Ferdinand Elementary Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Message from Mrs. Winkler
We’ve had a fantastic first week of learning in September! Our students have been engaged and excited to be learning in the classrooms.
This month, we’re thrilled to announce that our Wellness Committee is kicking off some exciting initiatives to promote healthy habits for our students. We’re starting with an At-Home Cardio Challenge, which encourages families to get active together. In the classroom, we’ll be incorporating daily brain breaks to help students stay energized and focused, and every Friday in September, students will enjoy a healthy snack as part of our wellness focus.We hope your family has had the chance to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend some time being active outdoors. Let’s keep the momentum going with our wellness initiatives!
We also want to remind you that tonight is the first home football game! While we’re excited to have our students cheering on our Rangers, it’s important that they are safe, respectful, and responsible while attending. This week, we’ve talked with the students about sportsmanship and proper behavior at the games. Please remember that students need to be with an adult and supervised at all times. They should not be running around or playing in other areas of the stadium. Also no chairs will be allowed on the track this year to preserve and protect our brand new track. We appreciate your help in reinforcing these expectations so that everyone can enjoy the game safely.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Kerri Winkler
Help Us Protect and Preserve Our New Track
Ranger Report
Counseling Connection from Mrs. Madden
August Rangers of the Month for Mindset
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance at school is crucial to a students success and this year we are working hard at Southeast to set attendance goals for our schools. Our school has set an ambitious attendance goal of 94% for this year, and we need everyone’s help to achieve it.
Attendance isn’t just about being present—it’s about ensuring our students have every opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. Research shows that students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform well academically, develop strong social skills, and stay on track for graduation. Every day counts, and even missing just a few days can add up to significant learning gaps.
The Indiana Department of Education calculates our attendance rate by looking at each student's attendance rate throughout the year. That means each student can miss no more than 8 days in the entire school year to help us meet our goal.
We understand that illness and emergencies happen and students will have to miss school at those times, but we ask that you make every effort to ensure your child is in school whenever possible. Let’s work together to make this a successful year for all of our students!
Clarification on Attendance
Just to clarify due to some questions that came up, if your child misses school for a trip those days do count toward your child's total. There was a question about students taking a pre-approved trip and missed days. With approval, students may be excused for out of town trips up to 5 days. However, if they are excused for 4 days for an out of town trip and then they have 5 days they are sick that would be 9 total excused absences. After 10 excused absences, a doctor's note must be provided for all future abscenses to be counted as excused.
Join Us on Wednesday for our First Public PTO Meeting!
Car Rider Drop Off and Pick Up
Safe Visitor Information - Come to School with Your Drivers License
PTO Sign-Up
Our PTO would love to have your help througout the year! If you are willing to share your talents of planning, organizing, and helping find the sign up that works for you and let us know! Thanks in advance!
Upcoming Program
The PTO is bringing in this presentation for our students. Parents are welcome to attend as well. More information will be shared in future weeks as well. Thank you PTO for bringing this to our school!
Let's Get Moving
September's Wellness Activity
Stay tuned for slips coming home with students next week to fill out for each night they complete 30 minutes of family cardio time. These slips will be turned in and we will draw each week for prizes. Mrs. Atkins will also be sending out a link for families to submit pictures and videos of our families being active.
Healthy Snacks on Fridays for Kids
Every Friday in September students are going to be given the opportunity to try a healthy snack. This will be during afternoon recess and is free of charge. We look forward to providing our students with some fruits and other healthy treats on Fridays in September to go along with our wellness topic and working on moving and eating healthy.
Note from Mrs. Hauser
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so happy to see everyone. I would like to take this time to introduce Mrs. Tara Uebelhor as the new ENL teacher at Forest Park and Mrs. Alyssa Merkely at Pine Ridge. They are currently working with students to strengthen their English language skills. The students are lucky to have such a dedicated teacher to guide them through this school year. Mrs. Emily Hauser will continue to work with students at Ferdinand Elementary and Cedar Crest Intermediate.
