February 2025
February 3, 2025
Beard's Bulletin:
We just completed hosting the District Spelling Bee here at Thompson Auditorium on Tuesday, January 28th. Congratulations to Silas Hagery and Cassida Wilson for representing Tiger Creek in such an outstanding way! This is a longstanding tradition for the District competition to be held at the Tiger Creek Auditorium.
Coming up we have a PTO meeting at 6PM on Monday, March 3rd. Please put that on your calendar and try to come out to support the PTO!
The Dish with Mrs. Dills!
Happy February! We are finally getting back into our regular routine after all of the interruptions in January. Many people consider February Kindness Month. I tell our students often that it costs nothing to be kind to someone. I’d like to encourage you to talk with your child about ways that they can be kind to others. Challenge them to do a “Random Act of Kindness” for someone this month. It can be as simple as saying a kind word, thanking or helping someone (teachers, SRO, cafeteria staff, custodians, etc), or even making a card for someone. Spreading kindness can change the course of someone’s day….and sometimes it can change the course of their life. Let’s encourage our kids to be change makers in this world!
Tiger Creek is becoming the 5th school in Catoosa County to house a food pantry for Helping Hands Ending Hunger, a nonprofit corporation started in Northwest Georgia. If you would like to learn more, donate or volunteer with this wonderful program we will be having our first training for HHEH on Wednesday, February 19th at 3pm. Please come join us!
You may also contact Nancy Pacheco, our Communities in Schools Coordinator at npacheco.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us to learn more or click the handprint on the side to watch a video about the program.
On March 29th, Dance Stars will hold their Dancing with the Stars event at the Chattanooga Convention Center. This year they are raising money for the nonprofit, Helping Hands Ending Hunger. Our very own Assistant Principal, Mrs. Jayme Dills will be one of the contestants! She will be partnered with Pro Dancer Ryan Roberts! If you or anyone you know would like to vote for Mrs. Dills and donate towards the cause, please click on Mrs. Dills' picture which will take you to the website.
Academic Coach's Minute
To help our students build confidence and fluency in math, I encourage you to set aside a few minutes each evening to practice math facts with your child. Regular practice makes a big difference. Flashcards, apps, or even quick verbal quizzes during everyday activities like car rides or meal prep can be fun and effective ways to reinforce these skills.
What skills to focus on:
Kindergarten: addition facts to 10
1st Grade: addition and subtraction facts to 10
Second Grade: addition and subtraction facts to 20
Third Grade: Multiplication facts to 10
Fourth Grade: Multiplication and division facts to 10
Fifth Grade: Multiplication and division facts to 10
If you need help locating math fact resources please feel free to contact me at: jbishop.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Thank you for your support in helping your child succeed in math!
TCE Chorus presents the Spring Musical!
March 7th & 8th, Please join us in the TCE Rodney Thompson auditorium
at 6pm as the TCE Chorus performs our Spring Musical!
P.E. with Mrs. Moore
Our New Year's Resolution in PE is learning how to tie our shoes! All students are participating in mini lessons on shoe tying during the months of January and February. Anyone who can tie their shoes by themselves at the end of February will receive a special prize!! Feel free to practice tying shoes at home.
Don't forget to wear tennis shoes to school on your designated PE days.
Let the games begin, Heart Heroes! Kids Heart Challenge is back even bigger and better than before!
Download the AHA Schools app to search for our school or visit www.heart.org/schools to sign your student up. JUST SIGNING UP RAISES MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL. You can also customize and share a video to send to family and friends where they can learn Hands-Only CPR and warning signs of a stroke and ask for donations!
Thanks, Mrs. Moore
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Haynes
Mrs. Haynes and Rex love the Valentine's Character Word: Tolerance - Respecting the differences of others. Check out Mrs. Haynes's posts on Class Dojo for updates on counseling updates, sports sign-ups, and community resources.
Rex says our Queen of Hearts pre-sale starts Friday, February 7th. Give your teacher a JUMP start on the 10th -13th Valentine competition! Hearts are ten cents each and will be for sale each morning in the breezeway. The teacher that receives the most hearts will be crowned on Valentine's Day!! Cover your teacher's door with hearts!! Proceeds benefit PBIS student rewards.
February Character Trait: Tolerance
This month's character trait is Tolerance! Being respectful of the differences in people. Accepting others as they are. Listening to others who may have a different point of view.
Officer Holli's Safety Minute
Hello Students, Parents, and Staff.
As we get back in the swing of things here @ The Creek after some inclement weather, let us focus on Winter Safety Tips. As we continue through the next few months of winter, let us keep these safety tips in mind:
Dress Warmly: If you are working or out in the frigid temperatures, please ensure you’re dressed appropriately . Layered clothing, insulated and waterproof boots are advised. However, Coats, gloves, and scarves are recommended as well. Frostbite can develop rapidly, causing skin tissue to become frozen and possibly resulting in permanent damage if not treated promptly.
Winter Emergency kit: Keep A basic First Aid kit in the vehicle, as well as items such as flashlights, blankets, non perishable foods, water, and a set of jumper cables.
