Wiggin Street Parent Update
April 1, 2024
Better Together
Dear Wiggin Street Families,
We hope you had a wonderful Spring Break and Happy Easter! We are excited to return this week to all our Wiggin Street students. Due to Monday being a continuation of Spring Break and next Monday, April 8th, being a Solar Eclipse Calamity Day, we will have two short weeks before state testing begins. Please check the dates below and make sure that students will be in attendance as make-up testing takes some of our teachers away from intervention instruction. Of course, if they are ill, we would rather students not be in school and take the test when feeling their best.
We also wanted to make you aware that the Spring Fun Festival is coming up April 19th from 5-8:30 pm. If you have never attended this event, there will be food, games, and bounce house fun! More information is to come about pre-sale tickets, volunteers needed, and desserts needed for the 4 Corners Game and for the cafeteria. This is a great community event all all are welcome!
I've included some pictures and videos from our PBIS Dance "Glow" Party Reward. More videos and shorts can be found here on my YouTube Channel. Feel free to subscribe for future uploads.
Enjoy your day, and we will see you tomorrow!
Best wishes,
Christy Grandstaff
PBIS Dance Party Reward
Poetry in Mrs. Clippinger's Class
Kiwanian, Levi Curry, Read to Mrs. Zolman's Class this Week
Grades 3-5 Ohio State Testing Dates
Please keep these dates in mind when scheduling appointments for April. Make-up testing takes some of our educators away from intervention instruction, so we like to limit it as much as possible.
3rd-5th Grade ELA Ohio State Test: April 17 & 18
5th Grade Science Ohio State Test: April 23 & 24
3rd-5th Grade Math Ohio State Test: April 30 & May 1
This site for students and families has lots of great information about the state test and 3rd grade Reading Guarantee as well as practice tests.
New Open Enrollment Applications for 24-25 School Year Opens April 1
New Open Enrollment Applications for the 2024-25 school year opens on April 1st. Detailed information about the process can be found here.
Continuing Open Enrollment Closes April 10th
Continuing Open Enrollment is for students who are currently attending Mount Vernon School District and desire to continue open enrollment with the District for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Complete your application through the Parent Portal on the District web site. Instructions for Continuing Open Enrollment are located on the Parent Resources Page.
- Continuing Open Enrolled opens March 1, students will have until April 10 to complete this process.
If your address has changed since your last application, please update your child's emergency medical form in the Parent Portal on the District web site and you will also need to provide proof of residency. Instructions for Change of Address are also located on the Parent Resource Page.
If you have any questions concerning Continuing Open Enrollment, please contact Jessica Shelton jshelton@mvcsd.us or contact John Frye jfrye@mvcsd.us .
Community Bulletin Board
Check out our Community Bulletin Board on our website here. You can find flyers that the district receives for distribution from district boosters, PTOs, and nonprofit organizations.
Be a Wiggin Street Kid!
Upcoming Events
2023-24 Mount Vernon City School District Yearly Calendar
2024-25 Mount Vernon City School District Yearly Calendar
1 Spring Break Continues
2 Return to School
2 Friends of Wiggin Street, PTO, Meeting, 5:00
4 School Librarian Appreciation Day
5 Report Cards go home
5 Popcorn Friday
8 Solar Eclipse CALAMITY DAY
12 Gifted Seminar
17 ELA OST Part 1 for Grades 3-5
18 ELA OST Part 2 for Grades 3-5
19 Spring Fun Festival; 5-8:30
23 Science OST for Grade 5
24 Science OST for Grade 5
25 Kindergarten Registration
30 Math OST for Grades 3-5
1 Math OST for Grades 3-5
Idle-free Zone
Principal-Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: https://www.mt-vernon.k12.oh.us/wigginstreetelementary_home.aspx
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street