College & Career Center Newsletter
April 2024
There is Still Time to Do Your FAFSA or ORSAA and Oregon Promise Applications
Seniors should ALL do their financial aid applications, regardless of plans for next year. We have all learned that plans change. Doing these forms sets aside funding for continued education.
FAFSA (federal funds for US citizens) Complete the 24-25 application. Forms must be completed by June 30 to be eligible.
ORSAA (non-citizen, state funds)Forms must be completed by June 30 to be eligible.
Oregon Promise (state funds for community college use)Forms must be completed by June 1 to be eligible.
Need help? Come see us.
How to Compare Financial Aid Offers
For most students, the cost of college will be a major factor in the decision about where to attend. So it's important to compare financial aid offers carefully.
Here's how:
- Wait for your financial aid offers
- Consider all the costs and calculate what you will actually pay
- Pay attention to the types of aid
- Get help, especially if you have changes to your financial situation
- Make a decision and follow up
Learn more here from Oregon Goes to College
Oregon State University Presidential Scholarship Winner!
Last month OSU paid a special visit to the college and career center to surprise one of Barlow's students with their most prestigious and competitive award, the Presidential Scholarship. Congrats to Dima Ismael!
Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships
SBHS NHS Scholarship (seniors) - due April 24
Gresham Rotary Scholarship MHCC-(seniors) due April 10
Diversity in Leadership in Oregon Scholarship (seniors) due April 1
Dale Krueger Scholarship-due April 1(See tip sheet here.)
Gresham Lions Supper Club (seniors)-due April 11
Gordon Russell Middle School Scholarship (seniors)-due May 3
Eastwind Running & Endurance Scholarship (seniors)-due April 15
EMAR Foundation Family Scholarships(obtain app through EMAR family member)-due April 15
Cascade Athletic Club Scholarship (seniors)-due April 19
KMR Group Scholarship for MHCC or Clark College-due April 12
DDC/Zimmerman Scholarship (seniors)-due April 22
OSEA Classified Union Scholarship (seniors)-due April 14
Oregon Jaycee Scholarship (seniors) - April 19
Clackamas County Bank Scholarship (seniors)-due April 26
Harry Glickman Award (junior or senior)-due April 26
Orient Schools Scholarship (seniors)-due May 1
DDC/Zimmerman Scholarship (seniors)-due April 22
Renaissance Scholars Scholarship (seniors)-due May 1
GBEA-Gresham Barlow Education Assoc (seniors)-due May 3
Club Paesano Italian American Scholarship (seniors)-due May 10
Zeno B. Katterle Scholarship (seniors)-due May 10
Powell Valley Garden Club (seniors)-due May 15
Have you seen our Local Scholarship list? These are mostly donations from our local service organizations and more. Stop by the C&CC to learn about each individual scholarship's requirements.
Be sure to check out Oregon Goes to College's Scholarship list for more choices.
Middle School Scholarships-Seniors, Where Did You Attend?
Orient Schools Scholarship-due May 1
Gordon Russell Middle School Scholarship-due May 3
Damascus/Deep Creek Schools Scholarship (Zimmerman Memorial)-due April 22
Will you be Doing a Scholarship Interview? Tips for Success.
Are you prepared to do well in an interview? Have you put your materials together so you will have success? Here is a great article on things to do to be ready. Read more.
ECMC College Nights
Please join ECMC on April 17th for a virtual Oregon-wide ECMC College Night. They'll be joined by Rochelle Farris of OSAC for this special presentation, which is suitable for high school students of all ages, but will be most timely and relevant for the Class of 2025.
One lucky student will win a $1,000 scholarship at the end of the evening. Please sign up here:
Are You Looking for the Perfect College?
Go to the Spring College Fair on Sunday, April 28th.
Students and families are cordially invited to the 2024 Spring PNACAC College Fair at the University of Portland on Sunday, April 28th. Over 100 colleges and universities will be in attendance. To see a list of participating institutions, visit this link: https://www.pnacac.org/portland-fair#colleges. The fair will be held from 12:00PM-3:00PM at the University of Portland Chiles Center (5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203).
There will be free parking in the main parking lot. Follow this link to view a campus map: https://www.up.edu/admissions/files/campus-map.pdf
For more information about the participating institutions and to save time during the fair, students are encouraged to register in advance for a barcode through Strive Scan. By having a barcode, students can spend time during the fair talking to colleges instead of filling out information cards. Use this link to register: https://app.strivescan.com/students
West Point Summer Leaders Experience (SLE)-Applications due April 15
What is SLE?
- SLE is a one-week program for current Juniors (High School Class of 2025) to visit West Point in June.
- Students in this program get to spend the week with our cadets, live in the barracks, and eat in the mess hall.
