GCPS Health and Safety Update

GCPS' focus on health and safety | August 29, 2024
Is my child too sick to attend school?
People often wonder what makes a child too sick to go to school, childcare, or camp. Our partners at the GNR Health Department have some great information and resources to help our families prevent the spread of illness while prioritizing student learning.
September 20 is the first Digital Learning Day! November 5 is a Digitial Learning Day.
GCPS has four Digital Learning Days built into the 2024-25 school calendar—September 20, November 5, February 7, and March 14. On these four planned DLDs, all students will learn from home, completing assignments at their own pace. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have their district-issued devices at home for planned DLDs.
Please click here to learn more about Digital Learning Days in GCPS.
Mental Health Resources in Gwinnett County
View Point Health provides adult and youth outpatient services and promotes overall health and quality of life through treatment services that reduce the impact of mental illness for individuals and families. Visit myviewpointhealth.org to learn more about the services and supports available in Gwinnett County.
9-8-8 is the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Access is available through every landline, cell phone, and voice-over-internet device in the United States. Call services are available in Spanish, and interpretation services are available in over 150 languages.
The 988 dialing code is available for call, text, and chat. You can learn more about 988 and access resources at 988lifeline.org.
Gwinnett County Public Schools finds that the quickest and most effective way to resolve a concern regarding your child is by addressing it at the most direct level.
In our school district, we care about each and every student. We also believe that open and honest communication between parents and teachers is a key to student success. Thank you for partnering with your child’s teacher and school to address any concerns. Learn more about addressing concerns at you child’s school.
Gwinnett County Public Schools Transportation
GCPS' inclement weather procedures
Everyone has a role in keeping our schools safe.
Ensuring school safety is everyone’s responsibility— staff, students, parents, and the entire community. Please report any safety concerns you may have to your school principal. In addition, ask your local school about its safety plan.
One important role you can play in keeping schools safe is to tell someone about illegal behavior or concerns you may have. We have three ways for you to contact us without disclosing your identity:
- Go to www.p3campus.com/5105 and complete the tip form.
- Download the GCPS Tips app for your Apple or Android device and use it to communicate with school leaders any time you become aware of something you think they should know! You do not have to provide your name.
- The GCPS Tip Line is also available. Call 770-822-6513 or text GCPS to 738477 to help keep our schools safe!
Gwinnett County to Host Four Pop-up Recycling Events in September
Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful and Gwinnett County's Department of Water Resources team up to provide opportunities for residents to rid their homes and offices of glass and paper!
These no-cost, rain-or-shine events will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the following dates at the following parks:
- Monday, September 9: Bogan Park Community Recreation Center, located at 2723 North Bogan Road NE, in Buford
- Tuesday, September 10: Peachtree Ridge Park, located at 3170 Suwanee Creek Road in Suwanee.
- Wednesday, September 11: Lucky Shoals Park, located at 4651 Britt Road in Norcross.
- Thursday, September 12: Lenora Park, located at 4500 Lenora Church Road in Snellville.
Attendees are asked to bring their items in disposable containers, as they will not be returned. Learn more about Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful, its programs, and future events, at www.GwinnettCB.org. Questions can be directed to the Solid Waste team at 770-822-7141.
In Case You Missed It...
- Board meeting and work session (August 15)
- Connected (August 22)
- GCPS Links (August 15)
- Coffee with Calvin (August 1)
- News Releases
- Student Calendars
- And much more at www.gcpsk12.org!
Coming soon in GCPS...
- Catch the next episode of Coffee with Calvin on September 5!
- The next regular Board meeting is September 19. (Online, find links to sign up for the public comment sections of the meeting.)
- Watch for the next issue of GCPS Links on September 19!