SiskiyouWorks Highlights
Fall 2024 - Winter 2025
First Annual CTE Showcase Day, April 25, 2025, Siskiyou County Fairgrounds
Siskiyou County High Schools & Regional Industry Partners Invitation
Siskiyou County Middle Schools Invitation
Siskiyou County CTE Showcase Day
Our best examples of career technical education will be showcased at the Siskiyou County Golden Fairgrounds on April 25, 2025. Siskiyou County 7th & 8th graders will have a chance to interact with various career technical programs from county high schools, College of the Siskiyous, and regional industries and partners. This is a FREE Event. Invitations/fliers for high schools and industry partners and middle school invitations have been emailed. Please reach out to Regina Hanna, rhanna@siskiyouworks.org, with questions.
CTE Business and Industry Night Success October 7, 2024
Weed High Culinary Team catered a delicious dinner
Eva Shepherd of Chico Start and Brad Ledford, CEO of Foundri Studio
Great turnout of CTE teachers, industry partners, and NorthState organizations
Keynote AI Innovation in the Workforce
Siskiyou County career technical education faculty, students, and business partners gathered at Yreka High School to align programs to ensure school to career transition & support. A highlight of the night included Brad Ledford's AI in the Workforce keynote. Key takeaways include importance of AI in today’s business world, current state of AI and LLMs, and tools and practical examples of using AI in business. Attendees, by pathway, discussed how AI technology affects their curriculum and industry-readiness. They also reviewed current strategies and alignment between CTE coursework and industry needs. Our partners StrongWorkforce, of California Community Colleges, have gathered the latest Far North labor market information at their great North Far North Careers website.
The latest Career and Industry Info for our area
Friday Night Live Chapters are off and running
The Summit, Mt. Shasta High School's FNL Chapter at the Statewide Youth Summit
Siskiyou YMCA's FNL Chapter at the Statewide FNL Youth Summit
Tiny, Mighty, Strong's FNL Chapter hosting Teen Leadership Conference
The California Friday Night Live Partnership program engages young people in prevention activities on school campuses and in community-based organizations. Under the guidance of an advisor, youth focus on making an impact in the areas of substance abuse prevention, social emotional learning, and other concerns that affect their schools and communities. This year our county Friday Night Live partnership includes Siskiyou YMCA, Weed High School, The Summit at Mt. Shasta High School, Butte Valley High School, Tulelake High School. We also have Boys and Girls Club Live in these middle schools: Sisson, Jackson Street, Tulelake, and Butte Valley. These programs encourage school-aged young people to create essential and powerful opportunities that enhance and improve local communities.
First 5 Siskiyou busy supporting parents and youth
First 5 Siskiyou / Siskiyou Child Abuse Prevention Council has led efforts to elevate support for parents, youth, and those who serve them by leveraging partnerships and funding. Each year nearly 200 sessions of evidence-based parenting classes, workshops and professional development opportunities are offered in Siskiyou County at no cost to the attendees.
SiskiyouWorks New Partnership - Community Schools
This partnership will allow us to leverage resources to address disparities affecting a student’s educational experience such as social-emotional needs, access to basic needs services, academic success within a K-12 setting, and providing integrated supports that promote equity and wellness for students and families.