LPS Elementary Weekly Newsletter
August 23, 2024
Drop off and Pickup Reminders
Carpool is getting better and better each and everyday. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please remember that we will close the doors at 7:38 as your child must be in their seat for school to start by 7:40. We will also close the doors at 4:30 for pickup. Once the doors are closed you must come into the office. If you don't want to do carpool please choose morning or afternoon walkers as an alternative. Please see front office for information
Other reminders are:
- Enter off Teel Parkway
- No phones in school zones or while in the carpool line
- Check in on SDM once you are by the playground
- Must have your car sign visible
- Tardies have officially started .
Below are the consequences for tardies:
Tardy 1-2 per 9 weeks: Warning (parent contact)
Tardy 3-4 per 9 weeks: Detention – 30 minutes (parent contact)
Tardy 5-6 per 9 weeks: Detention – 1 hour (parent contact)
Tardy 7+ per 9 weeks: Student Success meeting with Teacher, Principal and Registrar
Chick Fil A Ordering Open Until August 28
Marco's and Chick-fil-a ordering is now open for September! Please visit myschoolbucks.com to order. Be sure to select the correct student when ordering, changes cannot be made.
Marco's will be offered on Mondays this year. It is available on the following dates in September: 9/9, 9/16, 9/23 & 9/30.
Chick-fil-a will be offered on Thursdays this year. It is available on the following dates in September: 9/5, 9/12, 9/19 & 9/26.
Chick-fil-a will also be offered on FRIDAY 9/6.
Ordering will close on August 28th.
Parent Partnership
Parents we would love to partner with you throughout the year. Please fill out the short survey so we know who is interested with helping us and what you would like to do. Also please remember that to servant lead with us you need to complete the background check every year. Please click the link to get this completed asap.
No School on Labor Day - Friday 8/30 and Monday, 9/2 will have school Friday 9/6
Save the Date: K-4 Curriculum Night on 9/5
We will be having 2 of the same information sessions this year for curriculum night. All grade levels first session will run from 5:00-5:45. Second session with the same information will run from 6:00-6:45. These sessions will be held in the teachers classrooms. Special education and specials teacher will be available at this time for any questions. A session about Gifted and Talented will be in the Power Plant and will run at the same times, 5:00-5:45 and 6:00-6:45.
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 05:00 PM
8500 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
Dress Code
Please be sure that your child is in dress code every day. Teachers have been sending reminders home if your child has not been. We want to give everyone until 9/5 to correct any concerns regarding dress code.
Student handbook - is linked here if you need to look up dress code guidelines. Please remember that no hoodies can be worn while in school. There are also no boots of any kind that can be worn to school.
Subscribe to the LPS Events Calendar
Lunches Tuesday-Wednesday
School Dismissal Manager
Thank you for your patience as SDM is working through their glitches.
We will use SDM everyday for dismissal.
Remember school gets out at 4:00pm. Please don't line up before 3:30 pm.If you need to pick your child up before the end of the day please make sure that it is before 3:30. Students will not be dismissed from the office after 30 minutes before dismissal.
Please display your car sign from your rearview mirror to help us aid in loading cars. Anyone with your car sign will be allowed to pick up your child. If you need more car signs please make a copy for your other cars. You can bring it to the office and we can copy for you.
We do expect all children to be picked up within 20 minutes (by 4:20pm).
LPS Webpage
Please visit our website for all the information you need to know about LPS.
Ascender Parent Portal
Parent Page on Website
Little Miss Cheer
Chess Wizards
We are so excited to be offering chess this year. Please read over the flyer and contact them for any questions.
Shirt and Jeans Day August 29
Leadership Prep School Elementary Campus
Email: astewart@lpsfrisco.com
Website: lpsfrisco.com
Location: 8500 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
Phone: 972-294-6921
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leadershipprepschool/
Twitter: @lpsfrisco