MSD Community Update for May 8

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Important Dates
May 14th, Board of Education Meeting at 7pm
May 21st, Early Dismissal for Students - In-Service
May 27th, Schools Closed for Memorial Day
May 29th, Multicultural Night
To access our live district/building calendar of events, click the calendar icon above and select the calendar of choice (under mains) to access all of your school's events.
Updated Calendar
Athletics & Activities
Golf Fundraiser
The MHS Golf Team is selling two different sized umbrellas to help raise money for golf related expenses. We have a large 62” golf size umbrella, perfect for those days when you need a little extra cover from the rain. We are also offering a smaller 42’ sized option that opens at the push of a button. Perfect for those days when your arms are full and you need an umbrella in a pinch.
Photo 1: 62” Golf Size Umbrella only $35 (only 25 left)
Photo 2: 42” Personal Pop-Up Umbrella only $35 (40 left)
Keep it in your classroom, car or in your school bag. Proceeds go to the Manville Golf Team.
Email Mr. Putvinski at gputvinski@manvillesd.org to get yours now.
We accept cash, checks made payable to MHS Golf and even Zelle.
Click on the following graphics for more information on these special events!
Preschool Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Somerset County Video Contest
District Reminders
Follow Our Schools on Social Media
Community Updates
Mental Health May Webinars
Food Assistance
The Manville Food Pantry will be open the second Saturday of each month at the Faith in Action Church at 228 S. Main Street. Please make sure to bring your ID and a bag.
Feeding Hands is also offering assistance the fourth Saturday of each month at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 34 South Third Avenue. See the flyer for dates and more details.
New Jersey Updates
The following information was obtained by NJ.gov. Click on the images below to learn more about the different assistance programs for eligible homeowners.
Apply for Homeowner Flood Buyouts
New Jersey homeowners can submit buyout applications online, in English or Spanish, through the Blue Acres program from the Department of Environmental Protection. Blue Acres will approve buyout requests based on need and funding eligibility requirements.
Apply for Homeowner Flood Mitigation Help
New Jersey homeowners who are in flood prone areas and are interested in elevating their home to reduce their risk of flooding can apply for the Mitigation Assistance Program (MAP). MAP helps homeowners cover construction costs for property mitigation against flooding damage, including home elevation. MAP may also provide temporary rental assistance during construction. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Help for Homeowners in Financial Distress
New Jersey's Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) program provides financial assistance for eligible homeowners who have experienced a significant decrease of income or increase of expenses due to COVID-19 and have been unable to remain current with their mortgage payments.
Eligible homeowners can apply for up to $75,000 per household to cover mortgage reinstatement assistance and other eligible housing related costs, including delinquent property taxes and HOA dues.
Summer EBT Program
The New Jersey WIC Program is pleased to announce . . .
The All About New Jersey WIC Fact Sheet is now available in thirteen languages to meet the diverse language needs of New Jersey communities.
Languages available: Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Gujarati, Haitian, Creole, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Telugu, Vietnamese
- Who is eligible for WIC?
- What are the valuable program benefits?
- What foods are provided monthly and what is the cost savings?
Download: https://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/wic/home/about.shtml
Or contact your local WIC Program for print copies while supplies last!
Find the WIC Program in your neighborhood: http://nj.gov/health/fhs/wic or phone 1-800-328-3838
Food Pantry & WIC Information
Below are some resources from Somerset County. Click on the images for more information.