MHS School Counseling Newsletter
December Edition
Enjoy the winter break!
We hope you all have a great winter break and have the chance to relax and recharge before the new year! School counselors will not be checking their email regularly over the break but we will respond to you when we return on Jan. 6th.
Post-Secondary Planning
Many of our seniors who have applied to four-year colleges with early action or early decision deadlines have begun to hear back from their schools! For any student applying to schools with regular decisions deadlines, please continue to meet with your school counselor so that we can help support you through this process. Don't hesitate to reach out about any questions or concerns you have!
Financial Aid Information
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which all colleges require for financial aid (and sometimes merit aid, as well) is AVAILABLE! Students should check the priority financial aid deadlines for their colleges on each school's financial aid website. Filling out your FAFSA by each school's priority deadline ensures that you receive the most aid possible that you are eligible for.
Step 1: create your FSA ID (username and password) here. You should complete this at least one week ahead of starting the FAFSA. Check out this graphic to see who needs to create an FSA ID
Step 2: complete the FAFSA here.
MEFA has created a handy checklist for what you need and the steps to complete the FAFSA.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts also provides resources for supporting families completing the FAFSA. Additional resources are available here and here is a list of events and one-on-one support for completing the FAFSA.
Mass State Financial Aid Programs
Other resources available to help students afford a college degree include:
- MassEducate: provides free tuition and fees at the state’s community colleges for all eligible Massachusetts students.
- MASSGrant Plus: can provide significant discounts (up to free tuition and fees) at the state’s four-year universities depending on family income.
- Eligible, non-U.S. citizens can apply for state financial aid through the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA).
MEFA Financial Aid Webinars
The Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority offers a variety of free webinars for students and families regarding financial aid. See the links below for more information and to register.
- Financial Aid 101 - Multiple dates
MEFA is also offering multiple dates for their FAFSA Festival, which provides personalized support completing the FAFSA. See below for dates and links to register.
2025 FAFSA Days
Financial aid professionals from colleges and organizations across Massachusetts
will be ready and available to answer questions and walk families through the application process on specific dates in early 2025. Click here for more information. Click the specific dates below to register for each event. (Registration for dates in March and April is not available yet)
- Sunday, January 5, 2025 , 1-2pm
- Tuesday, January 28, 6-7pm
- Monday, February 24, 6-7pm
- Tuesday, March 11, 6-7pm
- Monday, March 24, 6-7pm
- Monday, April 14, 6-7pm
- Tuesday, April 29, 6-7pm
CSS Profile
The CSS Profile is an additional financial aid application used by roughly 200 colleges and universities in the country. Most of the colleges that require the CSS Profile are private colleges. Students should check with each of their school's financial aid websites to see if the CSS Profile is required for them.
MEFA has some great resources on the CSS Profile:
- What to Know about the CSS Profile Webinar - this is a recording of a webinar that was held in 2024
Similar to college applications, the timing of scholarships becoming available is cyclical. Scholarships typically pick up during the second semester, but there are some larger scholarships that students can apply for in the fall. Whenever we learn of a scholarship available to students, we will post it on the Class of 2025 Google classroom. Every year in February, the local Maynard Scholarship Application will open up and we will come into the senior English classes to talk to students about the importance of applying.
In the meantime, please check out this Scholarship Resource List which has information about scholarship search engines and where to get started on your own.
Manton Scholarship
The Manton Scholars Program is seeking applications from students whose families have been significantly and negatively affected by the death or serious illness/incapacitation of a primary income earner, or the serious illness of an immediate family member (i.e., parent/primary care giver or sibling).
Scholars selected into the program will be eligible for up to four years of scholarship support at a two or four-year accredited college or university, or a trade school with a demonstrated track record of successfully placing graduates in long-term jobs. Schools must be located in the U.S or Canada. Scholarships will be up to $30,000 annually. Award size is based on unmet financial need
Applications must be completed online by Friday, February 14, 2025 by 5PM Eastern Standard Time. More information about the scholarship can be found here.
Information for Juniors
Juniors, we will come into your classes to start talking about post-secondary planning this spring, but it is never too early to start thinking about what you want to do after high school! This time period is meant to be about exploring different options. If you are interested in pursuing either 2- or 4-year college, we have lots of resources available on our website now for you to explore. Check out this post-secondary planning timeline and resources page for more information.
We will also be in touch in the spring about a night event for junior families on the entire college application process. A date will be coming soon!
Standardized Testing
Many colleges will remain test optional for the admissions cycle for the Class of 2026, but this is still subject to change. We encourage all juniors to check directly with colleges they are considering for the most up to date admissions requirements. This will be mentioned during our spring lesson, but if students want to sit for the SAT or ACT, we do recommend that they take the test of their choice for the first time this spring. Please keep in mind that MHS is not a testing center for either the SAT or ACT.
SAT Test Dates - students must register through collegeboard.org
March 8th, registration deadline Feb. 21 - this date may be early for students depending on how they felt about the PSAT and their scores, talk to your school counselor if you are unsure about signing up for the March test
May 3rd, registration deadline April 18 - AP students, be mindful about what your testing schedule will look like this month!
June 7th, registration deadline May 22
ACT Test Dates - students must register through act.org
Feb. 8th, registration deadline Jan. 3
April 5th, registration deadline Feb. 28
June 14th, registration deadline May 9
July 12th, registration deadline June 6
Mental Health Moment
As we head shortly into a 2-week long winter break, try to schedule some activities with family or peers. Even if you are looking forward to time away from school, it can be difficult to lose the structure of school and the forced interaction with classmates. During this break, take time to rest and recharge, but also try to find time to connect with others so you don’t feel isolated and alone. If you find yourself needing support during the break, please reach out for support to the Mass Behavioral Helpline or to the local Community Behavioral Health Centers in Waltham and Framingham.
Reality Fair
Last Friday, December 13, MHS hosted our first Reality Fair and it was a big success! A Reality Fair is a fun way to teach teens about financial management and the choices they will need to make. Each student was given a career and budget and had to go through stations simulating the various financial choices they will need to make as adults. We are grateful to the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley and our many parent volunteers who helped make the event possible.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
We will be administering the ASVAB to all interested students on January 30, 2025.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a standardized test that helps determine a person's eligibility for military careers. Anyone entering the military is required to take the ASVAB. However, the test also measures aptitude and strengths and can be used by all students to give them a clearer sense of potential careers they may be well suited for.
If you are interested in exploring the military as an option after high school or are interested in taking the ASVAB for career interest purposes, please speak with your counselor. We need to know who would like to take the test by January 15 at the latest.
MHS School Counseling
Nicole Fernald nfernald@maynard.k12.ma.us (978) 897-8891 ext. 3209
Dana MacPhee dmacphee@maynard.k12.ma.us (978) 897-8891 ext. 3105
Amy Petroskey apetroskey@maynard.k12.ma.us (978) 897-8891 ext. 3210
Please also visit our MHS School Counseling website!