Medicaid Messenger
January 2025
Staff Pool Lists Tips and Steps
Creating a More Accurate Staff Pool
Your Staff Pool list is the most important step in establishing your Medicaid reimbursement. Updating your staff pool list regularly to reflect new staff and staff who have left will ensure your district/academy is receiving the maximum Medicaid reimbursement Staff Pool lists for the April to June 2025 quarter will be open from January 27 through February 28.
We would like to help you remove the guess work regarding who should be on your Staff Pool and provide you with resources and steps to streamline this process and provide you with exactly who needs to be in the Pool.
- Log into Public Consulting Group's (PCG) website and click Staff Pool>Staff Pool Positions>Export Options>Export. This will provide you with a copy of everyone on your current Staff Pool, including the vacancy positions. NOTE: it downloads in a CSV file, but a quick save under a name you choose and selecting Excel Workbook will make it easier to share and edit.
- The titles across the top of the spreadsheet identify the data in each row. The columns that you can delete:
3. The titles that remain across the top is the information for reviewing and editing:
The reason that these instructions are being provided is that we understand that the staff who create their Staff Pool, are not necessarily included in communications when staff may be on a leave, or who have left the district/academy.
Moving forward with the April to June 2025 Staff Pool, we are asking that you share your list with Human Resources and your Business Office to confirm staff are current, on leave or who have left the district or academy. Please ask that a representative from either or both offices enter the following information:
How to See who will receive an RMTS in the current quarter
Running a Report from PCG to determine who will have an RMTS in the current quarter
Ever wish you knew who would be getting a Random Moment Time Study survey during a quarter?
PCG provides a report that lists all staff who have been assigned a moment during the current RMTS quarter. You will be able to see who is assigned a survey, and staff who will be asked to complete more then one survey during the current quarter.
Log into PCG and follow these steps to generate the report:
The best way to use this information is to consider emailing staff to let them know they have been selected for a Random Moment Time Study survey for the current quarter.
In addition, please ask your paraprofessional/personal care aides to check their district email every other day, if not every day. Our on-time submission rate is getting to close to the State minimum response rate with the Personal Care Aide Cost Pool.
RMTS October - December Statistics and Response Rate
County Wide Response Rate Percentages
With the January to March 2025 Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) surveys being issued and the April to June 2025 Staff Pool opening for editing on January 27, we wanted to share the RMTS response rate statistics from the October to December 2024 quarter.
Survey responses are compliant when selected participants respond to their survey within 48-hours, or two scheduled school days. Surveys that are replied to after the 48 hour timeframe and staff who are no longer with your district and need to be exited during an active RMTS quarter, count against our response rate, which must be at a minimum 85% across Wayne County for each Cost Pool. If we fall below the 85% requirement, the State and Federal Government could require additional surveys be sent to participants, in an effort to return the County to a statistically sound response rate.
The statistics in the chart above indicate we are meeting the 85% minimum requirement of on-time submission for three of the four cost pools. We are falling behind in our Personal Care Aide on-time submission requirement.
Please reach out to those who are on your Staff Pool and remind them of the 48-hour submission requirement. In addition, we are asking that staff in the Personal Care Aide Pool, be advised to check their email no less than every other school day, if not every school day. There is time to increase our school year averages, however we will need everyone's support and dedication to improve response rates across the county.
RMTS Honor Roll
Staff Pool Participants Who Submitted Their Assigned Survey Within the 48-Hour Timeframe
Congratulations to the RMTS participants who submitted their survey responses within the required 48-hour timeframe during the October through December 2024 quarter!
Staff with x2 or x3 after their name received and responded to two or three individually assigned surveys during the previous quarter.
Please share this information with your team, building administration and your superintendent. Let everyone know that these participants are now on the RMTS Honor Roll and that their diligence and attention to submitting their survey is greatly appreciated and has a positive, direct impact on your district or academy's Medicaid reimbursement funding.
Medicaid Contacts
Wayne RESA Medicaid School Services Program Contacts
If you need assistance, have questions or would like to schedule training, please contact a member of the Wayne RESA, Medicaid School Services Program Team.
We're here to help!
Michelle Maxfield - (734) 334-1461 ~maxfiem@resa.net
Leanne Smith - (734) 334-1464 ~smithle@resa.net
Tia Williams - (734) 334-1397 ~williat@resa.net