June 17-19
Central School Weekly (the final one)
Week at a Glance
Last day of M/W Kindergarten
Last day of T/Th Kindergarten
Spraypark for 1Oakes & 1Wolfe
Last Day of School
Free Hot Dog Lunch for Students & Staff ~ provided by Parent Council
Grade 5 Farewell Assembly @ 1:30
Report Cards go Home with Students
First Day Back to School ~ Wednesday, August 28
Principal's Message
I want to wish all of our students, parents and staff a wonderful summer break. I hope you can all find time to connect with loved ones and friends, finding time to do some things you love.
I personally want to thank all of the staff and families of Central School for being so welcoming to me as I jumped in mid-year. I have learned so much and still have much to learn. I look forward to next year and all of the memories we are going to make as a school community. I will miss the students over the summer, but look forward to seeing everyone in the fall.
Take care and enjoy the sun.
Mrs. Coral James
Metis Art
Who Wants Cake?
Field Trip ~ 3 Holowiski~ Pioneer Village
In Our Community
Service Award Recognition
Mrs. Donna Nevil
15 Years of Educational Assistant Experience
all years within Horizon School Division
presented by principal Coral James
Ms. LoriJo Barnes
30 Years of Teaching Experience
all years within Horizon School Division
presented by board member Blair Lowry
Mrs. Larissa Oakes
10 Years of Teaching Experience
all years within Horizon School Division
presented by board member Blair Lowry