A few reminders:
-When your child is sick or absent from school, please call the office at 812-817-0900 or Mrs. Emily Hauser at 812-639-1653. You can leave a message or send a text. The office needs to receive the information from a parent or guardian.
-Please make sure you have registered your son or daughter on Harmony. If you need assistance, please ask Mrs. Emily Hauser.
-If you have any other questions, please call Mrs. Hauser at 812-639-1653.
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo al año escolar 2024-2025! Estamos muy felices de verlos a todos. Me gustaría aprovechar este momento para presentarles a la Sra. Tara Uebelhor como la nueva maestra de ENL en Forest Park y a la Sra. Alyssa Merkely en Pine Ridge. Actualmente están trabajando con los estudiantes para fortalecer sus habilidades en el idioma inglés. Los estudiantes tienen suerte de contar con un maestro tan dedicado que los guíe durante este año escolar. La Sra. Emily Hauser continuará trabajando con los estudiantes de la Primaria Ferdinand y la Intermedia Cedar Crest.
Algunos recordatorios:
-Cuando su hijo esté enfermo o ausente de la escuela, llame a la oficina al 812-817-0900 o a la Sra. Emily Hauser al 812-639-1653. Puedes dejar un mensaje o enviar un mensaje de texto. La oficina necesita recibir la información de un padre o tutor.
-Asegúrese de haber registrado a su hijo o hija en Harmony. Si necesita ayuda, pregúntele a la Sra. Emily Hauser.
-Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, llame a la Sra. Hauser al 812-639-1653.
El Festival Cultural Latino se llevará a cabo nuevamente este año en Market Street Park en Huntingburg. Vea la información a continuación
Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful
September and October Ranger Ready Skills
Online Registration
Thanks to all who have completed registration! We are still a few families shy of 100 percent completion! You can do this online through your Harmony Family Access account. If you have questions or need assisstance, please contact Mrs. Winkler at kerri.winkler@sedubois.k12.in.us
Girl Scout Information
If any girl is interested in joining, now is the time. If a parent can reach out to one of us by Friday September 6th. First meeting is going to be Tuesday September 10th at 18th Street Park.
Megan Rumple 812-589-7036
Katie Kuhn 812-631-6123
Heather Berg 812-639-1345
The Heartland Half Marathon Weekend is almost here!
Join us Friday, September 20th for the Kids Fun Run and Tailgate. Festivities will take place on the square in Downtown Jasper. Children ages 4-14 can register for the 1.1 Mile Kids Fun Run online by visiting the event website at heartlandhalfmarathon.com. A procession led by the JHS Band and Dance Team will travel from the Kids Fun Run to the Jasper Home Football Game in time for kickoff! Don't miss out on this exciting event.
Complete the Kids Run Challenge by participating in the 12-mile challenge over the course of the next few weeks. Participants can print the Running Log below and track 12 miles prior to September 20th. Participants will be entered to win cool prizes! The Heartland Kids Fun Run and Tailgate kicks off the fun-filled, family weekend of events with the Heartland Half Marathon, 5k, and Team Challenge taking place on the next morning, Saturday, September 21st. To register or for more information visit www.hearlandhalfmarathon.com.
Important Dates
September 2nd - Labor Day - No School
September 11th - PTO meeting
September 16th - PTO Fundraiser Kickoff
September 18th - No School -Teacher PD day
September 19th - Rachel's Challenge Presentation - Parents are welcome to attend
September 30th and October 2nd - Parent Teacher Conferences
September 30th - Scholastic Book Fair week
October 3rd - Picture Day
October 11th - Fire Prevention
October 11th - End of 1st Grading Period
October 11th - Ranger Ready Celebration
October 25th - Report Cards Go Home
October 25th - Grandparent's Day
November 11th - Veteran's Day
December 11th - Christmas Program
December 20th - End of 2nd Nine Weeks
December 20th - Ranger Ready Celebration