BCCA MESSENGER February 3, 2020
Harmoniously blending the work of redemption and education
Principal's Message
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
We have been quite busy at Big Cove during this last month! One of the first things we did was go to the Downtown Rescue Mission to serve lunch. This place is a phenomenal ministry to those in need. They are constantly developing new ways to reach those on the streets and are an inspiration for how to do ministry. We must teach that it is our responsibility to go out and reach those in need. We must provide services for them and teach them about Jesus (Matthew 28).
The other major thing we did was go to Bass Memorial Academy for Education Fair. The fair hosts a number of SDA schools in our conference. The schools all have projects in various subjects (Science, Bible, Art) or ready themselves for a test (Math, Spelling, Geography) and compete against one another. Big Cove did very well. We got first in Math, Science, Bible, and Photography/Poetry for 7/8th grade. We got 2nd and 3rd for Art for 7/8th grade as well as top ten in Geography. We also got 3rd in Math for grades 5/6.
Just as important, I am so proud to say our students held themselves to a higher standard, and behaved incredibly well at the event.The whole experience was a validation for what we are doing at Big Cove. We have a strong academic program and show our students how to behave as a follower of Christ.
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
2 Peter 1:3-4
Lucas Smith,
Feb 10 - Garden Day
Feb 16 - BCCA Open House, 2-4pm
Feb. 17- President's Day Holiday (No School)
Feb 23 - Field Trip, Cook Museum
Feb 25 - Nothing But Noodles Family Fun Night
Feb 24-28 - School Spirit Week
Mar 9-13 - Spring Vacation
The Olmsteds Family
The Olmsted Family (by Dahlia Swatzell)
Morris and Jennifer were two of the first people I got to know when I moved to this area because our daughters were in Cradle Roll together at Central SDA Church. I loved this interview because they opened up and shared about life before parenthood and some of the struggles that came with being a new parent (which we can all relate to in some way). They are both active in the church and school and are awesome at bringing people together with their friendly vibes. Brooklyn, who will soon be 7 years old, is direct, bold, smart as a whip…and oh, so funny and doesn’t know it. It was wonderful getting to know them a little better. Thank you to the Olmsteds, for being our February family.
There's more! Click the attachment below to learn more about the Olmsted Family
We are excited to announce that we having our Open House on February 16 (Sunday) from 2 - 4pm. If you are aware of anyone interested in Big Cove Christian Academy, please have them contact the Principal, Lucas Smith at l.smith@bigcovesda.net or (256) 518-9642.This will be a great time to ask questions, and pre-register for the next year.
BCCA mission: To blend the work of redemption and education through Christ-centered teaching
Nothing But Noodles Fundraiser (Family Fun Night) Feb. 25 (Tues)
Please join us TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 at "NOTHING BUT NOODLES" on WHITESBURG DRIVE (4800 Whitesburg Dr. S.W.) This is only a (1) day event, at (1) designated location.
This is a perfect opportunity to meet with your friends, family, or co-workers for lunch, dinner or ANYTIME between 10:30 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. for a delicious meal.
When you purchase your meal, please mention that "YOU ARE SUPPORTING BIG COVE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY." 20% OF ALL SALES, made from those who participate in the name of the school that day, will be donated back to the school.
NOTE: For those who want to meet up for dinner, we will be meeting at the Whitesburg location around 5:30ish p.m. The first 50 kids who come get FREE COTTEN CANDY (with parents permission!)
Pennies for Patients Outreach Challenge
How can u help?
We will be collecting any loose change/dollar bills between Feb 1-21, which will in return be giving to Pennies for Patients.
Here's the challenge! If you child shows that they have done someting to earn that money (paid for doing chores, running an errand, ect.), they will get a certificate and a gift certificate for a free scoop of ice cream at baskin robbins. You can donate without doing the challenge, but then you will miss out on the fun of seeing your child being proud of their accomplishment! *Please send pictures of how your child helped to raise money for this cause to contactlisa99@gmail.com.
Please place all donations into the container labeled "PENNIES FOR PATIENTS" in the school foyer. Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Bass Memorial Academy Education Fair 2020
The upper grade students had a very exciting and successful trip to Bass Memorial Academy Education Fair 2020. We want to praise God for the safe trip, the fun time, and the learning along the way. Thank you for your prayers! We would like to share with you the all the talent and ribbons God blessed our students with:
BCCA Student Ribbons
Gulf-States Conference Education Fair
Bible Quest
First Place: Avryl Navarro (Grade 8), Garren Lawler (Grade 8)
Overall Grand Prize: Jordan Schmitt (Grade 8)
First Place: Garren Lawler (Grade 8)
Second Place: Garren Lawler (Grade 8)
Third Place: Avryl Navarro (Grade 8)
First Place: Jordan Schmitt (Grade 8)
First Place : Jordan Schmitt (Grade 8)
Second Place : Josiah Navarro (Grade 5)
Top 10 in Geography -Avryl Navarro (Grade 8)
Cathedral Caverns Field Trip
Want to know more about their adventure to Cathedral Caverns? Be sure to read the document below, which was written by the middle grade class.
Click below to read about their adventure!
Happy 100th Day of School!
BCCA celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday January 24. This is a fun day to celebrate that the school year is almost over. Students were to decorate a shirt with 100 on it or dress as if they were 100 years old. Some have really advanced not only in learning, but maybe in age? Upper grade students helped the younger students to find the 100 numbers hidden in the gym. At lunch the students were treated with a 100 day old cake... well that's what was written on top of it. Way to go students and teachers!
(Thank You!) Downtown Rescue Mission Community Outreach
Thank you for your generous shoes & hats donations! The BCCA students delivered the much needed items to the Downtown Rescue Mission, and were able to serve lunch to the residents. Your continued support to the school and the community is greatly appreciated. May we continue to be a light to those around us.
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. Proverbs 19:17
This month in garden class we harvested a head of cabbage that we grew in our container garden. It will be exciting to hear how the students enjoy the fruits of their labor. We also learned about brix levels in food. The students tasted different fruit and then compared the brix reading with a refractometer. By using a refractometer we measured the amount of dissolved solids in the juice from select fruit. We also tasted samples to see if our tongue was as sensitive as the refractometer.
Tearl King
Garden Coordinator
Click on link below to learn more about Atlanta Adventist Academy
What Do I Say Now?
Ever ask yourself, “What do I say now?”
Jesus always had words of wisdom to communicate to others. Sometimes His wisdom was delivered in the form of a question. Often the best answer is a question. Asking a thoughtful question conveys that you are really listening. More often than not, the only answer needed is a good question.
Other times Jesus communicated by telling a story or parable. Stories engage both the mind and the heart. Jesus was a master story teller.
How is it that Jesus always had something meaningful and helpful to say?
The answer is found in Scripture:
John 14:24
Remember, my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me.
Matthew 20:28
The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Isaiah 50:4
The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.
Commenting on these verses, Ellen White says, “Not for Himself, but for others, He lived and thought and prayed … Daily He received a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit … His soul and His lips were anointed with grace, that He might impart to others. COL139
Ever ask yourself, “What do I say now?” Jesus modeled how to prepare yourself to speak words of wisdom at just the right time. He prayed.
By praying more you will question less. Pray daily for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit so that your lips will be anointed with heavenly grace to impart to others.
Love Always,
Pastor Randy Mills