Harris Weekly Update
August 21 - August 25
Tues 8/22
Governing Board Meeting, 6:00 (District)
Weds 8/23
Early Release @1:55
Peter Piper Pizza Night (StuCo & PTSO) 4:00 - 7:00
Fri 8/25
Junior High Back to School Fun Fest 3:30 - 5:30 (All Junior High Campuses)
Free & Reduced Lunch Application & Information
In addition, please watch this video to gain more insight regarding Free and Reduced Lunch:
Upcoming Events at Harris
Weds 8/30
Half Day Release @11:55
Mon 9/4
Labor Day (Holiday) No School
Weds 9/6
Early Release @1:55
Thurs 9/7
Child Crisis Parent Class (Fentanyl), 5:00 - 7:00
Annual Update
Please be sure to complete your annual update to ensure that your child's information is up to date and accurate. Also, in case of emergency, the school has your most current information.
Annual Update Short Video - https://youtu.be/m_lMVfKtzwI
Meet Chloe!
School Calendar 2023 / 2024
Important Information from Our District
District Preschool Programs 2023 / 2024
July / August Lunch Menu
Important Daily School Reminders
- Handicap Parking is for those that either have a designated plate or sticker prominently displayed. DO NOT park in this zone if you do not have a plate or sticker
- There is NO LEFT TURN when leaving the Harris parking lot during the hours of 2:30PM-3:00PM
- Students cannot arrive on campus until 7:45 AM as there is NO School Supervision until this time. For the safety of your child, please be sure they are not left unattended.
- Reminders: Parents will not be allowed inside the building without prior approval. Safety for our children must remain top priority.
- Students will not be removed from their classrooms until parents arrive even if calling in advance.
- Please remember to bring your ID when picking up your student during school hours. This is for the safety of your student.
- The cut-off time to pull students out early is 2:35PM (1:35PM on Weds) If you arrive after this time to sign your child out, you will have to wait until the dismissal bell rings.
- We understand life happens and there are times when you may be late after school to pick up your child. Please be sure to communicate with the front office if this should occur. Otherwise, we expect your child to be picked up on time as school ends promptly @ 2:55 PM (1:55PM on Weds) (11:55AM on half days)
What Does It Mean To Be A Title I School?
Title I is the largest federal aid program for public schools. Schools can be designated as “Title I” if certain criteria are met. Title I is the federal government’s commitment to closing the achievement gap between low-income and moderate to high income students. These funds are used to help all students meet academic standards. Click the links below to learn more!
Learning is Required Agreement
Learning is Required Agreement - Preschool
Email: harrisinfo@gilbertschools.net
Website: https://www.gilbertschools.net/harris
Location: 1820 South Harris Drive, Mesa, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-545-7060
Facebook: facebook.com/HarrisElementarySchool