CLMS Family Update
May 13, 2022
From CLMS Principal, Mr. Eric Pettit
Good Afternoon CLMS Families!
What a time to be a Pirate! Our students continue to shine both inside and outside of the classroom. The Ohio Department of Education is starting to release results from our recent state testing and I am one proud principal! Our teachers and students worked hard throughout the year and the benefits of their labor is evident. CLMS saw growth in almost every grade level in the areas of Math and Science. We are anxiously awaiting the English results which will be made available in June. Families will receive a detailed report on how your student(s) performed closer to the start of next school year. In the meantime, we will use this preliminary data to help celebrate our success and also identify areas where we have the opportunity for growth.
Additionally, our 2022 Track season concluded at the KMAC Championship this past Saturday. CLMS had several student-athletes finish on the podium. This update includes photos from our team participating in the Highland Relays. Please review the rest of our newsletter and do not hesitate to contact the CLMS office with any questions.
As always, Go Pirates!
Eric Pettit
Principal, Cardington-Lincoln Middle School
(419) 864-0609
2022/23 7th & 8th Grade Middle School Cheer
2-Hour Late Start Wednesday, 5/18
Safety Drills
Band Concert
Students in grades 5-8 who participate in band will host a Spring Concert on Tuesday, May 17th at 7pm! Families of band students should receive information from Mr. Neff or Mr. Brehm. We hope to see the Cardington community there!
2022 CLMS Summer School Update
7th/8th Grade Farewell Dance
CLMS Track at the Highland Relays! We were a little, well, camera shy!
5th Grade Students Enjoy their Time at Ag Safety Day!
More from the 2022 Highland Relays!
Special Thanks to our Food Service Department for Providing Lunch for our School Staff During Teacher Appreciation Week!
Cardington-Lincoln Middle School
Location: 349 Chesterville Avenue, Cardington, OH, USA
Phone: 419-864-0609
Twitter: @CLMS_Pirates