CRPS Chronicles
Back-to-School 2024 Edition
We're Cooking Up a Great Year at CRPS!
Dear Conover Road Primary School Families,
We hope this email finds you well and enjoying the last delicious bites of summer vacation! On behalf of the entire staff of Conover Road Primary School, we are stirring with excitement to welcome you and your child back for another fantastic school year!
This year, we're embracing the theme "We're Cooking up a Great Year!" Just as a five-star meal requires the perfect blend of ingredients and a dash of culinary magic, we believe that Conover Road Primary School creates successful student experiences with a recipe that combines engaging lessons, nurturing support, and active participation from our entire school community.
Here are a few key ingredients in our recipe for success:
1. A positive learning environment (our secret sauce)
2. Engaging curriculum (the main course)
3. Dedicated teachers and staff (the master chefs)
4. Strong parent-school partnership (the essential seasoning)
As we prepare to turn up the heat on learning, please review this edition of the CRPS Chronicles to learn about:
• First Day of School Information
• Dates for New Student Orientation, Kindergarten Kick-Off Playdate and Preschool Orientation
• Genesis Parent Portal Forms and Classroom and Bus Assignments
We can't wait to see what delectable discoveries our students will make this year. From experimenting with new ideas in science class and iLab to savoring great books in reading classes, every day will bring fresh opportunities to grow and learn.
Remember, just like in cooking, sometimes the best creations come from trying new things. So don't be afraid to encourage your child to add their own special flavor to this school year! If your little one is feeling anxious about the new school year ahead, please reach out to our team so that we can make sure our "kitchen" is prepared and our resident "chefs" can help your child add their own unique flavors to our school.
If you have any questions or concerns as we begin this new school year, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're looking forward to a year filled with growth, learning, and plenty of "food for thought"! Don't forget to pack your appetite for knowledge – we're serving up learning hot and fresh every day!
Tricia Barr, Principal and Merri Milano, Assistant Principal
Genesis Parent Portal Opens Aug. 26th at 9:00 AM
Preschool and New Student Orientations
Serving Up Some Kindergarten Fun! Kindergarten Kickoff Playdate August 29th
First Day of School: Thursday, September 5, 2024
We're about to whip up another fantastic school year, and we can't wait to see all our young chefs back in our learning kitchen. Our first full day of school will be Thursday, September 5, 2024. This is a full-day session of school. Student drop-off will take place starting at 8:45 a.m. The instructional day will begin at 9:00 a.m. when children should be in their homerooms. At arrival, staff members will be stationed at various locations within the building, bus lanes, and alongside the drop-off lane. In the interest of safety, parents will not be permitted to enter the building during this drop-off window. In the event you have school supplies that need to be dropped off, or questions answered by members of our faculty, please make arrangements to come to the school at times that do not coincide with student arrival.
Remember, patience is certainly a key ingredient in our back-to-school recipe. The first few days might be a little extra zesty as everyone gets used to the new routine!
Back to School Night 2024--Thursday, September 12 6-8 PM
New Chefs in our Kitchen! Welcome to our Newest Staff Members
We are delighted to introduce you to our newest staff members who will be joining our Conover Road Primary School Team! They are looking forward to stirring in their own special flavor and spice to make our students days even more delectable!
Gianna Dane
Kindergarten Teacher
Diana Mronzinski-Kasimov
Kindergarten Instructional Assistant
Jillian O’Reilly
Kindergarten Instructional Assistant
Rebecca Groninger
District Counselor
Enrolling in Before or After School Care
We offer wrap-around care to families in need of before and/or after school care. The YMCA of Western Monmouth County oversees this program in our school cafeteria and playground. Before care hours are from 7:30 a.m. until student arrival. After care is available from student dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Click on the above link to learn more and to register your child for this offering.
School Supply Lists
School supply lists can be accessed below or from our school website www.coltsneckschools.org. If you would like to drop off supplies prior to the start of school, please make sure that all supplies are in a large bag labeled with your child's first and last name, grade level, and teacher name. Supplies may be dropped off at school on:
Thursday, August 29th (K students may bring supplies to K. Playdate)
Tuesday, September 3rd (after 10:30 AM)
Wednesday, September 4th
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
-Doors open at 8:45 AM. Student arrival is between 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM. Children arriving after 9:00 AM will need to be escorted and signed into the main office by a parent or guardian. Children will be marked "tardy" in Genesis.
-If your child will be driven to school in a personal vehicle, it is encouraged that you enter our property by turning right off of Conover Road. (TIP: If you are transporting CRES and CRPS students, drop the Primary School children off first because it is easier to turn right onto Conover Road at arrival time.) Stay to your far right on the driveway to enter the student drop-off lane. Students are to exit the vehicle curb-side, where a faculty member is present. Parents must assist children in exiting the vehicle quickly and safely to keep a steady flow of traffic in the drop-off lane. Please assist children with organizing belongings.
-Bus riders will be greeted by staff members each day. Children will be directed to the doors that are labeled for their assigned grade level by our staff. Members of our school team will be stationed in the bus lane and school hallways to direct children to classrooms where they will be greeted by their teacher.
Preschool and Pre-K Dismissal
-Preschool/Pre-K students will be dismissed from their classrooms to the foyer area at 3:05. Teachers will escort children to foyer and wait with them until parents arrive.
-Parents of preschool children should arrive by 3:05 and park in our school lot. Parents will exit their vehicles and create a line in front of the school. Photo identification will need to be presented in order for your child to be released to a parent or caregiver.
K-2 Dismissal
-If you are picking up your child from school, be sure to fill out the "Daily Pickup Release Form" in the Genesis Parent Portal by NOON on the date of pick-up.
-If your child will be picked up EVERY day, be sure to have your child included on the Permanent Pick-Up List. To verify that you have filled out the Genesis Form for the Permanent Pick-Up List, please call the school office and speak with Mrs. Corrigan. 732-946-0055 ext. 4700.
-Children enrolled in YMCA Aftercare will be asked to report to the cafeteria and attendance will be taken by a CRPS team members and YMCA staff member.
-Parents picking up their child from school should arrive to our property by 3:15. Parents will wait in the K-2 dismissal line. Photo identification will need to be presented in order for your child to be released to a parent or caregiver.
-The end of our instructional day for students in K-2nd grade is 3:15 PM. We will begin the dismissal process at 3:16, and intend to release the buses from our school property by 3:30 PM.
-Remain PATIENT in the early days as all students and staff learn each child's unique dismissal arrangements.
Back-to-School Tips for Families
It is likely that your child may express both excitement and even a tiny bit of anxiety about the upcoming transition to Conover Road Primary School. Even children who are familiar with our school may feel unsettled about moving to a new grade level with a different teacher and set of classmates. In order to better prepare your child for a wonderful school year, we offer the following suggestions from the American Academy of Pediatrics Council of School Health:
2024-2025 School Calendar
Please use this calendar to make note of the upcoming school events and school holidays for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Notes from the Nurse, Mrs. Deborah Kelleher
In addition to reviewing the Nursing Notes, please be mindful that all students must have completed physicals and updated record of immunizations in order for your child to start school in September. Please be sure to send all health records to Mrs. Kelleher at the time of your child's physical so that your little one is not excluded from first day fun!
Join our Colts Neck PTO!
Conover Road Primary School
Email: barr@coltsneckschools.org
Website: coltsneckschools.org
Location: 56 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ, USA
Phone: (732)946-0055
Facebook: facebook.com/ConoverPrimary
Twitter: @ConoverPrimary