Operation Wildcat
Meeting the needs of All Students in our District

When a Community Comes Together - OW's Year in Review 2023-2024
In 2023-24, OW used the funds raised from the yard sales and community donations to provide financial support to our 16 projects, with budgeted expenses of over $92,000. In addition to supporting our projects, this past year, OW:
· Provided $15,000 for Student Support, including summer school expenses and purchase of Elmwood Academy's service dog Sunny.
· Provided $10,000 to MASD Building Funds for schools to use to assist students.
· Provided $8,000 for college scholarship ($1000/year for 4 years) to two graduating MASD seniors.
· Purchased $4,500 in grocery store gift cards to be distributed to district families in need.
· Provided $4,000 to the Mechanicsburg Recreation Board to fund scholarships for after school
· Provided $8,000 to the Mechanicsburg Recreation Board to fund the Recreation Scholarship
· Provided $4,000 to the MASD food pantries to fund the purchase of food items.
· Provided $1,500 to nurses for purchase of underwear.
· Provided $5,000 to Mechanicsburg Music Alliance (MMA) to provide scholarships for MMA
In addition to financial support, in 2023-24, OW provided the following items to students and
families thanks to the generous donations of the community:
· 80 backpacks prefilled with back to school items provided to students before start of school
· 40 bikes and helmets given out to kids and families
· Halloween costumes for 80 families
· Books donated to students and teacher classrooms, Project Legacy, Project Gift Box and give aways at community events
· Cleats for 160 soccer and baseball players
· Numerous clothing requests fulfilled for students and families
· Mattresses/boxsprings/bed frames, dressers, sofas, plus many more household items
· 297 holiday gifts cards donated to district students, matched by OW so each student received 2 gift cards, along with hats, gloves and scarves
· Prom and Homecoming dresses and suits for 40 students
· 20 district families adopted through Project Legacy
· dental hygiene products provided to students and families
· 50 families received holiday trees and decorations
· 120 Thanksgiving baskets provided to district families
Project Clothes Clean Up Days 9/14, 10/6, 10/27
Sign up: ttsu.me/nhry9r
OW has scheduled a cleanup days September 14, October 6, October 27, 1-3pm to be held in the OW space in the MMS basement to work on all the clothing donations. Adults and children 12 years and older (they do not need an adult to stay with them) are welcome! There is no a/c in the room so please dress accordingly. We will meet in the lobby of MMS before heading down the room. Please contact Melissa Herbein, 717-580-5898, melissaherbein@gmail.com Meghan Brown, pmbrown2@msn.com with any questions.
Project Glam Homecoming Open Houses 9/22, 9/28
WHAT: Your First Stop Before You Shop! Open to ALL MASD Students!!
WHEN: Sunday September 22nd noon-2pm, Saturday September 28th 10am-noon
WHERE: MMS basement - change of location
WHO: Open to ALL MASD Students
QUESTIONS: please contact Cristi Serina cranks302@gmail.com
Project Boo Open House 10/2
WHAT: Free Costume Distribution Open House
WHEN: Wednesday, October 2nd 4:30-6:30pm
WHERE: Kindergarten Academy Open Classroom Lobby, 600 S Norway St
WHO: FREE to any child residing in MASD. Bring your parents. Younger siblings are welcome.
QUESTIONS: Contact Info: Charity Castner, charity.castner@gmail.com
OW Fall General Meeting 10/9
WHAT: OW Fall General Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday, October 9th, 7pm
WHERE: Kindergarten Academy Open Classroom Lobby, 600 S Norway St
WHY: Want to get more involved in Operation Wildcat? Want to learn more about what we do and how you can help our school community? Then please mark this date on your calendar. All are welcome! If you can’t attend the meeting but wish to get more info about OW, please contact us at operationwildcatmasd@gmail.com
Project Clothes Items Needed
Please only donate new or slightly used clothing; do not donate any torn or stained clothing. We want clothing your children have outgrown, not outworn . Note: we accept only NEW socks and NEW underwear. To help us with sorting donations, please mark the bag on the outside. If possible, please leave donations at MMS.
Sports Bras - all sizes
Underwear - all sizes
Sneakers - all sizes
Project Spring for Socks
It's not spring : ), but OW is in desperate need of the following underwear sizes. We accept only NEW underwear. To help us with sorting donations, please mark the bag on the outside. If possible, please leave donations at MMS.
Boys 4, 6/8, 8/10, 10/12, 14/16, 18/20
Girls 5, 6, 8, 10/12, 14/16
Juniors 5, 6, 7 lowrise, bikini and boyshort style
Mens S, M, L, XL
Project Back to School Thanks!
Thank you to all who donated back to school items throughout the summer at various sites and businesses. OW will continue to collect items through Labor Day weekend at the below sites. After Labor Day weekend, OW will gladly accept donations year round at district buildings, preferably MMS. Thank you for all your support!
What Items are Still Needed?
Back to School Supplies (new): backpacks for high schoolers, earbuds, folders, and notebook paper - wide ruled
Calculators (new or gently used): Texas Instrument 34 & 83 models
Personal Items (new): Brushes, Chapstick, Conditioner, Deodorant, Shampoo, Shaving cream, Soap, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Underwear
Where can I donate Items?
