Mrs. Bearden's Weekly Update

Mrs. Bearden's Message: February 3, 2025
Dear Eagle Canyon Families,
How is it February already? I want to thank all the families who helped make our Fourth Grade Gold Dust or Bust performance a success. Our students were outstanding! Last week, we also held our second annual Eagle Canyon Spelling Bee. Eleven students competed for the opportunity to represent CVUSD at the San Bernardino County Spelling Bee. Jason and Janhavi will represent Eagle Canyon. We wish them both the best of luck!
On Monday, January 20, 2025, Chino Valley Unified School District sent the annual K12 School Quality Survey. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. If you did not receive it, it is also linked below. If you have children at multiple schools in the district, completing the survey for each student at each school is beneficial. For example, if you have a child at Eagle Canyon and Canyon Hills, we would appreciate surveys completed for each student. I use the information collected from the survey in our School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Your input is invaluable to Eagle Canyon's success.
Thank you to the 71 parents who have completed the survey! We are 36% towards our goal of getting 200 completed surveys. If you haven't done so, take some time to complete the survey.
Classes with 100% survey participation will earn an ice cream party. Please send the confirmation for survey completion with your child's name and teacher to the office.
Eagle Canyon will begin ELPAC testing on Monday, February 3rd. A tentative schedule was shared with teachers. We will do our best to adhere to the schedule. We appreciate everyone's flexibility as we have more English Learners this year and limited staff members available for testing.
The Eagle Canyon Student Council is hosting a recycling drive. The first $200 earned will benefit our garden refresh. Anything above and beyond will be donated to benefit the victims of the Eaton fire.
Many of our students received new devices over the break. Please read the rules regarding devices below to ensure they are not disrupting the learning environment.
Yearbooks are still on sale for the increased price. Be sure to submit your order to ensure your child gets a copy.
Congratulations to the Kirk family! They won Priority Parking for January. We are tracking attendance to see who will be in the drawing for February Priority Parking. The February drawing will occur during the Monday Morning Rally. Good luck!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs. Bearden
Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength." ~Dalai Lama~
Weekly Bulletin - Two Weeks Worth of Eagle Canyon Events
Participating in the LCAP presentation presents an excellent opportunity to contribute feedback on the four goals of the Chino Valley Unified School District. The district values your input, which is instrumental in shaping decisions that impact our students. I encourage you to join me in this session to gain valuable insights and share your perspectives.
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2025, 05:30 PM
13435 Eagle Canyon Drive, Chino Hills, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Attendance Information
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow
Eagle Canyon's student attendance will be a focus this year. Attendance in school leads to better performance for children when they are adults.
Please make illness the only reason for an absence. When your child misses school, they miss out on necessary instruction, and it takes a while for them to get caught up. Parents of students at risk of Chronic Absenteeism will have to meet with Mrs. Bearden or Mr. Choi to sign an agreement to improve overall attendance.
We did not meet our goal once last week, averaging 93.55%, a decrease from the week before and almost 3% below the district goal. 😯 In the Ayala Feeder, we dropped to fourth place out of five elementary schools. 😪 Let's continue to make attendance a priority. If your child was absent, take advantage of the last Saturday School on March 8 to remove one absence.
🍩Donut be Late!🍩
Each week, the stars of the school with impeccable attendance and zero fashionably late entrances will bask in the glory of donut holes courtesy of the Eagle Canyon PTA! Brace yourselves, as two mystery days each week will be the golden ticket for this sugary delight.
Week 23 Donut be Late Winners
Additional Information
Another way you can support our PTA and celebrate your child's birthday is to purchase a birthday greeting for $25 that will be displayed on your child's birthday and run for one week. If interested, please stop by the office, complete the request, and submit the payment. Please be sure to plan in advance. We need two weeks' notice before the birthday to ensure everything is timed correctly.
The kids get so excited seeing their birthday highlighted on the marquee. Out of safety, we will never publish your child's last name, only the initial.
Each month, Eagle Canyon will focus on teaching students about a character trait. We will share it during our Monday Morning Rallies, and teachers will reinforce it by recognizing one student each month for a monthly award.
Wednesday: University Attire
Friday: Super Bowl Spirit Day - Wear your favorite team's jersey!
A popular fundraising opportunity all families can support is Box Tops. Download the Box Top app on your phone. You must scan your receipts on the Box Top app within 14 days of the purchase. The app will let you know if any purchased items qualify to earn 10 cents per product. If there are not any items, you will still have an opportunity to enter the sweepstakes to win 500 bonus Box Tops. Every receipt has the potential to earn our school money.
As of today, our school has earned $45.90 this year. Our goal is to earn $500. Please return the coupons to the school office if you also get them. Be sure to select the grade level that you want to support. Thank you in advance for your support!
Eagle Canyon Elementary School
Email: barbara_bearden@chino.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/23
Location: 13435 Eagle Canyon Drive, Chino Hills, CA, USA
Phone: (909) 590-2707
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EagleCanyonElementaryCVUSD
Twitter: @ECCvusd