Manning Morsels for Families
Week of August 26th 2024

Week of December 9th
🥬 Try it Tuesday - December 9th 🥬
Students will have the opportunity to try Kale Chips.
Students have the option to say "No Thank You" if they do not want to try a sample.
✨Manning Staff Shout Outs - December✨
Each nominee's name will be placed in a staff drawing to be recognized every month. Thank you for helping us to acknowledge and show our appreciation for our dynamic, Manning Family!
November Winner- Catherine Gordon
📚 Battle Of The Books 📚
Winter Formal
4/5 Basketball Is Back!!
Volunteers Wanted
Manning Mentors Sign Up
Sign Up Here!
Friday recess slots are open. Click to learn more and sign up!
Manning Spiritwear
Click the link above
Specials Volunteer Sign Ups
Ms. Pietrzak and Mrs. James
Manning Principal and Assistant Principal