Look for “Operation Wildcat” donation bins at these participating collection sites:
MASD Schools: MMS and District Office, Mechanicsburg Recreation Office, Americhoice (Bumble Bee Hollow), George’s Cleaners (Mech & UA), Joseph T. Simpson Public Library, Mechanicsburg Brethren In Christ Church (August only), New Cumberland Federal Credit Union (Carlisle Pike), One80ministries, Shepherdstown United Methodist Church, and Sylvan Learning Center (Carlisle Pike).
Donations will also be accepted at OW Warehouse 507 N York St Saturdays & Sundays 1-3pm
Gift cards to Giant, Grocery Outlet, Wal-Mart and Target can also be donated.
Gift cards can be mailed to or dropped off at the district office c/o “Operation Wildcat”, MASD, 600 South Norway Street, Mechanicsburg PA 17055.
If you have a child in MASD and need help with back-to-school items, etc., please contact your child’s school counselor or nurse. All requests are kept confidential.
For more information on or to get involved in Operation Wildcat, please visit our website www.operationwildcat.org, our Facebook page or contact Leslie Collins 717-795-7372, operationwildcatmasd@gmail.com
Project Furniture Items Needed
Tall dressers in GOOD condition - not in need of repair/refinish (send picture please)
Microwaves - must be less than 6 years old, and in clean, working condition
Items must be in good condition. If you have any of these items to donate, please contact Maureen at 717-773-1988, mmross4@comcast.net. Thank you for helping our families!
Books Needed
Project Books is looking for books with more diversity and ESL books. Graphic novels are also a big request, primarily from the 4th-5th grade level teachers. These books will be used to supplement classroom libraries. If you have any of these books, they can left in the OW bin at MMS (preferably), OW bin at any district building or contact the project chair Holly Anderson hrfrock@yahoo.com to make arrangements.
Volunteers Needed to Assist with Furniture Pick-ups & Deliveries
Volunteers are needed to assist with the pick-up/drop-off of furniture items in the District. All items for pick up are either left outside or are in the garage - no heavy lifting up/downstairs!
For deliveries - all items are delivered to the families' doorstep.
There are no set days'/times to help - we work around the volunteers' and the families' schedules.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Kaleb Dissinger at t34foru@yahoo.com.
Help Needed at OW Warehouse
Sign up: https://www.timetosignup.com/operationwildcat/sheet/1353817/warehouse-help-february-june-2024
If we are going to continue holding the Yard Sale, we need help year round. It takes many hands to receive donations, organize, sort, price and skid the donations. All that the volunteer needs to do is accept donations at the warehouse. Instructions on what OW takes and where to place the donations will be posted at the warehouse, as will contact information for any questions. Students are welcomed! NOTE: In case of inclement weather the warehouse will be closed. Warehouse is located at 507 N. York Street, Mechanicsburg, 17055. Turn on to Pleasant View Drive - 1st left into parking lot to Dock Door 1.
Questions – call or email Maureen at 717-773-1988. The twice-yearly Yard Sales are OW’s only fundraiser – it can only continue with your help.
OW Warehouse
Address: 507 N York Street, Mechanicsburg 17055. Turn on to Pleasant View Drive. Make 1st left into parking lot- stay straight to dock door 1. Skids will be in the area of dock door #1. Donations are on a "no contact" basis with all boxes and containers being placed on the skids outside the warehouse. OW Warehouse is open most Saturdays and Sundays 1-3pm
At the present time(due to all the donations received and lack of space) we are NOT taking:
artificial Christmas trees (contact Project Tannenbaum chair Patti Herring familyzeke@verizon.net to make arrangements)
canister vacuums/ floor steamers/cleaners
electrical fixtures that need to be installed (i.e. ceiling/wall lighting, ceiling fans)
exercise equipment
Glassware - cups/mugs- vases
Used Pillows (bed or decorative)
Skis/ski equipment
Stuffed animals
old tv sets/old stereo equipment
VHS Tapes
and items that have seen their day and need to be disposed of!
If you have Furniture to donate please text or email pictures AHEAD OF TIME to mmross4@comcast.net, 717-773-1988, to ensure we have room at the warehouse and they are items needed/requested by our families.
A tax receipt if available for all donations.
If you have a question on whether or not we can take an item - contact Maureen at 717-773-1988, mmross4@comcast.net
Help Needed Food Program Distribution for Elementary Schools 2024/25
Our schools have a food program in which they provide food for kids to take home over the weekend. The program fills backpacks with food and then distributes the food from MMS and KA to the various elementary schools. Help is needed this school year on Thursdays during the day to transport the filled backpacks to the various schools. It interested, please contact Paul Bigham, pbigham@mbgsd.org .
MASD School Board Meetings on YouTube
Meetings of the Mechanicsburg Area School District Board of Directors are NOW recorded and livestreamed for transparency and increased public access. The livestream, along with recordings from previously held meetings, can be found at this link. https://www.youtube.com/@masdschoolboard
Upcoming Events
September 22 Project Glam Open House
September 28 Upper Allen Fall Festival
September 29 Project Glam Open House
October 2 Project Boo Open House
October 9 OW Fall General Meeting
October 18-19 Fall Yard Sale
For more information
Website: www.operationwildcat.org
Email: operationwildcatmasd@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook: Operation Wildcat
Follow us on X @MASD_OW