Weekly Update
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Thank You to King PTO for Your Generosity During Teacher Appreciation Week!!!
Upcoming Dates
Please check this calendar each week as new dates may be added.
Tuesday, 14th & Wednesday, 15th
- Grade 5 Math MCAS
Thursday, 16th
- Early Release & Art Show
Friday, 17th
- Spring Picture Day
Tuesday, 21st & Wednesday, 22nd
- Grade 5 Science, Technology, Engineering MCAS
Tuesday, 28th
- Spring Concert
Thursday, 6th: 6:30 - 7:30 PM.
- Family Math Night
Spring Picture Day Updated
From Mrs. Condron, our Social Emotional Behavioral Coach
Hi King Families!
This month's character trait of the month is Compassion! During this month, classrooms will be learning about how we are different and how we are the same, with a focus on showing compassion on ways we are different. Some books that are used to support these lessons are Stella Brings the Family, Families, One, Red: A Crayons Story and Whoever You Are. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me, Alicia Condron SEB Coach, at aheymann@framingham.k12.ma.us, James Bergeron, Principal, or Julie Gelardi, Assistant Principal.
Art Show
Spring Concert: May 28th
Family Conferences
Math Challenge
Look here for this week's challenge, and ask your students if they tried it this week!
MCAS 2024
Every student in grades 3, 4, and 5 across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will be taking MCAS tests in English Language Arts and Math. Additionally, Grade 5 students will also have Science and Technology tests.
Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in helping students perform their best on these tests. At King, teachers and students have been diligently preparing, learning, and reinforcing the content and skills needed for success throughout the year. While the MCAS provides just one perspective on a student's abilities, it's important for students to feel confident and prepared. There are several ways you can support your child in showcasing their best on test day. Here are some suggestions:
Night before the test:
- Ensure your child gets enough sleep for a well-rested mind.
- Stick to your regular routine to avoid causing unnecessary stress or uncertainty.
- Stay positive and trust in your child's abilities.
- Plan ahead to prevent any morning conflicts.
Morning of the test:
- Remind your child to leave all electronic devices at home as they are not permitted during testing.
- Wake up a bit earlier to avoid rushing and ensure your child arrives at school on time.
- Encourage your child to have a nutritious breakfast before the test; remember all students can get a breakfast at King free of charge.
- Dress your child in comfortable clothing for maximum focus.
- Provide positive encouragement and remind your child that this is their opportunity to shine by demonstrating what they know. The most important thing is that they give their best effort!
It's crucial for all students to be present and to arrive on time.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Family Pickup/Drop Off Reminder
If a bus is stopped in front of the building letting students on/off of the bus, they will have their stop sign out. It is illegal to pass the bus when the stop sign is out. As always, please use caution when driving on school property and be sure to pay careful attention to adults directing traffic.
From King Social Workers
Daniel's Table has provided a freezer for the King School community to access. There are available individual meals and family meals (which include a protein, vegetable and soup). Contact the school social workers to access these meals from Daniel's Table.
Food Resources in Metrowest
From the KING PTO
**Happy Mother's Day from the PTO!**
Happy mother's day from the PTO to all moms and mother figures and all families celebrating!
**Event Reminders!**
Next Sunday is Family Celebration Day at King 2-4pm!
Location: King School, Rear parking lot near playground
Rain: If it rains, the event will be in the gym
Participate! We still need your help! Sign up to host a table and share your culture and customs with the community. Scan the QR code or email ptokingcommunity@gmail.com to sign up!
**Welcome New PTO Board Members!**
We are so happy to welcome two new board members to the King PTO! More soon!We are still looking for someone to fill the Co-President leadership position! :)
Additionally, we could still use some family helpers to serve as Portuguese and Spanish liaisons, a club coordinator, and a multicultural fair coordinator next year.
If interested, please contact ptokinginfo@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
**Fun Fridays Every Friday at King!**
Each Friday join us after school on the playground for play, socializing and community building! No need to sign up, just show up and enjoy!
Children must be picked up from school and accompanied by a caregiver to the playground. This is for all grades and all family members. It's about having fun and building community and we hope you can join us as often as possible!
Feel free to reach out with any questions or if you have a fun idea we can try and add in to our Fun Fridays! Maybe someone has corn hole they don't mind bringing, everyone loves chalk and bubbles, or maybe someone has a special talent like juggling they want to show off or teach to others....
We are excited to spend Fridays afterschool with you!
**King Family Rainbow Pride**
The next King Family Rainbow Pride is on Monday, 5/6 at 3:30pm! It is a club for gender expressive, questioning, LGBTQ families, and allies. Using art, books, and games students will build self-awareness while building and strengthening community.
We can't wait to meet you. Sign Up here: https://kingelementarypto.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/275059
*If you plan to attend with your child(ren), please contact Yenitza in the main office to check that your CORI is up to date!!*
**If you are uncomfortable filling out this form on the website but still want to join Rainbow Club, please email Elizabeth at elizabeth.stiert@gmail.com.**
**Fundraising for future King School Drama Club performances and for the King PTO**
Dear Potential Business Sponsor:
The King Elementary School drama students are gearing up to bring Mary Poppins Jr to the stage on Saturday, June 8th @ 2pm and 7pm at the Fuller Auditorium, and we are inviting you to join us in the spotlight by advertising in our playbill!
Our playbill will reach an estimated 800 audience members over two performances.
This also includes an opportunity to have your business logo displayed on the KING PTO website until the end of the 2024 school year and your business mentioned on our King Drama Facebook page as one of our sponsors. Funds raised will help support future King Elementary school Drama performances and the King School PTO.
If you own a business or know someone who does, and would like to sponsor the playbill please fill out this form:
see attached KingPTO letter.
Any questions contact carolpmurfin@gmail.com
All Ads are due by May 13th, 2024
Trombetta's Farm and the PTO are hosting a minigolf and ice cream fundraiser on Thursday 5/16! Come join the fun!
Family Pickup & Drop-off Reminders
- Reminder: If you are dropping your child at school prior to 9:05, please be sure to go around the building and drop at door 18 (in the back). Please do not drop in the front of the school unless you are after 9:05. This is a safety issue due to the many cars and busses coming in/out of the property. Thank you!
- IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you are making any changes to your child's daily dismissal plan, please call our main office at (508) 782-7201. You may also email Yenitza Vargas, Office Manager at yvargas@framingham.k12.ma.us or Erika Leite-Amaral, Assistant Office Manager at eleiteamaral@framingham.k12.ma.us . If you email a dismissal change to your student's classroom teacher, please be sure to CC the office staff as well. We ask that all dismissal changes are communicated to us by 2:20 PM to ensure consistent, efficient, and safe dismissal procedures for all students, staff, and families. Thank you!
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- Click by "Subtitles/CC"
- Choose auto-translate and the language you want
Information Regarding transportation for the 23-24 School Year
Tour the school with ROARY!
Important Information SMORE
School hours
Doors open: 8:50am
Breakfast: 8:50am - 9:05am
School begins: 9:05am
School dismissal: 3:20pm
*Early release dismissal: 12:55pm (lunch is served)
*Half day dismissal: 12:20pm (lunch is not served)
Office: 508-782-7201
Attendance Line: 508-782-7201
Fax: 508-788-0792
James Bergeron - jbergeron@framingham.k12.ma.us
Julie Gelardi - jgelardi@framingham.k12.ma.us
King Elementary School
Email: jbergeron@framingham.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/king
Phone: (508) 782-7201