Falcon Newsflash
T-minus 3 weeks!
Seniors start finals NEXT WEEK, but we have a LOT packed into the next five days before we get to the exams. We'll kick this week off with the pageantry of Senior Walk and end it with a trip down memory lane on Friday when our Falcons pick up their yearbooks.
Remind your Falcon to make use of the last few days of Falcon Lunch tutorials before we wrap up the year. If they still have any outstanding coursework or attendance appeal hours, they are running out of time to complete their responsibilities.
Testing schedules for both seniors and underclassmen can be found at the bottom of the Newsflash.
It is going to be a GREAT week at the LAKE!
Elizabeth Raska
5/13-17 - AP Testing
5/14 - Senior Walk
5/15 - Exam Exemption Appeal Submission DEADLINE (NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GIVEN)
5/17 - Yearbook Pick-up Krueger Fieldhouse (by announcement)
5/20 - Senior Awards
5/20-23 - Senior Exams
5/24 – Mandatory Graduation Meeting for all Seniors & Decision Day Event
5/27 - Student and Staff Holiday
5/28-31 - Underclassmen Final Exams
5/28 - Senior Clearance & Senior Sunset
5/29 - VOE Deadline for Summer
5/29 - Graduation
5/31 - Early Release
6/4 - Semester Final Grade posted on Skyward.
Bell Schedule
Monday - Falcon Lunch
Tuesday - Falcon Lunch Advisory
Wednesday - Falcon Lunch
Thursday - Falcon Lunch
Friday - Falcon Lunch
Will You Need a VOE this Summer?
May 29th - Request Deadline
If you need a Verification of Enrollment during the summer (June 1st through August 14th), you will need to apply for it no later than May 29th. Clear Lake High School will not process VOEs during the summer months. VOE requests are accepted online ONLY. A link to the request form is available on the CLHS website and on your Falcon CANVAS page.
Please see the information below from the DPS regarding VOEs.
- Any VOE issued during the school year expires 30 days after the date of issuance. Any VOE issued during the last 5 days of the school year will expire on the first day of the following school year.
- Can you use a report card as a Voe in Texas? If you are applying during the summer and are still enrolled in school, your last report card for the most recent school year is acceptable, provided it has your name, a list of absences, and a complete listing of grades.
Did You Check Out a Textbook?
If you checked out a textbook at the beginning of the year, please bring it to office 1060 to Mr. Gernander so that he can check it back in. If you need your book for end-of-year finals, please let us know so that we can plan a time for you to return it. Remember, you are financially responsible for any books checked out to you. Failure to return these items will result in fines added to your Skyward account.
AP Exams
May 6 -17
We’re just a week away from the beginning of AP Exams! Representing almost 34% of our student body, 840 students will be taking one or more of the 1918 exams we will be administering this year.
The general testing time frames are: 7:20 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. for morning tests and 11:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. for afternoon tests. The lengths of the tests vary depending on the subject being tested.
Students taking the afternoon tests (starting at 11:30 am) will miss their 5th-period classes so that they can eat lunch and then report to the testing location on time. This will be the case for each day of AP testing.
Please note that students taking afternoon tests who rely on the bus for their ride home will have to arrange for alternate transportation.
Please review the test schedule attached below, which indicates each test date, time, and location. Also, review the Do’s and Don’ts document to prepare for your test.
We encourage all testers to bring snacks and water to the test. Students should also eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night’s sleep before their test.
Do Your Best! Get Some Rest Before the Test!
Summer School Registration is OPEN
Summer School 2024 at CLHS!
Looking to recover credit or get ahead? Summer school will be held at CLHS this year. This is a great opportunity for students to recover credit or earn initial credit on our very own campus! There will be two sessions: June 10-20 and June 24-July 3. The cost of a one-half credit course is $200 (Students on the free/reduce lunch meal deal will pay $100). If you already know what course you want to take in summer school, then go ahead and pre-register now through May 3, 2024, with your counselor. If you miss the pre-registration window, there will be a registration session and a late registration session later. See the attachment below for more details.
If you have any questions or interest in summer school, make sure you visit with your counselor!
Yearbook Pick-Up
Fine Arts Spotlight
Clear Lake Choir Presents
The Clear Lake Choir presents Dreams and Desires on May 16 & 17 at 7 pm in the CLHS PAC. Come join us for an evening of outstanding entertainment and showmanship.
Tickets are on sale now for $7!
Purchase online using the QR code or click on the picture above to access the ticket link. Tickets purchased at the door increase to $10.
Falcon Athletics
Tennis Tryouts
Girls Summer SWAT
Swim Team Try Outs
Boys Cross Country
Hey Seniors!
Senior Receptions
North Pointe
Final Transcripts
Seniors will make their final transcript requests during their Senior Survey with their counselors.
- The final transcript process takes several weeks to complete.
- Final transcripts will not be ready until the last week of June.
- All final transcripts will be submitted by 6/30/2024.
If you receive an email from your college before 6/30/2024 saying they have not received your final transcript, do not be alarmed. This is an auto-generated email. Colleges/universities know the transcript process takes several weeks to complete.
If you are attending orientation before 6/30/2024 and they tell you to bring a copy of your final transcript, you can take your final report card and mid-year transcript, and these will be available on your parent’s Family Access account under the report card tab.
