LVIS Family Newsletter
September 13, 2024

Mark Your Calendar
10/1 - Sonic Spirit Night - School Fundraiser
10/3 - School Picture Day
10/4 - GT Referral Deadline - Click here for the referral link Read below for more information.
10/10 - Last Day of the 1st Nine Weeks
10/11 - Decorate the Halls for Halloween. Sign up here
10/11 - Student Holiday
10/14 - Student Holiday
11/6 - 4th Grade Field Trip
Sonic Spirit Night is Next Tuesday
Don't miss our Sonic Spirit Night next Tuesday, October 1st from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m! LVIS will receive 40% of the profits from purchases made that night. Please note that you have to tell them that you are with Lago Vista Intermediate. Purchases made on the App will not count towards the fundraiser.
So bring the whole family and enjoy some tasty treats while supporting LVIS. Eat burgers, drink shakes, and feel awesome about it! The money earned will help pay for our end of the year field trip to Garey Park.
🎃Attention Parent Volunteers🎃
Halloween Decorators and Decorations Needed!
Families, we need your help to make our school spook-tacular for Halloween! There are two ways to help: volunteer your time to help us decorate or donate spooky decorations. Whether you're a master of creepy creativity or have an extra skeleton laying around, your support will make this Halloween special and frightfully fun for our students. Sign up today so we can make the hallways boo-tiful!
If you would like to donate supplies and decorations, please send to the office by Wednesday, October 9th.
If you would like to decorate, please be here on Friday, October 11th at 9:00 to help decorate. We would love to have you!
😀Picture Day is Coming 😀
Students need to come ready to say cheese next Thursday, October 3rd. It is picture day!
If you are interested in ordering online, click here to order. The photographer has asked that you still bring your envelope. The order forms are going home this week. Look for them in your child's folder.
Online orders:
Project Vinatta
Lago Vista ISD is extremely proud of our District-wide No Place for Hate® initiative, Project Vinátta. Project Vinatta is a club that promotes friendship and kindness to all. If your child is interested in joining Project Vinatta, you can reach out to the campus sponsors, Mrs. Gumbert or Mrs. Tillotta. Applications to join will be going out next week.
Important Links
- Register to be a volunteer
- If you need to update registration information, you can access the parent portal below.
- My School Bucks if you need to add money to your child's lunch account.
School Dismissal Manager
Thank you for helping to make school dismissal manager such a success!
**If you have not done so, please download the app and create a login. If you do not have your login, please email Gabby Mercado at
Please note the following:
Each family should have received an electronic welcome letter from School Dismissal Manager (SDM).
Please visit the website to download the appropriate app.
Please login and set your child’s default dismissal.
Families will manage how their child leaves each day.
SDM will eliminate the need to call the office or email with changes. It can all be done at the palm of your hands anytime of day.
Project Vinatta
Viking Excellence
Texas' Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) is the financial accountability system for public school districts. The system is administered by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and actively promotes fiscal responsibility, transparency, and the maximum allocation possible for direct instructional purposes.
Each year, public school districts in Texas receive ratings based on 19 meticulously evaluated financial indicators, measuring practices such as fund balance, debt management, and financial stability. TEA derives these ratings from audited financial statements and submitted financial data, providing an objective measure of financial practices.
We are proud to share that Lago Vista ISD has received the state’s highest rating of “Superior Achievement” for the past 12 years, scoring a perfect score of 100 for the last two years. Achieving this status is a testament to Lago Vista ISD's continued commitment to being excellent stewards of public funds.
For more information on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST), please visit
Gifted and Talented Referral
Individuals who wish to refer a student for gifted and talented should complete and submit this form. Students can ONLY be screened once per year. This form must be submitted by Friday, October 4, 2024 for students in grades 1-12. Upon receipt of referrals, parents/guardians of referred students will receive a consent form to have their child screened for the Lago Vista ISD Gifted and Talented Education Program.
Football Games - Spectator Guidelines
Lago Vista ISD Spectator Guidelines for Athletic Events
In a continuing effort to assure the safety and enjoyment of all athletes and spectators, the following procedures will be enforced during home athletic events:
Outside food and drinks are prohibited.
There is no re-entry after exiting the event.
All students 5th grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult guardian in order to attend home games. The students must remain under the supervision of that guardian while at the event.
Standing, loitering or horseplay under and around the stands, concession stands, or any other area is prohibited. There is absolutely no standing allowed by the rails and walkways in the stands. Repeat offenders will be required to leave the event and campus.
Revealing, provocative and/or inappropriate dress will not be allowed, nor will inappropriate behaviors or foul language. Repeat offenders will be required to leave the event and campus.
Once inside the event, middle school and high school students with a student ticket will be allowed to sit in the designated student area on the home side. Students are allowed to sit in the reserved or general admission sections only if they are under the supervision of an adult guardian.
Spectators wanting to sit in reserved seating must purchase a ticket for the reserved section.
The use of alcohol, controlled substances, tobacco, and electronic cigarettes are prohibited on school premises.
Only pre-approved individuals will be allowed access to the sidelines and track before and during football games.
Spectators may not enter the field area or cross to the visiting team side.
Everyone is expected to abide by the UIL’s expectations of proper sportsmanship. Failure to do so may result in being removed from the event and campus.
Lago Vista ISD appreciates everyone’s cooperation and support as we work to keep a safe and enjoyable environment at Viking athletic events.
Our School Day Information
7:15 am - Doors Open
7:40 am - School Starts
9:25 - Official Attendance Taken - Students must be at school at 9:25 in order to counted present for the day. If you are scheduling doctors appointments, please try to not schedule them at 9:25. Otherwise, they will be counted absent for the day (even if you bring them back to school).
10:40 - 4th Grade Lunch
11:15 - 5th Grade Lunch
3:15 - Dismissal
Trunk or Treat is Coming
WANTED: Trunk Participants, Volunteers and Donations.
Email LVISDEFTX@GMAIL.COM for more information.
Cafeteria Information
Breakfast and Lunch . Breakfast will be $2.10 and Lunch is $3.40. Here is the link to add funds to your child's account.
We will be welcoming lunchtime visitors on campus starting September 9th. This allows us time to teach and practice routines and procedures.
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
Free and Reduced Meal Applications - Families are encouraged to fill out the Free and Reduced-Price Meals applications. You can access the links below. You may not qualify for it, but you could be eligible for other assistance.
English -
Spanish -
Volunteer Application
Do you plan on volunteering this year? We would love to have your support! Click on the link below to fill-out your parent volunteer application.
Click HERE for the link to the Volunteer Application:
Groovy Photos from the Playground
This week, the High School Pals stopped in to visit our 4th graders at recess.
Who Do I Contact
Nurse - Gina Carmichael at
Counselor - Cynthia Gumbert at
Principal - Bonnie Sullivan at
Follow us on Facebook
4th Grade Fun in Science
Mrs. Holleyman's science class spent last week studying and observing tadpoles in science class.
Lago Vista Intermediate School
Location: 8039 Bar K Ranch Rd, Lago Vista, TX, USA
Phone: 512-267-8300