Eagles Nest Newsletter
Back to School 2024
Upcoming Dates
August Dates
- Meet the Teacher--August 13, 2024--3:00-5:00pm
- PTO Information Meeting--August 13, 2024--5:00-5:30pm
- First Day of School--August 14, 2024--Doors Open at 7:45am
- MAP Testing Begins Campus Wide--August 19, 2024--During School Day
- Parent Information Night--August 29, 2024--5:00-6:30pm
- PTO Meeting--August 29, 2024--6:30-7:00pm
- Labor Day/Student Holiday--September 2, 2024
- Guests may begin joining for Lunch--September 3, 2024
- Fall Pictures--September 13, 2024--During School Day
A Message from Admin
Dear Eagle Families,
We are so excited to begin the 24-25 school year. It is certainly going to be a "Sweet Year at Ehrhardt!" As we get ready to welcome our little eagles back to the nest we wanted to reaffirm to our families that our teachers and staff have been working tirelessly to prepare for an amazing school year. They are participating in professional development and collaboration activities to make sure they are up to date on the best and most well-researched instructional models for use in the classroom, they are working as teams to develop schedules and classroom routines that maximize learning as well as taking into account the needs of the whole child, and they are prepping classrooms that are not only visually inviting and comfortable but are ready to support all learners. We can't wait to partner with all our families again this year and are so ready to welcome our new Eagles to the nest. We will see you all soon so soak up those last few days of summer!
Ms. Lorene Wright, Principal
Ms. Jana Lopez, AP
Ms. Kim Wright, AP
Meet our Newest Administrator--Jana Lopez
Hello Eagles!
I am so excited to serve as an Assistant Principal at Ehrhardt Elementary. I previously have served as a classroom teacher, counselor, and Assistant Principal at another campus in Klein ISD. I look forward to serving our Ehrhardt community, and ensuring all students succeed academically and socially.
Go Eagles!
A Note from the Clinic
If your child will need a prescribed medication while at school, there has been a change to Klein ISD procedures. Prescribed medications will need a written order by a licensed healthcare provider. Clinic staff will not be able to use the prescription label as proof of the written medical order, as in the past. The licensed healthcare provider can use the Klein ISD Medication Authorization form, an action plan, or a letter from their office to provide their signed consent. If you have any questions, please contact our school clinic
Arrival and Dismissal Information
IMPORTANT SAFETY UPDATE: Guests will not be able to enter the building without a physical ID. Our front office staff will no longer be able to accept photos or screenshots of IDs upon entering the building. Guests without an ID will need to remain in the front office area during their visit.
Our school day begins at 7:45am when doors open. Breakfast can be purchased in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:05. Instruction begins promptly at 8:05am. Please help your child succeed in school by arriving to school on time every day!
On August 14, 2024 and August 15, 2024 parents and family will be able to walk their students to class. After August 15, 2024 all good-byes will happen during morning drop off. Please help us keep our morning car rider lines moving by saying a quick good-bye. If your child needs more time, or you prefer to drop off at the door, please park in the front lot and walk your child to the main doors of the building. Good-byes can happen right on the front porch.
If you are looking for a speedier drop off experience, please use the drop off line in the back of the building. This line circles by the cafeteria and back out of the campus property on Rosebrook toward Seven Pines. This line is just a drop off line, with staff ready to greet your children as they walk themselves into the building. For safety reasons, please stay in your vehicle if using this drop off line.
Afternoon car rider line will begin at 3:25 and will end at 3:50. After 3:50 all student pick ups must happen through the Front Office. For the first few days, we will extend car rider to allow everyone to learn the routines. Please look for staff members directing traffic during those times. When arriving in afternoon car rider, please enter the cafteria lot from Seven Pines and make a single line going into the driveway. Do not pull into the parking lot until instructed by staff. Please have your car number displayed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle. After 3:25, a staff member will stand at the corner of Seven Pines and Five Forks. Please slow your vehicle down as you pass that staff member so they may record your number. This will make sure all numbers are communicated inside the building correctly. It is very important that you practice your car rider number with your student at the beginning of the school year. We use numbers and not student names when calling car riders. Knowing your number speeds up the process and gets our students into their vehicles safely.
Car tags can be requested using our Car Tag Request Form by clicking on the picture of the car in this section. Please fill out the form completely and submit. Once submitted, your child will receive a car rider backpack tag as well as a tag to hang on your rear view mirror. Forms completed before August 12, 2024 at 1:00pm will have car tags ready for pick up at Meet the Teacher. Any form submitted after August 12, 2024 at 1:00pm will have car tags sent home on the first day of school (August 14, 2024).
PTO News & Information
Our fantastic Ehrhardt PTO is looking for members! Please sign up during Meet the Teacher and come to the cafeteria from 5:00-5:30 to meet the PTO Board, sign up to be a member and hear about all the great ways the PTO is supporting Ehrhardt students and staff this year.
Every Eagle, every day, will seek, serve, and soar to success.
- We will SEEK innovation continuously through collaboration and a growth mindset. Demonstrated by being open to new and changing practices, seeking input from others, implementing new ideas and failing forward, working interdependently, open communication.
- We will SERVE our community with humility, positivity, and respect. Demonstrated by having a "we not me" attitude, protecting reputations, destroying gossip, focusing on what is good in others, embracing and celebrating diversity, developing trusting partnerships with parents and students.
- We will SOAR towards ensuring EVERY Ehrhardt Eagle enters with a Promise and exits with a Purpose by goal setting, personalized learning, and high expectations. Demonstrated by reflecting on our practices, setting SMART goals, include rigor in teaching and testing, offering choice, using data to inform instruction, monitoring progress, celebrating growth.