Doyon News
Friday, June 14, 2024
Paul F. Doyon Memorial School
At the Paul F. Doyon Memorial School, our vision
is to create a joyful learning community of
creative thinkers, innovative problem solvers, and
compassionate citizens of the world.
Dear Doyon Families,
Happy first day of summer vacation! We have had a busy year at the Paul F. Doyon Memorial School and, as I've shared, I'm so very proud of the work our staff and students have done. Thank you to our families for supporting our school community and being present to celebrate the growth of learners throughout the year. Please note that this will be our last update until a mid-summer note is delivered detailing bits and pieces for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Don't worry, though, there's plenty of time for rest and relaxation until then! As I've shared with you, I am here for you! If you need anything, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I am available throughout the summer months to help your family however needed. We are so very fortunate to have created such a special school for students. Thank you for taking part in that! Please note, that if you have any items in lost and found we are asking that they be retrieved by June 24. At that time, they will be donated.
Mr. Whitehouse-Mullen
Staffing Changes
Two educators in our building are retiring - Susan Speak, Grade 2, and Laura Repplier, Grade 1. We wish both of these talented, dedicated educators a restful, relaxing retirement. They are both encouraged to visit often!
Elyssa Brand, our Special Education Program Manager, is transitioning to a district-wide position, serving as our Elementary Literacy Coach. She will work in both the Winthrop and Paul F. Doyon Memorial Elementary Schools. We are so very proud of this exciting step in Elyssa's journey!
We are welcoming one new classroom teacher, Tyler Strutt. Tyler will be joining our Grade 2 team. She is new to Grade 2, but not new to us, as she was previously our Math Interventionist in the Math Lab, as well as a long-term substitute teacher in Grade 4. Brittany Dingle, our Integrated PreK teacher, will be joining the Grade 1 team and Kerrie Janvrin, our Kindergarten teacher, will be moving to Integrated PreK.
We are excited for our staff members in transition as they explore new opportunities for the year ahead!
A note from Elyssa Brand. . .
Dear Doyon Families,
I wanted to let you know that beginning in August, I will be transitioning from my current role to the Literacy Coach role at Winthrop and Doyon. It has been a hard decision for me as I have truly enjoyed watching your children grow and supporting them over time. However, my background is in literacy (which is also a passion of mine!) and it seems like the right choice for me.
Thank you all for your collaboration and support over the years. I look forward to seeing you (and of course your children!) around Doyon. I will be intermittently checking my email over the summer if you have any questions and I will be working hard to make the transition to a new Program Manager as smooth as possible. Many many thanks!
With much appreciation,
School Supply Packs Are Ready!
EPI School Supply FAQ's
Q: Am I required to purchase a kit?
A: NO! EPI School Supply Kits are simply offered as a convenience. If families choose not to purchase a kit, all grade level supply lists are posted on the school website and families can shop at their own leisure.
Q: What’s the benefit of purchasing a kit?
A: Since kits are purchased in bulk, supplies typically cost less than if you buy them on your own! Also, kits delivered right to students' classrooms for the first day of school. There is no need for families to scramble at the last minute!
Q: Do I need to purchase Wish Lists items?
A: Wish list items are exactly that - extras that teachers would greatly appreciate having, but are not required for purchase.
**We realize the sale deadline typically comes before teacher assignments come out. Grade 2 has a teacher specific Wish List Item; if you would like to donate a paint set to the classroom, that option is available. However, please note that it is teacher specific, not grade specific.
Q: What is “Classroom Health”?
A: All classrooms are in need of tissues, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer throughout the school year. You can jump start your classrooms’ supply early by purchasing this extra kit!
Q: I missed the order deadline. What can I do?
A: The order deadline for Doyon is July 7. If you miss the deadline, you CAN still order a grade level kit, however it is not part of our main sale. This means that you likely won’t get the bulk order discount, and you may have to pay for direct-to-home shipping. Kits may also be delivered after the 1st day of school.
Q: We are not sure if our Kindergartener will attend Doyon or Winthrop. What do we do?
A: Once you receive your school assignment in early August, if you are a Doyon family and would like to purchase a kit, please reach out to Nicole Laroche (
Doyon Summer Resources
The 2024 school supply lists and summer reading are available. Please click on the image and it will take you to the website.
Ipswich Athletics
The Ipswich Athletic Advisory Committee meets several times a year to discuss the athletic programs that are offered in Ipswich; through the town as well as the Ipswich Public Schools. Here is a link for information about all of the sports (youth AND adult) that Ipswich has to offer.
Summer Camps and Programs
Family Resources
District Calendar
Adam J. Whitehouse-Mullen, Interim Principal