It Won't be Long Until...
Senior Walk
Graduation Meeting
Senior Sunset
Semester Exams
Exam Exemptions
May 15th - Exemption Appeal Deadline
If you feel you have experienced extenuating circumstances that have impacted your ability to maintain eligibility for final exam exemptions, you may submit an appeal request using the QR code below. The Exam Exemption Committee will review your case and make a determination. All Committee decisions are final, and exemption eligibility may not be appealed further.
Join Today!
Whether you are new to the LAKE or are just now getting around to filling out the application, the CLHS PTSA is still looking for new members. Please consider joining the largest and most active high school PTSA in CCISD. A school cannot thrive without the support of its community, and there is no school with a more supportive community than Clear Lake.
Be a part of what makes Life Better at the LAKE.
Football Booster
Project Graduation
Parents, we are now in the home stretch. If your student has not yet purchased a ticket to PG, the price increases next week! Tickets are sold during lunch in the hallway close to the nurse's office, or they may be purchased online for an additional fee. Ticket prices increase on May 15, and our food count is due May 22. PLEASE have your student purchase a PG ticket soon! Students who opt to purchase at the door must have a valid ID, and they must pay $60 CASH. No other form of payment will be accepted.
Parents of all grade levels are invited to work PG, and the first shift especially welcomes parents of underclassmen so the parents of seniors have time for photos and celebrating immediately after graduation. The signup genius attached provides information about where volunteers are needed at Main Event.
When students arrive at Main Event, they will check-in, in and receive a game card and a wristband (which they are to wear until they leave). There will be all-night games, food, and entertainment (a caricature artist, a magician, a hypnotist, karaoke, a selfie balloon booth), and abundant laughter. If your senior wants to leave before 3 am, one of the volunteers at the event will call the emergency contact number on the registration form so someone knows the senior has left Main Event. The doors open at about 11:50, are locked at 12:30, and will reopen at 6 am. We look forward to a FABULOUS event!
If you want your senior to have an additional raffle ticket for the 100+ prizes, you may use the attached flyer to make a donation. Please put the senior's name in the NOTE area.
Thank you to everyone who made this event possible. It is been a great community effort!
Follow PG24
Please follow us on Social Media and ask your student to post information to generate interest in what we are doing.
- Website: Google search – CLHS Project Graduation
- Facebook: Clear Lake High School Project Graduation
- Instagram: clhsprojectgrad
Donations may be made to PG24 by visiting the Website.
Is Your Falcon on the Meal Deal Program?
The Free/Reduced Lunch Program is available for students in eligible families. In addition to food service allowances, the F&R program also provides fee reductions or waivers for course fees, technology insurance, and much more.
How to Apply
1. Create a School Cafe account
2. Apply HERE
Please go to the CCISD Student Meals page for more information.
Anonymous Alerts
CCISD continues to implement and improve upon our anonymous system for reporting safety concerns. These concerns can include safety violations on campus, threats, harassment, bullying and self-harm. Because Clear Lake High School's safety is dependent upon every member of our community, if you see or hear of something that concerns you, we ask you to tell a trusted adult so they can report it or submit your concern using the Anonymous Alert system.
When submitting concerns, please make sure that you report all information (names, descriptions, location, time, etc.) to help with a quick response. We investigate every tip submitted.
For expeditious reporting, we ask that parents and students load the app on your phones (QR codes below). Reports can be made anonymously by using the blue button link below. QR codes for reporting are also posted year-round on the rotating announcement TVs in the hallways on campus.
CLHS Campus Policies
Click the links below for each of the CLHS Campus Policies you and your Falcon need to know.
Campus Contacts
Our Falcons' Support Teams are assigned according to the students' last names. If at any time you need help or have questions related to your Falcon, please reach out to your student's alpha team below.
- Assistant Principal: Zachary Johnson
- Office phone: 281-284-1932
- Counselor: Jana Morse
- Office Phone: 281-284-1940
- Assistant Principal: Brian Palazzi
- Interim AP: Marc Gernander
- Office Phone: 281-284-1932
- Counselor: Celina Low-Scott
- Office Phone: 281-284-1943
- Assistant Principal: Aaron Troyer
- Office Phone: 281-284-1936
- Counselor: Amanda Embrey
- Office Phone: 281-284-1944
- Assistant Principal: Stephanie Williams
- Office Phone: 281-284-1936
- Counselor: Andrea Telford
- Office Phone: 281-284-1941
- Assistant Principal: Dr. Christina Cavaliere
- Office Phone: 281-284--1931
- Counselor: Jeffrey Derrickson
- Office Phone: 281-284-1942
Get Social with the LAKE
Class Facebook Pages
Class of 2027 - Clear Lake HS Parents-Class of 2027
Class of 2026 - Clear Lake HS Parents-Class of 2026
Class of 2025 - Clear Lake HS Parents-Class of 2025
Class of 2024 - Clear Lake HS Parents-Class of 2024
Campus Information
Location: 2929 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA
Website: https://clearlakehs.ccisd.net
Facebook: facebook.com/ClearLakeHSOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clearlake_hs/
Twitter: @Clear_LakeHS
YouTube: Clear Lake High School
PTSA webpage: Link Up With LAKE