Youth Services News
June 18, 2021
Newsletters are archived on the OLIS website.
Citizen Science Tails and Summer Tales
SciStarter has partnered with CSLP to offer thematic citizen science projects and resources for all ages. To help support libraries this summer, and help make citizen science content easily available, SciStater has put together a Tails and Tales themed blog:
The SciStarter blog is also linked on the Summer Reading Program: 2021 Themed Resources LibGuide page.
2021 CSLP Teen Video Challenge
The Teen Video Challenge, sponsored by the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), is an annual national video contest open to all teens (librarian and teacher support is encouraged). The challenge is for teens to create a public service announcement-type video that shows their unique interpretation of the 2021 CSLP slogan “Tails and Tales.” Videos are to be no longer than 60 seconds and should promote libraries and reading. Learn more at
Videos will be accepted June 1 through August 6, 2021.
SRP Credit Line for Using CSLP Materials and LORI SRP Mini-grants
Libraries that have received a manual and voucher, and that use any CSLP materials (including the slogan and artwork) must use the following credit line on ALL SRP signs, press releases, posters, websites and promotions. This credit line should also be used when promoting activities funded by the LORI SRP Mini-grant.
Libraries may personalize this credit line by adding the library’s name and the names of local sponsors at the end:
The statewide Rhode Island Summer Reading Program is supported by the RI Office of Library and Information Services, with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Youth Services Virtual Office Hours
Stop by our virtual office to check-in and chat with OLIS Youth Services Coordinator Danielle Margarda. Danielle will be available the first Wednesday of each month to answer questions, help problem solve, or just say hi. Register to receive the Zoom link and join anytime between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. Can't make virtual office hours or prefer a private meeting? Email Danielle at to schedule a phone call or Zoom meeting.
We Are Kid Lit 2021 Summer Reading List
Are you looking for a curated summer reading list that celebrates diversity, inclusivity and intersecting identities? The We Are Kid Lit Collective selects books by and about IPOC (Indigenous and People of Color), with attention to their intersecting. Chosen books are thoroughly selected, discussed, and vetted by two or more members.
We Are Kid Lit 2021 Summer Reading List
2021 We Are Kid Lit Collective members: Edith Campbell, Sujei Lugo Vázquez, Lyn Miller-Lachmann, and Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez. Resource for Families
This summer will be more important than ever in helping America’s young people recharge, recover, and rediscover the joy of learning – on their own terms. That’s why the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) is counting on your support in promoting a new online destination, launched in response to COVID-19, to help families discover affordable summer programs, summer meals, tips and a sea of resources to keep kids learning, earning, safe and healthy this season.
This new interactive portal provides summer resources and program opportunities for youth from national partners including the American Camp Association , Boys & Girls Clubs of America, MENTOR, National Recreation and Park Association, YMCA and many more.
Find ready made messaging and PR tips in the Communications Kit.
RI PreK Lottery Now Open
The RI PreK lottery is now open through July 6. Four year olds in the following towns and cities are eligible for a free seat in the PreK lottery:
If you serve families from these communities please promote the lottery by sharing the flyers below in your building, on social media, and with your networks.
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri