New Year Myrrh
January 2025
Looking Forward
When you look ahead, what do you see? Studies tell us that we see what we are looking for. What are you looking for in this new year?
We tend to see ourselves and others based on our expectations and prior knowledge. What if we determine to look for what we can't see. Obi-Wan Kenobi once advised Luke Skywalker to not trust his eyes, because “your eyes can deceive you.” Scripture also warns that appearances can be deceiving.
Do you need to see yourself in a new light this year? Do you need to give someone a fresh chance or another look? Looking forward with wisdom and awareness of your own biases might just be your breakthrough.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32 ESV
Beauty is a balm for the soul, and it is everywhere if you will just look for it. It looks different for each of us. The hard part is making room for it, pausing and giving it your full attention even if for a few short, wonderful moments. This is about savoring.
Ecclesiastes 11:7-8 tells us that life should be savored with enthusiasm. Most of the time our schedules are so full that we barely keep our heads above water rather than savor each moment we are given and the activities we have chosen.
Don’t let beauty just pass you by this year. Look for it and hang out with it. Savor it. Let it heal your hurts, sooth your pains, and bring you fresh joys each day!
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV
Like the storms that come with each season, we can expect seasonal storms in our lives. How we respond to them makes all the difference.
It’s fascinating to consider this by looking at the differences between the buffalo and cow. During a storm the cow runs away from the storm. They can’t outrun it so they huddle together to ride it out, increasing their time of struggle and pain. The buffalo however, charges into the storm pushing through it and shortening their time of struggle.
As believers, we know that we will face storms in life. How we face them matters. We know we have refuge in the Lord and that testing produces spiritual fruit that endures. We know we don't face these alone and that God wants to turn all things for our good. With these truths set aside the fears of the flesh and charge into your oncoming storm claiming God's promises with faith that He WILL do what He says every time no matter what it looks like.
What to Leave in Your Rearview
- What is draining for you?
- What do you no longer use?
- What reduces your focus on what really matters?
- What is no longer inspiring?
- What's boring you?
- What is toxic in your life?
- What is stunting your personal growth?
Let it go and don't look back!
Re-boot Your Social and Emotional Health in 2025!
We can't control circumstances OR others. The best place to renew your joy and strengthen your own countenance lies within you. This kind of personal growth, like any goal takes intention. Join a rejuvenating dive into my Social and Emotional 21-Day Challenge Book Study and equip yourself with fresh ideas to strengthen your journey ahead.
- Challenge your mindsets surrounding your personal social and emotional health
Gain self-awareness, determine your challenges, and gain practical strategies for growth
Have accountability to strengthen your convictions
Become inspired to renew your commitment to personal self-care
- Downloadable reflections and reading guide to document your journey
- Recorded virtual sessions and email encouragement that inspires you to stay the course
- Book purchased separately
Growing is a joyful lifestyle that relieves us of the pressure of perfection and leads us to a place where we can make a greater and more positive impact every day.
Texoma Christian School Guidance Counselor
© Kathy Pierce Howard
Email: kathy@prep4successacademy.com
Website: www.prep4successacademy.com
Location: 3500 West Houston Street, Sherman, TX, USA
Phone: 903-957-8223
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prep4successacademy
Twitter: @prep4successnow