The Hero's Journey
Looking for your inner journey for transformation?
The Hero's Journey training is an intensive three days workshop focused on a personal journey.
The workshop is designed in a very interactive way with a series of dynamics taking you through your Journey but at the same time understanding your system.
The training is structured in three modules;
1.Raising awareness about your Journey what you see, feel and think
2.Emboiding the Journey (head, heart and hands)
3.Exploring your inner path to understand your real purpose in life
The Empowerment process makes people think of changes that can positively affect their lives. They are then invited to think of their new Journey, as a transformation process in which they need to identify all elements that can prevent them from moving on, how to overcome them focusing on key motivators.
What are the purpose of playing HERO'S JOURNEY and decisions?
- To gain insights about their system on multiple levels regarding how the Journey reacts to changes from inside out.
- To use this insight to guide your strategic behaviour.
- To mentally prepare for making better and faster decisions.
HEROS' Journey is the beating, engaging and revealing the heart of a co-creation experience, helping the person to engage in constructive conversations to build together, iteratively, the next user experience, innovating services and products together.
Participants will bring to the training their ideas connected to any subject, including Entrepreneurship to redesign, life change, improvement of skills to achieve new goals and new carrier development.
Understanding what the unconformity is, the call for adventure, the refusal of the call and how to overcome the obstacles.
The Hero's Journey is a personal journey for transformation based on a template that helps the trainee to map the Journey for change. The Journey for transformation starts with the unconformity of the person and his/her situation. Once identified the unconformity, the call for adventure is analyzed followed by the refuse of the call and what implies to leave the comfort zone. The obstacles with the help of the Mentor are identified then to overcome them played as game-defining levels based on the game mechanics and gameplay.
The whole training module offers the possibility to make a journey into transformation visualizing from different angles with different tools the Journey in itself. It helps to understand who you are, what is your value proposition, how to deal with the obstacles to breaking down personal fears.