The Howl - Our Parent Newsletter
January 28, 2025
Dear Coyote Families,
Hope you are doing well and stayed warm on our "snow days" last week! Nature is magical! The past week we have started spring benchmark testing in 3rd-5th and our Coyotes are doing an awesome job! Thank you for the support as we close the campus to visitors on those days for a conducive testing atmosphere.
Remember this Friday is early release at 11:15.
Please remember to label your student's cold weather outer-wear with first and last name so we can return lost items quickly. Our lost and found pile unfortunately is growing day by day!
Have a great week and enjoy the hot cocoa!
The Great Kindness Challenge - Jan. 27-31
From PTO
Marco's Pizza Box Night has been extended to Thursday January 30. All Carter students decorated their own large pizza box in art class the last few weeks. When you order during spirit week, you will get your pizza delivered or carried out in your student’s decorated box. Ordering Instructions Here
ROCK'N BINGO is fun for the whole family. Join us Friday, February 21 for BINGO, a DJ, Photo Booth, an incredible silent auction, and so much more!
**Buy your tickets early, space is limited! All adults and children over 3 years old need an admission ticket.**
We are also looking for event volunteers. Sign up here! All volunteers get a free concession item.
To celebrate our new students joining their houses, new House Shirts designs have just been added to the Carter Spiritwear Store! House shirts are an approved dress code shirt and can be worn any day of the week.
Link to Spirit Store. https://stores.sugarlandink.com/carter_elementary_school/shop/products/all?page=1
From the Library
From Our Counselor
From Our Emergent/Bilingual Coach
From Gifted and Talented
If you would like your child to be screened for possible GT services and information about an upcoming meeting (November 7) regarding the GT program, please see the following flyer from Mrs. Matthys, our GT Facilitator.
24-25 Yearbook on Sale Now
From the Cafeteria
Full Price & Free and Reduced Cost Meals - Breakfast and Lunch
If you need information on free and/or reduced-cost meals, please click the link below to view the application and sign up. Students will be charged for all meals unless you apply and qualify for free and reduced-cost meals.
Uniform Information for New Students and Parents
Below, please find the uniform colors and uniform clothing items that can be worn for the 2023-2024 school year:
Bottoms: Solid color navy blue, black, khaki or blue denim pants, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers. Leggings/tights worn alone as well as embellished and distressed jeans with rips and tears are not allowed.
Tops: Solid color, collared (polo style, no logo) shirts in red, white, navy blue (dark blue,) black or hunter green (dark green.)
Maroon, gray, olive, kelly green, royal blue and light blue are not Carter approved uniform shirt colors.
School and PTO approved Carter ES spirit shirts are allowed daily, such as the once a year Carter themed shirt.
Leggings/tights worn alone as well as embellished and distressed jeans with rips and tears are not allowed. Additionally, basketball shorts, roller shoes, shoes that light up and backpacks on wheels are not allowed.
If a student is not wearing the proper uniform, they will be sent to the Nurse to either call home or receive a change of clothes, as our inventory allows.
A Few reminders About Dismissal
- AM Car line--ARRIVE as Early as 6:45: There is absolutely NO pedestrian drop-off traffic crossing our busy car line in the morning. This is for the safety of everyone.
- ⛔After 7:15 AM, your student is considered tardy. If you pull into the car line at 7:10 or later, you WILL most likely be tardy. After 7:15, parents must park and bring their child(ren) into the office to check-in and receive a tardy slip. ⛔
- PM Car line: PM car line is becoming very efficient. If you come to pick up your child in Car line after 3:00 PM, you may have to park and come in to the office to check out your child.
- AM and PM Car line: Refrain from using your cell phone on school property. Per elementary handbook, cell phone use in the car line is prohibited.
- Crosswalk: Please DO NOT park on Glass Peak Drive OR along Stonecreek Estates Drive on either side of the bridge and walk your student to the crosswalk--this road is not a parking lot. Lately an over congestion of cars parking near the intersections is causing an obstruction of a clear view for our walkers, bikers and crossing guard, particularly on the other side of the bridge where there is no longer staff assisting students and no crossing guard. Additionally, cars trying to come in and out of the neighborhood at Glass Peak Drive are blocked by cars parked to pick up or deliver walker students. The crosswalk is for students who are in the walk zone to Carter and do not have bus service due to their close proximity to the school.
- Pre-K and Kinder students: Students in this age category must have someone waiting to pick them up at the bus stop or cross walk otherwise they will be returned to school, causing inconveniences for you and your child.
To Register for Bus Service
If you still have not registered for bus service and need to. Please CLICK HERE to access the LCISD transportation webpage. There are 3 big blue buttons on the bottom of the page. You will click on the first button for instructions on how to register through your student's Skyward Family Access account. Once registered, click on the last blue bottom on the website above (or follow the instructions below) for instructions on how to download the My Stop App where you can see your child's bus route info, real-time student bus travel, and any messages about your bus.
Important District Changes to the Student Code of Conduct That Will Affect All Students
Among some of the most important changes are:
1. Being in possession of a Vape or E-cigarrette will result in automatic removal from the home campus to the Alternative Learning Center for a period of time TBD.
2. Being in possession of a Knife of any length will result in automatic removal from the home campus to the Alternative Learning Center for a period of time TBD.
3. Cellphones: Cellphones and personal electronic devices including smartwatches, must be turned off and stored in backpacks unless given specific permission given by a teacher to use for an instructional purpose. The district has outline specific, required consequence for violation of personal technology policy: See page 100 in elementary student handbook.
Link to Elementary Handbook and Student Code of Conduct: HERE
Arrival/Dismissal Map: Car Line, Bus, Walker/Bikers
Important Documents at Your Fingertips
Important Dates to Remember
1/31 - Early Release @ 11:15 & 100th Day of school
2/5 - College Day!
2/7 - Wear favorite team jersey in celebration of Superbowl
2/13 - Progress Report 3 distributed through Family Access
2/14 - Valentine Exchange. Wear a Valentine or red/pink shirt
2/17 - Student Holiday. No school for students
2/21 - Family Bingo Night
2/25 - Spring Picture Day
2/28 - Early Release @ 11:15
Don Carter Elementary School
Leann Imrie, Principal
Aerika Dial, Assistant Principal
Website: www.lcisd.org
Location: 8500 A Meyers Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: (832)223-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonCarterES/
Twitter: @cartercoyotes