Madison MS Newsletter
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Upcoming Events (next two weeks)
February 4th
- Jefferson HS Programming
February 5th
- Soccer match vs Coleman @ Madison 6pm
- Quarter 2 Report Cards Online via ParentVue
February 7th
- Avari Cups
- Math League
February 8th
- Saturday School-ELP
February 11th
- SLAM Virtual Quiz
February 12th
- Soccer match vs Tinker @ Madison 6pm
February 13th
- School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
- Reading Field Trip Incentive-Ms. Kamal
February 14th
- Fair Day/Non-Student Day
- Solo/Ensemble Music Event (off-campus)
February Month at a Glance
Family Bingo Night-Join Us!
🥬🥕🍍February Menu🥔🍕🌽
Soccer Information
Flag Football Information
Media Center News
Black History Month Spirit Days
Parent Teacher Student Association News
Nifty 50 Papa Johns Cards
- Limited number of cards available for purchase on campus (at Madison Middle School)
- Cards expire July 2025.
- 50% off of 18 orders.
- Online purchase is available by clicking the button below.
- The cost has been increased to $15 for each card.
Yearbook Information
❗Parent Apps❗
Email Ms. Brown (AP), Mr. Gray, or Ms. Koji if you need assistance after reviewing the link above.
- For ParentVue questions/concerns: traci.brown@hcps.net
- For Canvas question/concerns: amanda.koji@hcps.net
- General questions or concerns: antonio.gray@hcps.net
Madison Spirit Wear for Sale
Spirit wear is for sale! If you have any questions regarding Sprit Wear, contact Ms. Kamal (lena.kamal@hcps.net).
🚌Here Comes the Bus App🚌
Here Comes the Bus app allows you to track your child's school bus. Review the attachment for downloading instructions.
School District Code: 75255
Follow Us On Instagram
📅Revised Student Academic Calendar📅
📕Madison Middle School Student & Family Handbook (Please Read) 📕
Please review the Madison MS Student/Family Handbook. The handbook contains our school's expectations, procedures, programs, and more.
***Our updated cell phone policy and dress code information can be found in the handbook***
Contact Us
Website: https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/madison
Location: 4444 West Bay Vista Avenue, Tampa, FL, USA
Phone: 813-272-3050
Twitter: @MadisonMSTampa