Principal's Post
Special Holiday Edition
Principal's Message
Dear Angell Community,
The holidays can bring a lot of joy, happiness and excitement. However, it can also bring stress and anxiety as there are many changes of routines and expectations that can create a lot of uncertainty. Mrs. Chudler visited a 4th and 5th grade classroom this past week and asked the question, "What can be hard about the next two weeks?" She guided the classes through an executive functioning routine called barriers and strategies. This social routine has students explore all the barriers they might experience over the next two weeks and then brainstorm potential strategies to deal with the challenges. This is a powerful and public way for students to share common struggles and strategies. This process empowers students to think ahead and create ideas to try as they meet the barriers head on over the next two weeks. Please take a look at the pictures below to examine the deep thinking and planning our students did to better manage and regulate their emotions over the next two weeks.
I also wanted to share that we challenged our Family Circles in groups of 3 to 4 this past week to build the longest paper chains while only using one piece of 8.5 x 11 colored paper, one glue stick and one pair of scissors. Teams had to plan ahead, assign jobs, execute tasks and work towards a common goal. The results were fantastic as all groups worked collaboratively to make the longest paper chain. At the end of the session it is less about the paper chain length and more about the process of working as a team and learning from each other and the activity. The message across the board is that we are better together and we can all make a difference when solving problems. Please enjoy some pictures from the Gigliotti and Riddle families below to get a better idea of how the process worked. We are so proud of all of our students and staff for creating and executing so many wonderful learning opportunities.
A huge shout out and thank you to our Berkley High School Choir that visited all of our buildings Friday for their annual Ugly Sweater Tour. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Noble's students did an amazing job and even included our 5th grade choir students. What a great way to kick off the holiday break.
One final thanks to our wonderful PTA for organizing the Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams event on Wednesday, December 18th at 8:00pm. Many of our Angell families and staff attended the event to support the children at Corewell/Beaumont Hospital for the holidays. There are several pictures of the event posted below for your pleasure.
On behalf of our staff I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks for all your generosity and thoughtfulness this holiday season. We are grateful to partner with you to make Angell the best learning environment for all. A kind reminder that school will resume on Monday, January 6th.
Regardless of the holidays you celebrate please know that all of our Angell staff members wish you the very best and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. See you next year!
Vince Gigliotti
Angell Principal
Barriers and Strategies
Family Circles
Ugly Sweater Tour
Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams
Angell Network News
Stay in Touch
Email: vincenzo.gigliotti@berkleyschools.org
Website: https://www.berkleyschools.org/schools/angell/
Location: 3849 Beverly Boulevard, Berkley, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 837-8501
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Angell-Elementary-School/688122847952184
Twitter: @GigliottiVince