- Learn about West Point’s world class academics by trying 4 of our 17 academic workshops.
- Learn about military training and becoming a Leader of Character at West Point by completing two military days to include rappelling, Zodiac boats, combatives (like Jiu-Jitsu) training and more!
- Challenge themselves physically by attempting the Candidate Fitness Assessment, conducting physical training, and sports.
- Complete their admissions interview with a cadet.
- Spend the week making friends with other students from all over the US who are applying to West Point.
Learn more about SLE- https://www.westpoint.edu/admissions/summer-program
Apply now- https://apply.westpoint.edu/portal/candidate
Summer Program - Liberation Scholars, George Fox University (Deadline to apply is April 1)
Are you intrigued by what you can learn from classic literature? And are you motivated to attend college and develop your leadership skills?
This summer, George Fox University is hosting a free two-week seminar for Latino/a students who wish to expand their knowledge, chart their future, and equip themselves to be leaders and difference makers in their communities. This opportunity is for high-achieving students who are invited to live on the George Fox campus to read and discuss great works of philosophy, literature and history. It is specifically for Latina/o students in Class of 2025. Please visit this link to get more info. https://www.georgefox.edu/liberation-scholars/index.html
Oregon Business Academy - Deadline April 15
Business week is an immersive 7-day, on-campus, residential summer program designed for rising 10th-12th graders. Held at Oregon State University, students get a taste of the college experience as they stay in the dorms and live the life of a future college student.
Please follow this link for more information. https://www.oregonbusinessacademy.com/enroll
Headed to MHCC Next Fall?
Representatives from MHCC will be at Barlow May 9th and 10th to help students register for classes. You will need to have your SBHS transcript sent to the MHCC placement office to get you started. To do this, seniors should complete this form https://forms.gle/CBRBmp9JXFFJA6QL8
If you prefer to take a test to see whether you can be placed higher, go to the MHCC CPT website to learn more.
Your MHCC Credits
Seniors, if you need an unofficial transcript of your earned credits at MHCC, log in here on your MyMHCC account and look for the link that says Unofficial Transcript. Download a copy and use it for your scholarship applications.
At the end of this school year, you will want to request an official transcript from MHCC to be sent to your future college so your credits will transfer there.
Remember, if you have AP credits, you will need to request those from the CollegeBoard and have them sent to your future college to be added to your transcript.
Career Exploration for Students
4/17/24 Government Cyber Security- student must self-transport. Learn more here
4/18/24 Anesthesiology Medical Technology- transportation provided, limited seats. Sign up here now!
5/7/24 (application opens 4/8/24) Advanced Nursing at Providence Hospital- students must self-transport. Learn more here.
MECOP Lunch Presentation - April 23rd First Lunch
MECOP is focused on providing training and development for the next generation of professionals through paid college internships. These college internships are aligned with university coursework to minimize the extension of time to complete degrees while maximizing the time to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world projects in industry. MECOP strives to continue it's growth with a student-first focus, balanced by industry members' needs for upcoming generations of professionals.
See more info here: https://www.mecopinc.org/students
Please come to the college and career center for more info. This is best suited for juniors or seniors and students must register in advance.
Seniors-Your Evening of Excellence is in the planning stages
Put this date on your calendar!
Tuesday, May 28th at 7:00pm is the SBHS Evening Of Excellence. This event is where local scholarship donors award their scholarships to our students and is also a chance for SBHS to acknowledge support from local businesses and service groups. Students will also be recognized for a variety of honors.
All students and families are welcome to attend. Scholarship winners, or students being recognized for another honor, will receive an invitation in the mail. This event is not set up to recognize every scholarship earned by students but is a pared down event for local recognition.
Career Guest Speakers in April
4/2/24- Mechanical Engineer- Lance Gartrell, 6th period in Room 704
4/12/24- Pastry Chef- Allison Dolder, 3rd & 4th period in room 109 (culinary)
4/16/24- FBI Computer Forensic Tech- Justin Lazenby, 1st period in room 703
TBD- Digital Marketing- Nick Footer- 5th period in room 115
Summer is Full of Great Opportunities
Carpenter Trades Youth Summer Pre-Apprenticeship- Paid learning experience Application due by April 8th. See bulletin board and or shop teachers or learn more here.
Positions at Clackamas County Parks- Paid positions from $19.07 to $25.64 per hour. Apply now here.
North Clackamas Summer Employment- Learn More here
University of Portland Summer Learning Program- for students 2nd to 11th grade, tutoring provided by Master of Arts Teaching Program, learn more here.
College and Career Team
Tia Molony- College Coordinator- molony5@gresham.k12.or.us- 503-258-4890
LindaLee Frazier- Career Coordinator- frazier2@gresham.k12.or.us- 503-258-4885