Parker Post
December 8, 2024
Dear Parker Families,
It was great to see so many Parker families this weekend at the Friends of Reading METCO brunch and Festival of Trees. These events are a reminder of the vibrant community we have here in Reading.
Kudos to Parker's a cappella ensemble, Parkapella, for their exceptional performance at the Festival of Trees!
Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring an all school enrichment AND a staff holiday breakfast this past week (see below for photos of these fabulous events!). We are so fortunate to have such generous families and volunteers.
A reminder that the 8th grade Winter Concert is this Thursday, December 12th, at 7pm. Hope to see you there!
In partnership,
Jill Story
Upcoming Events
PTO Meeting - 12/9, 7 p.m.
Musical Auditions - 12/9 & 12/10
Grade 8 Concert - 12/12
Musical Call Backs - 12/16
Grades 6 & 7 Concerts - 12/17
Grade 7 Christmas Carol Field Trip - 12/18
Musical Tech Interviews - 12/20
Winter Break - 12/23/24 - 1/1/25
Winter Clothing Drive
Yearbook Orders & Request for Baby Photos (8th graders!)
RMHS Drama Club
Hour of Code
Computers are everywhere, transforming every industry!
The Hour of Code has a proven track record of making history. More than 100 million students have tried an Hour of Code. This year let's make the Hour of Code even bigger. Join us for the 2024 Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week, December 9-15. Everyone can benefit from learning the basics! Students, see Ms. Frye for more information.
Get started at hourofcode.com
After School Tutoring
A message from RMHS student Dhanya Bhola:
Hi! I’m Dhanya Bhola, a junior at RMHS and a former student at Parker. I’m offering tutoring for middle school students who need help with their classwork and homework. I can also assist with test and quiz preparation, as well as organizational skills. I believe that learning effective study habits in middle school sets the foundation for success in high school. I would be available Monday and Wednesdays 3:30PM-5:00PM at the Reading Public Library.
If you’re interested, please email me at dhanya.bhola@rdgstudent.com. Thank you!
News from the PTO
📌 PTO MEETING: Please join us for our next PTO meeting, Monday, December 9 at 7 p.m. via zoom. Take a sneak peek at our upcoming agenda. All are welcome!
📌 PARKER PTO FESTIVAL OF TREES: A big thank you to Julie Sheeran & Alicia Weaver for coordinating the Parker PTO “Curtains” tree at Festival of Trees this weekend. Thank you to our Parker community for all of the donations towards making this Parker Drama-themed tree a great one!
📌 RECENT ENRICHMENT PROGRAM: This past week, Illstyle & Peace Productions from Philadelphia presented our Parker students a show on the history of hip hop dance. Thanks to enrichment coordinator Jen Hillery for facilitating!
- M, 12/9: PTO Meeting, 7pm. Via zoom.
- Email: parkerptopres@gmail.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/ParkerPTO
- Instagram: @ParkerMSPTO, www.instagram.com/parkermspto
- Parker PTO webpage: tinyurl.com/ParkerPTOpage
SEPAC Updates
To learn more about Reading SEPAC, please visit our website: Reading SEPAC Website
Should you wish to receive our monthly newsletter, please send an email to SEPACReading@gmail.com
Please note that Reading SEPAC IS OPEN TO ALL parents/caregivers and not only families who have a child with special needs as we offer various opportunities to connect with other families and provide learning experiences.
SEPAC Winter Business Meeting:
Wed, Dec 18, 7pm (Online; Registration is required)
Please join us virtually for our next SEPAC Business Meeting. We will be going over the following:
SEPAC intro & updates
Student Services updates
Reading Coalition for prevention and support presentation
LEAD program review
Click here to register for the SEPAC Business Meeting.
Registration required to receive the zoom link for the business meeting.
Past Events:
Recorded events that are available on the Reading SEPAC Website:
- The Right to Read Panel Discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw_oIuqkUt0
- The New IEP Presentation
- MCAS & Students with Disabilities Presentation
- Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Presentation
- Review tiered system of supports and provide examples
- Outline effective communication channels with your team and school
***Should you wish to reach out to Reading SEPAC anonymously, please use this form
Friends of Reading METCO is a volunteer group of Boston and Reading parents, working together to make connections between families and support the METCO program in our District. Contact ilka@ilkawalkley.com if you’d like to know more.
About Reading SEPAC
SEPAC works for the understanding of, respect for, and support of, all children with special needs in the community (including ALL children on IEPs or 504 plans and children who may require specialized supports).
Reading Public Schools is a METCO District
METCO unites suburban towns with Boston to engage in a reciprocal learning partnership in support of all students. Because of this, every child who attends school in Reading Public Schools is a METCO student and every parent or guardian who has a student in RPS is a part of the METCO community.
Teen Programs at the Reading Public Library
Parker Teams
If you need to connect with your child's teachers, please reach out to the Team Leader as the primary point of contact. Team Leaders will be communicating regularly with families throughout the year.
Team Synergy - Jane Costa (jane.costa@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Unity - Elisabeth Bean (elisabeth.bean@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Justice - Andrew Spinali (andrew.spinali@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Integrity - Steve Olivo (steve.olivo@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Inspire - Julie Merrill (julie.merrill@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Endeavor - Brian James (brian.james@reading.k12.ma.us)
Regular Day Bell Schedule
Advisory Day Bell Schedule
On Wednesdays, students will have Advisory. During Advisory, students meet in smaller groups with an assigned Advisory teacher. The goal is to foster a sense of belonging for all students through the implementation of curriculum that is designed to reinforce Parker's core values of kindness, community, and personal best.
Please be aware that any medication must be brought in by parents and signed in with a nurse, with the exception of epipens and inhalers which may be brought in by students. Please note that all medications require a physician order and parent consent. You may upload any medical documentation, including copies of orders and physicals, privately through the health portal here. Please see illness guidelines here. If you have any medical questions that you would like to discuss with the nurse, please contact kate.shmulsky@reading.k12.ma.us.
Health Services Updates: The Health Services Department would like to share some important reminders. Parents/guardians/caregivers should review the RPS illness guidelines here. If your child requires medication at school, including an Epipen or inhaler, ensure you complete and submit this form. Reading Public Schools utilizes the SNAP Health Portal for electronic health records, allowing secure uploading of medical documents and private messaging with school nurses; an email has been sent to parents with login details and the portal can be accessed here.
COVID guidance
If you test positive for COVID-19, you should isolate from others while you are ill.
You may begin to resume normal activities with precautions if:
- You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines; AND
- Your other symptoms are improving
For at least the first 5 days after you resume normal activities, take these extra precautions:
Avoid crowded indoor spaces. Wear a mask anytime you are indoors around other people
Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid spending time with people who are at increased risk for severe disease
Here is more information about COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.
Here's a link to the Massachusetts DPH Respiratory Illness Dashboard
Resources for Caregivers
Private & Tech School Applications
Grade 8 Families:
Please see the attached document for information about how to request transcripts and letters of recommendation if your child is applying to private or technical schools.
Access to the portal can be found on the Parker website (https://parker.reading.k12.ma.us/en-US) by clicking on the PlusPortals button. Your username should be your personal email. If you have questions about your account, please contact Linnea Frye: linnea.frye@reading.k12.ma.us
About Us
Jill Story, Principal
Email: jill.story@reading.k12.ma.us
Beth Simpson, Assistant Principal
Email: beth.simpson@reading.k12.ma.us
Website: Walter S. Parker Middle School
Location: 45 Temple Street