Drive Safely: Staff and parents please keep in mind to slow down. Please allow 2 car lengths of space in between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you to allow sudden stops. Inspect your vehicle’s tires for winter readiness.
Although winter weather can bring peculiar obstacles, with preparation and precautions set in place we can stay ahead of the game and stay safe. Thank you for your continued support @ The creek!
Officer Holli
You must have your ID to enter the building.
Upcoming Dates at the Creek!
Feb 2 -Groundhog Day
Feb 4 - 100th Day of School (updated due to weather days)
Feb 4 -CCPS Board Meeting 6pm@County Office
Feb 3-7 -National School Counseling Week
Feb 7 -PBIS Friendship Day $1
Feb 10-13 Hearts for sale (Crown a teacher Queen or King of Hearts)
Feb 11 -Dental Van -Rechecks for students from November
Feb 12 - School Resource Officer Day!
Feb 14 -Happy Valentine's Day
Feb 14 -In-service Day, No School for Students
Feb 17 - President's Day, No School
Feb 18 -Midterm Progress Reports go home
Feb 26 -Spring Picture Day, Class Pictures
Mar 3-7 -Read Across America Week
Mar 5 -CCPS Board Meeting 6pm@County Office
Mar 7-8 - Spring Musical: Frozen
Mar 9 -Daylight Savings Time begins, Spring forward!
Mar 12 -End of 3rd 9 Weeks
Mar 13 - 1/2 day for Students, dismissal @11am
Mar 14 -In-service Day, No School for Students
Mar 17 -Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Mar 19 -3rd 9 Weeks Report Cards go home
Mar 20 -1st Day of Spring!
Mar 27 -5th Grade Book Talk 8:30-11:30
Mar 28 -PBIS Arm Wrestle Mania
Mar 31-Apr 4 -Spring Break, No School
CHICK FLI A Biscuits on February 28th!
PTO will be selling Chick Fli A chicken biscuits at the end of the car rider line on the morning of Friday, February 28th. Info will be coming home soon!
PTO is planning a Family Fun Night event for late March. A flyer will be coming home soon with all the information which will include dinner, fun activities and more!
Spring Fundraiser Info Coming Soon!
PTO will be doing a easy fundraiser with Little Caesar's! Information will be coming home very soon!
Next PTO meeting, will be Monday, March 3rd at 6pm in the TCE Rodney Thompson Auditorium.
Please join us!
Dear Parents,
If your child received care from the Help a Child Smile Mobile Dental Program in November, they will be seen for their follow-up visit on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. Since this is a follow up visit, no paperwork is required for this visit.
If you have any questions, or concerns please call me at 706-935-0727 or email at ssykora.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us.
Nurse Sherri
PBIS News & Events
Skip the Car Line winners for the 2nd semester:
Congratulations to the families who won!
Emberlyn Adams
Willow Sessions
Cassida & Leldon Wilson
We are Ready!
We are Respectful!
We are Safe!
We help make our school TIGERRIFIC!
Communities in School Spotlight!
TCE Parent & Family Involvement
The Title I Family Resource Center is a dedicated space in our school for families. Located in room 100, our Family Resource Center is a place for parents to check out items to use with their children, to work on school volunteer projects and to obtain helpful information. The Resource Library can be used by parents to help their student(s) reach their full potential. We have books and academic materials such as flash cards, Leap Frogs, and learning games that can be checked out by parents to use at home to help improve their student(s) reading and math skills. These items can help make learning more fun and exciting. Contact Mrs. Bridges to check something out.
Please click the link below for the Family Engagement eLibrary offered by The Parent Institute. It has a wide range of online brochures, booklets and books on academic skills as well as parent topics such as positive behavior, motivation, and more. Most of the items are offered in Spanish as well as English.
Mrs. Bridges has set up a nice coffee & cocoa bar for staff & volunteers as well as a large area to work in. If you are interested in volunteering in any type of way, please stop in and see her in Room 100, or email her at sbridges.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us Her office hours are: 7:30-11:30, Monday-Friday.
Parent Reminders
Parent/Guardians: You have the right to have a teacher-parent conference at any time during the school year. If you have concerns, need to let the teacher/school know about updated medical info, or want more information on the way your child learns or about learning standards please contact your child’s teacher by emailing the teacher, calling the school at 706-935-9890 and leaving the teacher a voice message or by sending in a written request to the teacher. Your child's teacher will get back to you as quick as possible.
TCE Parent/Guardians: We value your input on TCE Policy, Budget, School Improvement Plan, etc... Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Mrs. Sara Bridges, Parent Involvement Coordinator, or our Administrators: Mr. Beard, Principal or Mrs. Dills, Assistant Principal.
Catoosa County Schools is looking for Bus Drivers!
Catoosa County Parks & Recreation
Catoosa County Library
The Library at Catoosa offers a variety of services, such as monthly activities for all ages, an outstanding Genealogy collection, and over 100,000 items in print and audiovisual formats to check out. At the library, they provide free Internet, access to Microsoft Office programs, GALILEO, GADD, and so much more! Our Catoosa County Library is a member of PINES, a public library lending network of more than 300 libraries throughout Georgia. Click the link to see more of what is happening at your local Library!