Stetser Weekly Parent Update
January 17, 2025
Upcoming Dates
January 20th - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - NO SCHOOL
January 24th - Schoolwide Spelling Bee
January 24th - End of 2nd Marking Period
January 24th - Philadelphia Eagles Spirit Day
January 31st - Gator of the Month Assembly at 9:30 am
February 3rd - Picture Retake Day
February 5th - Super Bowl Sundae Party
February 6th - 1/2 day for Students; Parent Teacher Conferences
February 7th - No School for Students; Staff Professional Development Day
February 11th - PBIS - Candy Gram Sale
Emergency Closing Information
Emergency School Closings – If there is an emergency and the school has to close, vital information will be will be updated at the following locations:
• KYW 1060 AM Radio Station
• Chester Upland School District’s Facebook page
• A robocall will be sent to all Stetser families
• Power School Messenger
• Parents are required to set up an emergency plan in case of an emergency school closing
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Just a reminder that students are not permitted to have cell phones or smart watches on in the building.
Attendance Matters
As a Stetser community we are working towards increasing our daily attendance. Our goal is 95% daily attendance. We are currently at 91.6%.
Congratulations to Ms. Francis's and Ms. Heiles's classes for winning the most recent perfect attendance party!
Parent University
Student Information Update
The Information Update Process is still underway 2024-2025. Getting contact
information updated will enable us to use the new “School Messenger” more effectively.
Please watch the video below.
Clipper Connection
Clipper Connection (January 8,2025)
PBIS at Stetser
Stetser Gators are:
Students earn Gator Teeth for following school expectations.
Congratulations to Decembers' Gators of the Month:
Key'Lani Watkins Du'a Martin Jaseem Harris Xavier Watson Zach Caldwell Karon Harding Zeek Caldwell Ezra Parkin Brayon Robinson Brion Bullock Diaz Nylah Macklin Zah'la Coleman Jonathan Tucker Dariel Rivera Dominguez Khyree Swiggett Mehkai Perrigan Olivia Polk Kash Parker Londyn Carter
Volunteer Information
Below are direction from www.chesteruplandsd.org:
- Volunteer Clearances
Legislation in Pennsylvania requires community members and parents to obtain clearances in order to volunteer in our schools. If you have previously submitted your clearances to the Human Resources office, they are good for five (5) years from the date of the clearance.
Governor Wolf has waived the fees associated with the Pennsylvania State Police—Criminal Background Check and the Child Abuse History Clearance. Since the FBI clearance is a federal program, those costs still remain; however, the district has decided to permit individuals who have resided in Pennsylvania continuously for ten years or more to sign a certification form that saves the volunteer the expense of the fee, ensures compliance with the law, and allows the district to maximize student safety.
Understanding that many community members will want to begin the process of securing clearances so that they are prepared for the start of the school year, we have provided several links and directions to assist you. Once you have obtained the requisite clearances, please bring them to the Human Resources office for the Chester Upland School District, located 1350 Edgmont Avenue, Chester PA 19013. Please be prepared to present a valid driver’s license or other photo identification. Our Human Resources Department will then add your name to the district list so that our educators can readily ensure that volunteers have the proper clearances.
Directions for Obtaining Clearances for Volunteers Who Have Resided in Pennsylvania Continuously for 10+ Years
- Complete ACT 34—Pennsylvania State Police—Request for Criminal Record Check
- Complete ACT 151—Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance—Online Application
- Drop off paperwork at the Chester Upland School District Human Resource Office. Please be prepared to present a valid driver’s license or other photo identification.
- Print and Complete this Volunteer Information and Certification Form.
Directions for Obtaining Clearances for Volunteers Who Have Resided in Pennsylvania for Less Than 10 Years
- Complete ACT 34—Pennsylvania State Police—Request for Criminal Record Check
- Complete ACT 151—Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance—Online Application
- Complete Act 114—FBI Fingerprinting—To schedule your appointment, visit https://uenroll.identogo.com and enter Service Code 1KG6XN. You may also call 844-321-2101 to schedule an appointment
- Complete ACT 114—FBI Fingerprinting
Be certain to register under the Pennsylvania Department of Education. - Drop off paperwork at the Chester Upland School District Human Resources Office. Please be prepared to present a valid driver’s license or other photo identification.
Help us Shout Out our Sensational Stetser Staff!
Has a staff member here at Stetser made a difference for your child? Did a staff member go above and beyond for your child or family? This is your time to shout them out. We would love for families to fill out the Google form when a staff member has impacted you in a positive way, so we can celebrate them here at school.
Thank you for helping us to keep our staff encouraged, feeling appreciated, and giving their best to your children for a successful year!
Please fill in the short form below:
Social Emotional Learning
Community News
Upcoming Community Activities
Jan 20th - Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.: Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a time to reflect on the values of service, equality, and justice Dr. King dedicated his life to advancing. Let’s honor his legacy by coming together with the community. Here are two meaningful ways to participate:
We will be offering 3 Career Discovery Days at Widener University. Register Here.
- Jan 25, 1-5pm: STEM Career Discovery Day at Widener University with free dinner and snacks.
- Feb 8, 1-5pm: Rehab Science Career Discovery Day at Widener University with free dinner and snacks.
- Feb 22, 1-5pm: Emergency/Medical Career Discovery Day at Widener University with free dinner and snacks.
Complete the form at https://www.youthdevunited.org/museums for free passes to the Brandywine River Museum of Art. (Open Wednesday–Monday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Closed Tuesdays.)
We would love for you to send us photos of any events you attend so that we can share them with our generous donors to help ensure that their support keeps these activities going.
As always, check out our calendar at https://cuys.org/soccer-sat-2022 for other activities and upcoming events.
DCIU Parent Training
Chester Community Clinic located at Widener University
For Occupational Therapy /Physical Therapy: The clinic hours of operation are normally Monday through Thursday from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment or inquire about services, call 484-489-2834.
For Speech Therapy: To schedule an appointment or for more information about clinic services, please visit our website or email us at slpclinic@widener.edu. https://sites.widener.edu/speech-language-pathology-clinic/
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please use this link to view the daily breakfast and lunch menus
Just a note - we do not serve Peanut Butter - Sun butter is used.
Updated Contact Information
If you need to update any of your contact information please email Ms. Jones in the main office at tjones@chesteruplandsd.org
Arrival and Dismissal
• Students in the pre-k classroom enter directly through their classroom door at 8:45am and must be signed in by an adult.
• All students in grades K-5 enter school through the rear doors of the Gym/All-Purpose Room beginning at 8:30am. This door will close at 9:00am.
• Students in the Life Skills classrooms will enter the front door beginning at 8:30am.
• Students will be escorted to their classroom by their homeroom teacher at 8:45am.
Students will be marked tardy after 9:00am. If your child arrives to school after 9:00am, they must enter school through the front doors and stop at the front office to be signed in by an adult.
• Students will be dismissed from the rear of the school from their classroom doors at 3:45pm. Please check-in with your child's teacher so that we ensure everyone is leaving with their designated adult.
If your child needs to leave school early, the parent/guardian or designee should report to the front office for an early dismissal slip. An early dismissal is before 3:00pm. Your child will be called to the front office for an early dismissal. Parents will not be permitted to go directly to your child’s classroom. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds alone. Students will not be permitted to leave school early with an older sibling or anyone under the age of eighteen without written consent from the parent/guardian or designee.
Early Dismissals end at 3:00pm. Please plan accordingly if you need to pick your child up early.