Paola Middle School Newsletter
March 2023
Important Dates
March 2nd- Scholars Bowl @ Spring Hill
March 3rd- KidWind in Burlington
March 6th- 8th Grade ONLY Track practice
March 7th- 7th Grade ONLY Track practice
March 7th- Scholars Bowl @ Prairie View
March 7th- PMS & PHS Choir Concert @ 7:00
March 8th- ALL TRACK PRACTICE begins
March 8th - Scholars Bowl @ Paola
March 9th- Parent/Teacher Conferences- 4:00- 8:00
March 10th 17th- NO SCHOOL- SPRING BREAK
March 29th- Panther Book Club
March 30th- Track Pictures
Panther Book Club
Student of the Month -Academics
Student of the Month- Arts
Student of the Month- Athletics
8th Grade ONLY Monday March 6th from 3:00- 4:00
7th Grade ONLY Tuesday March 7th from 3:00- 4:00
Wednesday March 8th- ALL TRACK ATHLETES- 3:00-4:30
Award Winner!
Mr. Bates' Respiratory Lab
Food Drive a Success!
Paola Middle School students and families stepped up to the challenge and scored a touchdown in the Souper Bowl Food Drive held last month. Students brought in 850 items throughout the week. Sixth grade brought in the most food and won free seminar time with bringing in 493 items. The MVPs of our Souper Bowl was Mrs. Weatherbie’s class, Ms. Troutman’s class, and Mr. Ohlmeier’s class for bringing in the most items in each grade level. We had such a great turn out that we were able to donate food to the Paola High School food pantry, Paola USD 368 Alternative School food pantry, My Father’s House, and PACA food pantry. The students in Mrs. Ingle’s study skills and Mrs. Hines’ math lab class organized the food drive by collecting, sorting, and calculating the items throughout the week. It was a valuable experience for everyone involved and we are so proud to be part of a great community that helps to support one another.
7th Grade Ends on a WIN!
Papau New Guinea
After Mr. Doolittle's presentation about a country he and his family lived in for three years, Papua New Guinea, the land of the unexpected, many students have echoed what they said to each other after arriving there in 2000 often, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto!" As the seventh grade transitions into World Geography during Social Studies, students will have the opportunity to learn about strange and different cultures throughout our world, and how our world has been made smaller by modern technology, but remains gigantic and mysterious for so many of us.
Pictured: Emery Morgan, modeling what a Papua New Guinean man might be wearing, complete with the lap lap, bilum bag and highlands hat. Acelynn Crisler and Mackayla Buck don the national female attire; meri dress outfits, complete with skirt and blouse, sporting the bilum bag, but supported around the forehead. They are standing in front of a table of PNG artifacts collected at various street markets.
Amazing Math
League Band
Congratulations to the 7th & 8th Grade Panther Band for earning a Division 1 “Outstanding” rating at the 2023 Frontier League Band Festival! The band students traveled to Louisburg Middle School along with other League bands on February 27 and performed while being evaluated by 2 adjudicators. The Division 1 rating is the highest rating a band can earn at the festival. Well done Panther Band!
Paola Middle School
Location: 405 North Hospital Drive, Paola, KS, USA
Phone: 9132948030