally.
In addition to all the “new” this school year brings, there is a lot going on in the world around us with complexities and uncertainties that can cause additional stress, frustration, and anxiety above and beyond the “back to school” jitters. If you see your child struggling in any way as the school year progresses, please reach out to your child’s teacher, school counselor, or administrator. Our students will benefit best from our working together in supporting their growth and overall well-being.
Speaking of new, the State Road 19 construction project is expected to start August 23 and extend through November. The road will not be closed but will have temporary lane closures. It will most likely have some impact on those entering and exiting our campus. E & B Paving will attempt to observe our arrival and dismissal times making sure deliveries are outside those windows. With that said, however, it may be advisable to build in a little extra time when traveling to and from TCSC over the next couple of months. The good news – an upgraded major city thoroughfare and new turn lane into our campus!
We are pleased to share that our first school board meeting of the year was conducted in the new TCSC Boardroom. ESSER funds were used to help transform this space, the former community room, into a fully functional space with new paint, flooring, and furniture. It also offers better ventilation and more space. Stay tuned for more updates on improvement projects taking place in and around our campus.
While the Delta variant of COVID-19 may be new, the impact of this virus is feels very familiar. We had two students report positive test results for COVID-19 this week. This also resulted in additional quarantines and discussion about our current quarantine protocols. We appreciate everyone’s input and will continue to work closely with our local and state health partners, monitor the latest data, and prepare to adjust our protocols as needed or mandated. The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics support keeping children safe and physically present in school and urge masking, vaccination, and using other layers of protection to prevent transmission. We support this position and are encouraging everyone to do their part.
This is National Immunization Month (NIAM). This annual observance, held in August, is designed to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. A plethora of vaccine information can be found at:
Congratulations to our FFA Chapter, who received a $3,000 Living to Serve Grant, sponsored by the National FFA Organization. Our chapter is partnering with Good Shepherd Food Pantry to help provide fresh produce and meat to local families in need in the year ahead. Congratulations to Tonja Carter, TCSC Deputy Treasurer, who was selected as the Region 5 School Support Professional of the Year by the Indiana Association of School Business Officials. In other exciting news, our marching band, under the direction of Matthew Skiba, was selected to compete in the Sweet Sixteen competition at the State Fair Band Day, bringing home a history-making 15th place!
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to working together to keep our children safe and in school. We know how to do this. We’ve done it before and together, we can do it again. #TiptonPride
Honoring Senior Band Members at Tuesday's School Board Meeting
2021-2022 TCSC Academic Calendar
September 6-Labor Day-No School
September 7-eLearning PD Day-Students attend virtually
September 14-Budget Work Session-5:30PM
September 14-Monthly Board Meeting-6:30PM